I'm turned off by men who don't carry the same values I do of keeping sexual "application" in the bounds of marriage. Sexual urges are fine, acting on them without marriage, not for me, nor a value I want to encourage in my own child. If it's considered to be maladaptive, so be it. A man can be romantic and courtly without blatant sexual passes.
So, yes, I'm frustrated when men make sexual advances as the foremost issue in a relationship. There are so many more important focuses in a relationship, and the sex should just be the bonus, not the glue holding the relationship.
As for your website passage question:Rather, loneliness is only ever truly resolved by someone else who relates and responds so as to move you, uniquely, with challenge and variety, compatibly and reciprocally, ever the better to know one another. And since emotion finding outlet thus becomes motivation, meaningful common goals or inquiries actively pursued may greatly facilitate the aforesaid resolution of loneliness. Indeed, in substantive co-operative endeavor may the flame of just such affection be most readily be fanned and nurtured. And loneliness is but the starvation thereof.