Ever wonder why girls always chose meatheaded jerks?

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Wow, this post... it's the most confronting and most educating post I've read on this forum! (maybe I missed some other good ones :p)

But it's so true, I've never really thought about that I NEVER TAKE INITIATIVE. I am so dumb, yet I think I'm highly intelligent and have the quadrupple amount of IQ of a meat head.
It's so ignorant and arrogant at the same time, thinking that a girl wants to walk up to me and say "Hey, you're kinda cute? Here's my number!" That won't happen in a million years.

Code S.O.L. , You seem to be a very nice and intelligent fellow, It's unfortunate that you haven't found someone yet or that someone hasn't found you. But learn from these posts, they are very helpful if you understand them. Also, I think you have a very caring sister, she keeps dragging you allong in order to find someone for you :) Have you ever thought about that?

These posts are really helpful, but they also create alot of new questions... Code S.O.L. , I have no means to hijack your topic but could I ask some questions while I'm at it? Thanks in advance ;)

Some of you mentioned that girl's don't like pushovers, and you don't want to make it obvious for a girl that you like her, and they don't like you being to hard on them? But hell... what do I need to do then? What is the sweetspot?

Kind regards,
yeah, this thread is good :) I have to try not being such a wimp about approaching girls.

maybe the sweet spot is just trying to be relaxed and natural about the whole thing? that sounds pretty good, but what do I know lol.
Tramp said:
Here's a different question - how do you know if she's cheating on you?

If you even have to ask yourself that, then deep down you already know the answer.

Trust your gut.
To be honest I was hunting and my husband was on the menu. I was his first GF and he did'nt know what hit him. I f your pasiant then you may be lucky enough to meet her soon. I looked to find a shy guy and when I found himm I made sure he knew I wanted him though I didn't need him. I never ever went for the meatballs. There are girls like that.
Code S.O.L said:
In the past year that my sister and her friends have dragged my sorry ass out clubbing with them,

I wonder if part of the problem is that your with girls when you go out? Perhaps there are girls who would be interested, but when a guy has girls around him, it's not so easy to strike up a conversation because you don't know if he is "taken." Would you approach a girl is she came to the club with some guys? Just a thought.

Naleena said:
I wonder if part of the problem is that your with girls when you go out? Perhaps there are girls who would be interested, but when a guy has girls around him, it's not so easy to strike up a conversation because you don't know if he is "taken." Would you approach a girl is she came to the club with some guys? Just a thought.

That's actually a good point. Although there may be 4-5 other males with us if our group is large, it's generally a female dominated group. But in all honesty, I doubt I'd a approach a female even if I was with a group of guys. Less likely infact, out of fear of making an ass out of myself in front of my 'mates'(or maybe I'm using the wrong word. I often wonder if my sister's friends tolerate me for her sake).

Code S.O.L. said:
But in all honesty, I doubt I'd a approach a female even if I was with a group of guys. Less likely infact, out of fear of making an ass out of myself in front of my 'mates'(or maybe I'm using the wrong word.

Actually, a group of male friends (and yes, 'mates' works here) would help drive you to approaching women. They might even line something up for you or pressure you into it.


Really, there's a lot of good that can be said for guys teasing and ribbing each other into acts of courage and insanity.

Balls, man. Guys give each other balls.

Give it a try! :D
TheWickedOne said:
Hey, guess what? You know why girls choose meatheaded jerks? Because those meatheaded jerks actually have the balls to ask the girls out. They don't hang around them, hoping that "love" will grow out of friendship because they're so afraid of rejection that they would never ask out a woman if you put a gun to their head, and then they get angry when the woman dates the guy who actually says, hey, wanna go out sometime?

Good point.
I shall now quote one of very few shows I watch.

Leonard: It doesn't matter. The woman's not interested in me. The woman rejected me.

Sheldon: Okay! Look ... I think that you have as much of a chance of having a sexual relationship with Penny as the Hubble Telescope does of discovering at the center of every black hole is a little man with a flashlight searching for a circuit breaker. Nevertheless, I do feel obligated to point out to you ... that she did no reject you. You did not ask her out.

Leonard: You're right. I didn't ask her out, I should ask her out.
nerdygirl said:
I shall now quote one of very few shows I watch.

Leonard: It doesn't matter. The woman's not interested in me. The woman rejected me.

Sheldon: Okay! Look ... I think that you have as much of a chance of having a sexual relationship with Penny as the Hubble Telescope does of discovering at the center of every black hole is a little man with a flashlight searching for a circuit breaker. Nevertheless, I do feel obligated to point out to you ... that she did no reject you. You did not ask her out.

Leonard: You're right. I didn't ask her out, I should ask her out.


Big Bang Theory is awesome!:D

o_O well this is the first time I heard this one... original I will give you that.... pheromones yeah they play a role in the process. There are plenty of ways to let out more.

However, the real answer is because they are confident. It is a simple answer really. Stop wallowing in self-pity and start being confident.
I know some girls that go after the jerks who treat them like ****. Their lives are full of drama, all they do is bitch bitch bitch. They cannot live without that drama and something to bitch about. It's a constant battle between them and their "boyfriend(s)" That's how they live their lives, that's how they want it to be.

Then on the flip side I know some girls who wouldn't tolerate that amount of ******** if you paid them to, and they date great guys. Some of my best guy friends treat their girlfriends sweetly, and they've had the longest and most loving relationships I've ever seen.

The key is be confident in how you look, and your personality. Let girls know that you have no problem being who you are, and that you aren't ashamed of who you are. A guy who wallows in self pity ex: "Nothing ever works out my way...I have no friends...I hate my life..etc..." is unattractive no matter if he's got a six pack of abs and a brand new car.

Mazda13bRotary said:
I know some girls that go after the jerks who treat them like ****. Their lives are full of drama, all they do is bitch bitch bitch. They cannot live without that drama and something to bitch about. It's a constant battle between them and their "boyfriend(s)" That's how they live their lives, that's how they want it to be.

Then on the flip side I know some girls who wouldn't tolerate that amount of ******** if you paid them to, and they date great guys. Some of my best guy friends treat their girlfriends sweetly, and they've had the longest and most loving relationships I've ever seen.

The key is be confident in how you look, and your personality. Let girls know that you have no problem being who you are, and that you aren't ashamed of who you are. A guy who wallows in self pity ex: "Nothing ever works out my way...I have no friends...I hate my life..etc..." is unattractive no matter if he's got a six pack of abs and a brand new car.

good stuff

Im not a meathead or a jerk.

I know at of women that dosnt go out wiiht meatheads or jerks.
I am currently crushing on a man who would totally be considered to be a meathead and is probably one of the biggest jerks when he wants to be. However, he is very, very nice to me, no doubt as are all the meatheads to the girls they are hitting on/flirting with. They have a more aggressive way about them, that is truly intoxicating to some of us women who go for that sort of man. I am weak, I cant help it!
Yeah until you and him get together and he only uses you for sex, hits you and says **** about you infront of his mates

Nice to you... perhaps a sign to get into your pants. Didnt think of that didnt you.

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