Ever since I was a child I've felt like an alien. I've never been able to fit in anywhere. People don't like me. They ignore me, outcast me, they've even picked on me. They've told me I've aspergers which I guess translates to me being screwed for life. I've just been so sensitive and vulnerable throughout this. People keep doing horrible things to me. My family has physically and mentally abused me. I've been sexually assaulted by people on multiple occasions. Yet I've kept thinking that it's possible that someone could see something good, something worthwhile in me. & there have been times when I met such awesome people. Good, lovely, people. They're so good to everyone, but I'm the one they can't stand. So I guess I really am a piece of ****. No matter how much I try I'm the piece of ****. I'm 20 years old and I just can't do it anymore. I'm tired. I'm tired of being a loser, a nothing. My words don't matter. Nothing about me matters. I'm just taking up space. I've seen 3 shrinks in the past year. None of them really helped. I was even put on meds at one point, that did more bad than good. So what can I do? How could I possibly escape this unending pain? I tried killing myself last night, but I woke up this morning. Wtf am I doing wrong?! How many pills and cuts does it take to die?! & I sent a message to one of these lovely people telling them what I was gonna do. This morning there was no response. They just kept going with their day. I was constantly trying to make these people happy because good people deserve to be happy. But I try to kill myself and it doesn't matter. Because I've never mattered. I feel trapped and as much as I wish there was another way to escape all of this there isn't. There's just one.