Ever Play a Prank?

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Badjedidude said:
The sort of pranks I've played mostly probably shouldn't be repeated... but here are a few:

Icy-hot or Tiger Balm in a guy's jock strap/nutcup. This one is self-explanatory.

Purposely repeatedly stealing towels from the girls' room during a school trip. The genius of this is that it would force the girls to phone the desk and ask for more... at which point we gents would either intercept the towel-cart on its way to their room, or we'd simply bribe the front desk or tell them that the girls had found some. So every girl in that room ended up going without towels for the duration of the trip.

Superglue on a door handle. Self-explanatory.

Snipe-Hunting. If you don't know what snipe hunting is, then I don't wanna ruin this one for you. Just be sure to remember that they sound like this: "SNIIIIIPE!!!" *chuckles evilly* This one is a good prank to pull on initiates or noobs joining a club or organization.

Drawing various phallic and/or insulting images on someone's head and face when they're asleep/passed out. Come on, this is a classic!

Fun times... fun times. :cool:

Snipe hunting, lol.

Someone's been watching Cheers :cool:

The last one is indeed a classic, together with the Hitler moustache. Good times were had when we did this!
I've never really done pranks, but there was one time probably 5 years ago or round about.... I put a rubber band around the spray hose at the sink so when the water was turned on, it would be the sprayer and not the faucet. I left it there for the next person to use it and when he did, he just stood there for like 5 minutes getting wet trying to figure out wtf happened. I was laughing my ass off....then he made me clean up all the water
LOL That one is a classic. My mom used to have one of those and we were told to never do that to her. Now she has a faucet that you can pull out and has two settings to it, pretty neat.

I forgot it was April Fool's yesterday. :/
This reminds me, I haven't done much of this things, but one time in highschool with my friends we bought benzine and we would put it on our skin and then light it with a lighter, producing a quite big fire without hurting the skin.

The pranks began when someone fell asleep at my house in the sleepover... the dude woke up to a fire. Then he wanted revenge lol it was so funny.

Also, I had a friend at school that used to bump into trash cans on the street to get attention from mainly old ladies that walked by... at the time it was funny. They'd worry about him and then he'd laugh with his trollface on XD
I was the assistant office manager for a finance company. The manager was bad about hiding my stuff - stapler, pens, files, you name it.
One morning I got to the office before he did. I smeared petroleum jelly all over the ear piece of the phone on his desk and waited, in smug delight, for him to answer his phone.
He was still trying to get the greasy crap out of his ear at the end of the day. He never hid my stuff again. :D
Since it's April 1st and this one has the most posts, I shall bump it.

Anyone have any new pranks they pulled or plan to do today?
^I plan to remind you that I am pregnant. And you will be paying for this child, Callie :club:
I was about to remind me my housemates they have to pay me for one bill I payed, but then I figured if I did that today they'd think it is a prank LOL so I'll just tell them tomorrow. So no, no pranks in plan :p
You should get some big guy to come to the house, pretending to be a collection agent, Way.
I own a property that I used to live in before I converted it to a rental. Next door were an endless parade of renters moving in and out. One renter family had a young guy in his early 20s who was an Eminem wannabe.

Anyway, I had a decoration hanging on my front door that had flowers and "Happy Spring". One day I came home and the sign was askew. It was windy so I thought the wind moved it. I fixed it but the next 2 or 3 days the exact same thing was happening.

I took the sign in and spread peanut butter nice and thick on the back of it. From the front, you couldn't tell that it had a mess of peanut butter on it. It was an older decoration so I didn't care if it was ruined.

The next day - the decoration was moved again but there were big fingerprints in the peanut butter where someone had grabbed it. Haha! The neighbors were doing something outside when I came home and I remember Eminem gave me a puzzled look.

He didn't mess with my stuff after that. :D :D :D

I told my students one week before their exams (day before April Fool's) that the examination board has decided to change their paper to an advanced one and that they would all have to do the new paper. A room full of teenagers freaking out - funny :D :p
You all have had some great ones (some were amazing). I haven't done anything remotely as funny... maybe because I have the WORST pokerface I've seen this far, heh.

I've had a lot of "nice" pranks, like gift wrapping something tiny in lot of boxes so that it looks like a huge gift (or in boxes with "obvious" shapes when they have been other things), have tried the plastic-on-faucet, have had a sign on door saying "Secret headquarter of the FBI"... but not much else. I need to up mah game.

Oh, and my doormat says "Oh ****, not you again". It's the small details that makes it, I try to tell myself :I

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