Drug Testing for Jobless Benefits

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Drug Test those who receive Government aid?

  • Yes

    Votes: 7 58.3%
  • No

    Votes: 5 41.7%

  • Total voters
The Good Citizen said:
tangerinedream said:
Mandatory vasectomies for young, sexually active men who are on public assistance!

So mandatory hysterectomies for the ladies too I assume

Actually, all kidding aside I hope, you wouldn't believe how good of an idea this would be. I'm going off topic here but my mom volunteers for Children's Aid, there are SO MANY people with children in care WHO KEEP HAVING CHILDREN! It is insane, some of them are completely incapable of caring for their kids, that's why they are in care, yet keep having more kids who end up in care the moment they are born. My mom told me of one woman who has 5 kids, 3 have never lived with her. She got her oldest back after going through therapy and what not, 2 months later she begged CAS to take the kid back because she couldn't handle it. But keeps popping them out. It's depressing. Can't take care of the ones they have so have more...wtf...

Anyway, on topic, I think that is done (around here) with ones who have a history of drug abuse and are on employment assistance or whatever. That might be court ordered though because they were busted for drugs. I dunno the whole story behind it cause I've never used drugs. But if I was on assistance and was forced to take drug tests I'd be insulted, on the other hand why should my tax dollars pay for some drug addict who can't hold a job and lives on assistance.
Some people and born into sections of society where drugs are common place, seen as a part of life from an early age and go hand in hand with a lack of opportunity, violence and poor education all around them. Its all to easy to dismiss addicts and say its their own fault and point out that many people from deprived backgrounds get along just fine without drugs but some people are born stronger than others and the damaged ones fall quickly into a trap of hard drugs from which they are never going to get out. So we could just leave them to rot and put them out of their misery I suppose, it seems a favoured view.

People will always say why should I pay my taxes for this section of society to sponge off and live on drugs? I'd imagine living on hard drugs without any other means of income other than poverty line government subsidies is no fun ride. A society is the collective responsibility of all those that live within it. If an underclass of 'have nots' exist (as they always do) its all to easy for the 'haves' to wipe their hands of them and feel no obligation to feel responsible for their fate. But a society should be judged as strong as its weakest point in my view. Personally I think just pay the damn tax, turn your back and be grateful you're not born into such a **** existence with so many traps placed in your path, I know I am.

(self righteous I know sorry, just my view)
The Good Citizen said:
tangerinedream said:
LonelyInAtl said:
Absolutely. I'm already pissed that my tax dollars are helping support baby making machines. Let's go to the next extreme and require mandatory implanted birth control if you're on public assistance for the duration until you're back on your own feet.


Mandatory vasectomies for young, sexually active men who are on public assistance!


How does that song go again, you know the one... "And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave, O'er the land of the free"

So mandatory hysterectomies for the ladies too I assume, lose your job lose your right to any babies? So social cleansing through the choice of forced sterilization or starvation... well...Sieg Heils!!

I do hope that was tongue in cheek.

OF COURSE it was tongue in cheek.

It was a ridiculous response to an equally ridiculous proposition of mandatory birth control.

This season I am sick as **** of politicians all up in the vagina, attempting to tell me what, exactly, I can or can not do with my ova.

Reproductive choices should not ever be a part of any legislation, whether it's to determine who gets public assistance, or to tell someone that her BC choice offends because of someone else's religious beliefs.

Jesus Christ, we need a Irony Emoticon or something.
Apologies TD I probably should know your posts well enough to have taken it as such, it just seemed the thread was heading off into the far right distance as some fascist manifesto!

Although, yeah an irony emoticon would be useful at times, maybe the rolls eyes symbol.
A woman on welfare should be able to opt-out of mandatory birth control, as long as she simultaneously opts out of support in the form of government assistance for food, clothing, and shelter for her illegitimate children.

Freedom of Choice.

Most of ya'll are big on that!

As long as the government is expected to play the Daddy Role, it should get some choice as to whether it wants any more kids. We'll call it Family Planning.

The fact remains, I still don't want to pay for Susie down the street and her eight children by eight daddies.

Can I get a woot-woot?
The Good Citizen said:
Apologies TD I probably should know your posts well enough to have taken it as such, it just seemed the thread was heading off into the far right distance as some fascist manifesto!

Although, yeah an irony emoticon would be useful at times, maybe the rolls eyes symbol.

No problem. :)
Frito Bandito said:
A woman on welfare should be able to opt-out of mandatory birth control, as long as she simultaneously opts out of support in the form of government assistance for food, clothing, and shelter for her illegitimate children.

Freedom of Choice.

Most of ya'll are big on that!

As long as the government is expected to play the Daddy Role, it should get some choice as to whether it wants any more kids. We'll call it Family Planning.

The fact remains, I still don't want to pay for Susie down the street and her eight children by eight daddies.

Can I get a woot-woot?

Maybe in the coming years there will be a birth control choice for men on wellfare. One other than condoms and vasectomies. Then it'll be more democratic and fair for men.
I have to keep telling people this, but there is a symbol for irony. It's this: (!)

So there's no need for an irony emoticon :p

Sci-Fi said:
The Good Citizen said:
tangerinedream said:
Mandatory vasectomies for young, sexually active men who are on public assistance!

So mandatory hysterectomies for the ladies too I assume

Actually, all kidding aside I hope, you wouldn't believe how good of an idea this would be.

lol. I know you mean it well, but it'll never be a good idea ;)
without drugs to distract the senses... unemployment will not be as tolerable...
I agree with this move... sucks for ones freedoms... but if you want to get high so badly, do it on your own money... its good motivation too lol..

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