Does loneliness also makes anyone feels insane ?

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The same could be said for the people looking for advice...which is what I said. I guess you weren't listening. :)
Nice gaslighting sweetie. Toxic af. I see you just fine like I always have for the past 5 years, Callie. The Drama Queen of ALL, and benevolent ruler of CHAT. Keep your crown, you're good at it, I'll give ya that! 😘

"Looking" not "asking". Right. Gotcha. Nice smilie cover-up. Selective hearing and a strong opinionated stance to match. Sorry, not sorry for being a much needed Drama King only to you. What's changed over the years? Nothing. Just like your same advice over and over again. You might as well copy and paste everything by now. Where's your birches from her just being honest and you thinking it was targeted at you solely? Well, until now... of course. Get your validation from the chat and stop chasing off the high functioning and sensitive people (PRO-active members) with your constant misunderstanding and blunt bitterness. PLEASE. Thanks! ❤️

Being blunt, sorry if it's harsh for being honest and factual, like YOU. :coffee:
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The same could be said for the people looking for advice...which is what I said. I guess you weren't listening. :)

I've seen you around this forum consistently giving advice that demonstrates you haven't even thought twice about what you've read... you could try to take honest feedback and humble yourself
Why is everyone getting bent out of shape about being told to get out and try meeting people? How else are you going to meet people?

I think everyone on here has an inkling about what their own issues are and until they are ready to actually deal with it they won't, no matter how much advice (good or bad) they get. So you've tried something? Try, try, again.

But if I share my problems on here I want help not "validation" validation of my life being a pile of **** gets me nowhere. Ideas on how to clean it up are more productive.

Keep your chin up OP. If you want to talk I'll see you in the chatroom, anyone's welcome as long as you are respectful to others you'll have nothing to fear from our evil queen. 👑
I just want to add that, nothing in this thread constitutes, 'gaslighting.' You are misusing a word, which means you clearly don't understand it's meaning, and furthermore, you are trivializing people who have actually experienced TRUE gaslighting. If you truly knew what that word meant, you would not use it so flippantly.

Validation, toxic, gaslighting, narcissist, triggering... yablahblah. These are the words used by people who don't think for themselves. And I will call you out on it, because your misuse of language creates a communication rift, that only furthers the very problems you speak to, which are real.

Validation is something you get for your parking.

Toxic is what some chemicals are to the human body.

Gaslighting refers to a carefully planned conspiracy by multiple people, to drive another person insane, so as to benefit in some way; usually to gain power, money, or both.

Narcissist is a very blanket term, that really doesn't have any meaning anymore, and even the clinical definition holds about as much weight as any another so called, 'clinical mental disorder,' which if that field of so called, 'science,' was really helping the world so much, I'd sure as hell expect everyone to be doing a lot better and treating eachother a lot better, which they aren't; instead, they just parrot stupid words used by people with bachelors degrees in social work, like ******* morons.

And triggers has got to be the dumbest psycho-babble word of them all, as before it entered the popular vernacular to describe an emotionally exciting event, it was mainly used to describe the things on guns that lower the hammer on to the ******* firing pin.


Authoritarianism is on the rise. So it's not complicated to understand that people will be divided amongst themselves. The people are scared, angry, disolussioned, and in despair; such a complex emotional soup, shared amongst many people, is the perfect breeding ground for scapegoats, to be sacrificed at the alter. But from a simple psychological perspective, you will always have, more or less, two kinds of people: assertive/aggressive types, and cautious/submissive types.

And people will pride themselves on each of those things. Life needs people who have balls of steel and thick hides. They get the hard stuff done. The funny thing is, they are just as sensitive, if not more so, than the fuzzy dice people.

Likewise, there are those of us, who, are pejoratively referred to as, 'snowflakes.' There are people who have a sensitivity to things, and concern themselves with business in the fine china shop. That's usually not the best place for a bull to be running around in. These people are likewise, often very stoic, rigid, and sturdy on the interior.

However, we all usually have a mix of both of those characteristics. Sometimes it's close to 50/50, other times it's 25/75, etc., etc..

What it really boils down to is, the masculine and the feminine principle. The masculine is assert/aggressive. The feminine is yielding/submissive.

The masculine approach to solving other people's problem is, 'fix it like this!' or, 'quit being a pussy!'

The feminine approach to caring for other's troubles is to understand, 'wow, that must be hard.' 'what can I do to ease your pain?'

We all have the masculine and feminine principle inside of us, mixed in different ratios, whether balanced or unbalanced.

When we have proper balance, between our masculine and feminine principles, they work together, in unison, and play off the strengths of the other, and support the weaknesses of the other.

I would venture a guess, as to why, we see so much, "imbalance," in these principles, within ourselves, and the world at large lately, is because we are disrespecting our own cosmic father, and earthly mother so much. We are out balance with nature. Driven soley by our constant desires, unending seeking for satiation, and total disregard for the gifts our cosmic father and earthly mother have given us. (translation from new-age hooey: everybody is forced into a particular survival lifestyle by the pull of the heard, and the heard is stupid, dumb, and ****-all ignorant (collectively as a society, continuing to, and being forced to live with the consequences, of very stupid decisions and actions, motivated by ignorance, foolishness, greed, etc..) to degrees I'd bet you couldn't even fathom. And if that wasn't enough, we all have our own idea of what ignorance, foolishness, and greed is; and it's often the exact opposite of what some one else thinks).

So, we need both, in this world (the masculine and feminine), and there are places where both of those principles are greatly effective, and places where they are counter-productive.


*sigh* carry on with your ********...


Lonliness doesn't make me feel insane though. What the majority of people think and do in this world does, though. And the information that video provides, in my opinion, shouldn't even really be funny. We shouldn't be laughing at this....
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Gaslighting at it's foundation is deflecting. Avoidance of looking in the mirror to understand the next person. Thinking before you speak, not this purely analytical approach or thinking someone doesn't love themselves. Energetically, it is fear that is afraid someone can see right through them and their words. Maintaining one's egotistic wisdom. You went out of your way to over-explain it that you are trapped in it. Sorry, you wasted your time chasing your tail.

You speak language and facts all you want, and think I sound arrogant all you want; People at their cores, opinions, inventions, aspirations are utterly impossible to not ever encounter any form of gaslighting. It's nature. Until you are balance and without an ego, EVERYONE gaslights or is gaslighted. Every. Single. Person.

You feel better being a hypocrite? I bet you do. You wrote in circles and the general knowledge of it. I provoke people to look at themselves. Carry on with your common sense ramble, fellow bullshitter. You responded toxic with toxic. You are FAR from allowed to dictate that you have very one-sided knowledge of what gaslighting is and how to defeat it. Know that. VERY pro-masculine reply to someone who clearly doesn't know much about Feminine pains and trauma related to the topic. How ironic. You're spreading awareness and dissecting me which is fine but you are indeed doing it with someone who talks with balance and ego death, about what topic exactly? Balance! Thanks. :)


Want to know a GIANT sore thumb flag of gaslighting that the Feminine collective sees? "Your use", "Clearly", "Proper". "Language barriers", "Mis-use". To be short and blunt, back - Work on your feminine, all the same. Thanks.

I agree with your latter halve, not the former. A good read! Callie is a gaslighter, and you do not have the prior knowledge of this woman and how she is in the wild. I wanted to out her. Not have the term, dissected. You fought for what's right and I respect that. I spoke like a victim, because well, I am one of her victims. You chose what sounded right versus someone being passionate. Which one is more honest? Exactly.

Being honest and vulnerable is what exactly? Being honest and vulnerable. Effective gaslighting removes itself from the equation. She won. I was showing feminine energy to toxic masculinity. Balance! <3

Honesty does not proof-read. Only gaslighting does that. An ego. Imbalance.

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Why is everyone getting bent out of shape about being told to get out and try meeting people? How else are you going to meet people?

I think everyone on here has an inkling about what their own issues are and until they are ready to actually deal with it they won't, no matter how much advice (good or bad) they get. So you've tried something? Try, try, again.

But if I share my problems on here I want help not "validation" validation of my life being a pile of **** gets me nowhere. Ideas on how to clean it up are more productive.

Keep your chin up OP. If you want to talk I'll see you in the chatroom, anyone's welcome as long as you are respectful to others you'll have nothing to fear from our evil queen. 👑
"Respect" being one of the primary potential gas-lit reasonings and how subjective it can be, as to why trauma victims avoid chatrooms whose rules mirror ones they've been gaslighted in, where is 'that' awareness? No one is bent out of shape. Defense to Offense, all the same. Same respect, different angle.

The long-term members who haven't found love enough to get off of this site really really really..... need to take their own advice before bestowing it for years and trying something new themselves. Please, and thank you.

Those people you refer to that have an 'inkling' usually have a lot more than that, you're assuming, not understanding, and they only respond to ignorance a certain way after it's shoved down their throat countless times in the form of tough love. And you respond with? The same advice. OP and the feminine replies on here were not asking for validation, Kaetic. Expect tough love from the two tough hard-working women from ALL chat. Which is fine, but don't talk as if you don't demean quietly please, when clearly you do. You and Callie both want validation for your tough loves.

You are projecting.

Tough is easier to explain. Trauma is hard to talk about. We need more sensitivity on here and less tough. That's the point that was trying to be conveyed.

For the record, I know these two very personally and how toxic their talks are on chat and on here. So, that was directed at them, purely. Thanks for putting up with my **** the rest of you.

I am highlighting something that has been on here for YEARS. Since the days of the Questions for Men and Women drama in which these two conveniently pretend they weren't popcorn eaters then and still are, now. Sniffing out the battles, only.

Want to see non-stop toxic talk like that? Where they judge and single members out, gossiping. Join Jen's chat (*cough* ALL chat) where the rules bend for her and her besties, always.

Here, some more distraction from your lives and your hurt. Talk about me in there, I'd appreciate it. 😙

See the recruitment? JOIN the ALL fraternity. Come validate US, not them! We're lonely in ALL chat, and disrespect the members on here CONSTANTLY and hypocritically. "ONE OF US", gooble gobble. We use toxicity to get along and always welcome you with THE RULES, FIRST! 😅 They only use this site to get their members and it shows. Revolving door that chat is, and for a REASON.


The absolute and ultimate irony that is, old advice trying to masquerade and survive as the new.
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Yeah, I don't know you and you sure as hell don't know me.

What happened? Did you get banned from the chat? and you're still butthurt about it?
What happened to your account on the forum?
What was your name if you're so trustworthy to be saying defamatory things about other members?
Or, can't you say because you got banned on here too?
@Libralove okay you have a grudge against a member here. If you don't like her advice ignore it. Carrying out personal vendettas against people is not a purpose of this forum. Just drop it.
I feel like I'm missing five years of context but I've been here for that long...and even longer.

To OP: It could have potentially made me insane if not for some internet friends that accompanied me along the way and eventually my partner that I have met online. I have family but I never felt like I could be truly honest with them about some things. Either way, the only common thread is not lose connection to people entirely. I have spent a lot of time getting accustomed to being alone, but I always needed to be faintly tethered to some individuals. I didn't have much success offline and online I always tried to focus my efforts properly on one avenue instead of using a scattershot method of making a dozen accounts on different instant-messaging/social media platforms to chase the smallest conversations.

It takes effort regardless: Investing into people, earning and giving will be disappointed here and there. In the meantime, don't stop going for walks. It always cleared my head when I was doing badly. As for more concrete advice, you can try looking for specific interest groups. Helps to facilitate some basic conversation and then you broaden the scope. I do not know if you are specifically looking for the "like-minded" but obviously you would find them in places you would willingly visit yourself.
Forcing yourself into going out and being social has value in itself, but for those with a string a disappointments and betrayals in their past it isn't easy, or sometimes even worth the risk.

I find a lot of people I've met at meetups were more interested in networking than socializing and making new friends. As in "are you a good connection for my career?", growing the social media followers, type of impression. This was always in the more broad 'social' groups, rather than the specific interest events, so as like Rodent pointed out, following through on your individual interests might be the best approach.
Why is everyone getting bent out of shape about being told to get out and try meeting people? How else are you going to meet people?
At least what I was refering to (Im not sure what other things been discussed on this topic because Ive blocked a lot of people here I miss part of the discussions) is that Ive seen many people suggesting things like "just start talking with people on the bus stop, you will meet someone", some people suggest to talk with random people on the street. And thats not a real way to meet people.

Also because this topic wasnt actually about meet people, the topic was very clear in the tittle, was a direct question.
Also because this topic wasnt actually about meet people, the topic was very clear in the tittle, was a direct question.
But that's the thing, it's not just about if others feel the same, it's also about solving the problem.

If you are at that bus stop every day and so are they, why couldn't you potentially become friends with someone? The same is true if you are walking near your home, depending on where you live, chances are high that those people probably live nearby and they could potentially become your friends. To get away from the insanity that you feel, you have to make a connection with someone and you can literally accomplish that anywhere. You never know where you will meet the person that becomes your best friend or even potentially a romantic partner.

I get that you personally may not want to hear possible solutions, but what about the people who feel the same? I've learned that just because the person asking the question may not want to hear it or even hear anything from me, that others might, so maybe it will help them.
At least what I was refering to (Im not sure what other things been discussed on this topic because Ive blocked a lot of people here I miss part of the discussions) is that Ive seen many people suggesting things like "just start talking with people on the bus stop, you will meet someone", some people suggest to talk with random people on the street. And thats not a real way to meet people.

Also because this topic wasnt actually about meet people, the topic was very clear in the tittle, was a direct question.
I apologize, I lost track of the original topic with all the weirdness that came after.

But yeah, being alone for too long definitely worsens my depression. Being stuck at home alone for longer than a couple days takes a toll as well.
I don't believe I can add anything practical here, but I just wanted to tell you that I like being alone, but when I get lonely, it can make me very anxious and bad anxiety can make you feel as if you are going to go crazy any minute. I do sometimes find a way to distract myself, but other times, I just let the tears come...
Yupp yupp, it very much used to. Although, if I felt those feelings again, I would use them to fuel my writing endeavours.

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