I just want to add that, nothing in this thread constitutes, 'gaslighting.' You are misusing a word, which means you clearly don't understand it's meaning, and furthermore, you are trivializing people who have actually experienced TRUE gaslighting. If you truly knew what that word meant, you would not use it so flippantly.
Validation, toxic, gaslighting, narcissist, triggering... yablahblah. These are the words used by people who don't think for themselves. And I will call you out on it, because your misuse of language creates a communication rift, that only furthers the very problems you speak to, which are real.
Validation is something you get for your parking.
Toxic is what some chemicals are to the human body.
Gaslighting refers to a carefully planned conspiracy by multiple people, to drive another person insane, so as to benefit in some way; usually to gain power, money, or both.
Narcissist is a very blanket term, that really doesn't have any meaning anymore, and even the clinical definition holds about as much weight as any another so called, 'clinical mental disorder,' which if that field of so called, 'science,' was really helping the world so much, I'd sure as hell expect everyone to be doing a lot better and treating eachother a lot better, which they aren't; instead, they just parrot stupid words used by people with bachelors degrees in social work, like ******* morons.
And triggers has got to be the dumbest psycho-babble word of them all, as before it entered the popular vernacular to describe an emotionally exciting event, it was mainly used to describe the things on guns that lower the hammer on to the ******* firing pin.
Authoritarianism is on the rise. So it's not complicated to understand that people will be divided amongst themselves. The people are scared, angry, disolussioned, and in despair; such a complex emotional soup, shared amongst many people, is the perfect breeding ground for scapegoats, to be sacrificed at the alter. But from a simple psychological perspective, you will always have, more or less, two kinds of people: assertive/aggressive types, and cautious/submissive types.
And people will pride themselves on each of those things. Life needs people who have balls of steel and thick hides. They get the hard stuff done. The funny thing is, they are just as sensitive, if not more so, than the fuzzy dice people.
Likewise, there are those of us, who, are pejoratively referred to as, 'snowflakes.' There are people who have a sensitivity to things, and concern themselves with business in the fine china shop. That's usually not the best place for a bull to be running around in. These people are likewise, often very stoic, rigid, and sturdy on the interior.
However, we all usually have a mix of both of those characteristics. Sometimes it's close to 50/50, other times it's 25/75, etc., etc..
What it really boils down to is, the masculine and the feminine principle. The masculine is assert/aggressive. The feminine is yielding/submissive.
The masculine approach to solving other people's problem is, 'fix it like this!' or, 'quit being a pussy!'
The feminine approach to caring for other's troubles is to understand, 'wow, that must be hard.' 'what can I do to ease your pain?'
We all have the masculine and feminine principle inside of us, mixed in different ratios, whether balanced or unbalanced.
When we have proper balance, between our masculine and feminine principles, they work together, in unison, and play off the strengths of the other, and support the weaknesses of the other.
I would venture a guess, as to why, we see so much, "imbalance," in these principles, within ourselves, and the world at large lately, is because we are disrespecting our own cosmic father, and earthly mother so much. We are out balance with nature. Driven soley by our constant desires, unending seeking for satiation, and total disregard for the gifts our cosmic father and earthly mother have given us. (translation from new-age hooey: everybody is forced into a particular survival lifestyle by the pull of the heard, and the heard is stupid, dumb, and ****-all ignorant (collectively as a society, continuing to, and being forced to live with the consequences, of very stupid decisions and actions, motivated by ignorance, foolishness, greed, etc..) to degrees I'd bet you couldn't even fathom. And if that wasn't enough, we all have our own idea of what ignorance, foolishness, and greed is; and it's often the exact opposite of what some one else thinks).
So, we need both, in this world (the masculine and feminine), and there are places where both of those principles are greatly effective, and places where they are counter-productive.
*sigh* carry on with your ********...
Lonliness doesn't make me feel insane though. What the majority of people think and do in this world does,
though. And the information that video provides, in my opinion, shouldn't even really be funny. We shouldn't be laughing at this....