Well-known member
I wanted to share my old Punk band with you guys, so I uploaded it to Youtube just to do so, since everything we have is on Reverbnation and I didn't want to post a hyperlink. This is an EP we recorded at my parents house. Noisy, simplistic, raw. If you can't make it through some of the tracks I understand, they're hard to follow sometimes which is why I posted the lyrics below, and I took the liberty of marking where each track starts. At the end I added a bonus track, which wasn't anywhere near this album, but I feel it fits and does something interesting like the other tracks. This was before Clayton had a nervous breakdown, Eddy went full-blown insane, and Brian became homeless. Our personal favorite was ADDeral! but Brians vocals in Pointless **** make it an equal to me. Hope you enjoy!
Brian (Vocals and Lyrics), Derrick (Electric Guitar), Eddy (Drums)
Track 7 featuring Clayton (Bass). Roughly April, 2013
Everybody's Dying
1. Avoid! 00:00
Lock myself up. It's easier to just
Avoid Avoid Avoid
I've got an appointment with nothing. I'm getting thrust in
Avoid Avoid Avoid, Avoid Avoid Avoid
Tired of being a waste. Tired of being alone
Tired of this place. That labels itself my home
I devour the microphone recorder
Thats nested between her legs
I suckle at her nievite and savor the taste
The thing is convinced I'm her savior
I am her destination. I am what's left of her reputation
I am her damnation.
2. Unmarked! 03:00
The cynics will tell you, The best of us die young
The cynics will tell you, We all die alone
That's not true. Just the lucky ones
Somedays it's cool to wax poetic
Sometimes the smoothest move
Is to play it safe, follow the rules
I know something serious or long-term is impractical.
Right now all I want to do
Is lay down in an unmarked grave. With my arms around you.
3. Dehumanization Process. 08:15
I'm happy with my lot. I never make a fuss
It may not be much. But it's all I got
I'll go to school; Smile, behave, get decent grades
Pray for the football team. And gradually give up on all my dreams
Or maybe it'll go something like this..
I'll get a part time job flipping paddys
Or washing dishes or busing tables
Instead of spending my free time exploring
And experimenting with things i find interesting and honing my potential
Then I'll graduate and instead of majoring in theater, I'll compromise
Go off to college and major in finance. So I can learn how to middle manage.
Like all my buddies in the fraternity
Then when I grow up I'll have a nice trophy house
And a nice trophy car and a nice trophy wife
And a nice trophy daughter and a nice trophy son
With decent Christian values and money to spend
And lack of communication
Or maybe it'll go something like this..
Ever since I was a baby I've only had one dream
To fight proudly, In defense of my country
So the moment I get my diploma, I ship off with a smile to training camp
To learn to be a soldier; For my uncle sam.
They scream at me and beat me
They do everything you can imagine to degrade me and worse
Rearrange my beliefs. Brutalize me so I don't feel remorse
Peasants rounded up and arrested
Whole villages burned and bombed and infected
Two piles of the dead; One for the women, One for the kids
Then when i get back home expecting a fair
There's just unemployment and despair
And my head can't seem to adjust. I'm always distracted always scared
Not that it makes any difference. 'Cause I'm 26, in a wheelchair
And can only figure one way out. Place the shotgun in my mouth
Or maybe it'll go something like this..
In high school I won't work for **** I'll get a pierdy 'lil' thing.
Who's too naive to see that the good ol' boy schtick she calls "precocious ways"
Is really just the sign of a future douche bag
I'll drop out and appreciate the finer things in life
Like pick-up trucks 'n' Budweiser 'n' hunting'
'n' fishin' 'n' chewin' toobaccy 'n' church
'n' chewing' toobaccy 'n' the Patriot Act
'n' bigg 'n' rich. I'll make that nice lady my wife
Completely throw away her life and everything I tell her will be right
'Cause I'll beat her to a pulp and rape her every night
---Yee Haw!
Out late with the boys again
Face down, dead from booze poisoning
Mrs' finds him and don't know what to do without him to decide
So she gets a rope and commits suicide
How many of these folks do you know!
Everyday someone does a one-man performance of shakespearean tragedy
"We have the answer!" Declare the powers that be,
"Sex and drugs and rock and roll!
Radio! Television! Violent Pornography! The Occult!"
A witch hunt is sure to be more effective than an open discussion,
And it'll be almost as profitable as the crisis itself!
4. I WAS 17 WHEN I WROTE THIS! 15:25
If you want compassion better hold your breath.
If you want understanding better hold your breath.
If you want originality better hold your breath.
If you want comradely better hold your breath.
Water rising, up to the neck
How long can you hold your breath?
Tidal waves, If it's a shot you're after
I wouldn't hold your breath if I were you.
Right now I'm 17 and sadistic
This time next year I'll be 18, a statistic.
5. Dave Johansen! 17:25
Baby, oh yeah. Baby, oh no
Gimmie a hug, Gimmie a kiss
I'm getting' sick of this loneliness
Baby, oh yeah. Baby, oh no
Babe, I'm begin' for just one date
Maybe you can change my fate
You could be my miracle, You could be the one
You could be a lifetime, Or you could be one night of fun
Oh yeah, babe, oh no
I'll never be able to sing like Dave Johansen
But I can be just as handsome.
6. ADDeral! 19:30
Everything is everything shapeless. Tasteless, tasteless.
Chop off my tongue then I will taste less.
Everything is shameless, Everything is a sham.
Everything is painless, Plus I can't pay less.
My doctor gave me these pills. He said it would make all of my problems go away
My doctor gave me these pills. He said it would make me okay; I'm okay now
Give me ups, Lift me up, Keep me up and about
Moving and choosing and chewing
Till my gums bleed, till my gums bleed
Some children like pixie stix, Some kids need chewing gum
Some children like pixie stix, Some kids need chewing gum
My doctor gave me these pills. He said it would make the confusion go away
My doctor gave me pills. Now everything is okay; I'm okay now, mother, I'm okay
I'm awesome, I'm alright, I'm alright. I do everything right
And I never even have to sleep. And I never have to eat, again
Mom, look, everything is okay now; I'm okay
I know it's okay because the doctor said so; The doctor said I was alright
I'll take more and more
Some kids like pixie sticks, Some children need chewing gum
My doctor gave me these pills.
[Bonus Track]
7. Pointless ****. 24:40
Everybody's Dying
1. Avoid! 00:00
Lock myself up. It's easier to just
Avoid Avoid Avoid
I've got an appointment with nothing. I'm getting thrust in
Avoid Avoid Avoid, Avoid Avoid Avoid
Tired of being a waste. Tired of being alone
Tired of this place. That labels itself my home
I devour the microphone recorder
Thats nested between her legs
I suckle at her nievite and savor the taste
The thing is convinced I'm her savior
I am her destination. I am what's left of her reputation
I am her damnation.
2. Unmarked! 03:00
The cynics will tell you, The best of us die young
The cynics will tell you, We all die alone
That's not true. Just the lucky ones
Somedays it's cool to wax poetic
Sometimes the smoothest move
Is to play it safe, follow the rules
I know something serious or long-term is impractical.
Right now all I want to do
Is lay down in an unmarked grave. With my arms around you.
3. Dehumanization Process. 08:15
I'm happy with my lot. I never make a fuss
It may not be much. But it's all I got
I'll go to school; Smile, behave, get decent grades
Pray for the football team. And gradually give up on all my dreams
Or maybe it'll go something like this..
I'll get a part time job flipping paddys
Or washing dishes or busing tables
Instead of spending my free time exploring
And experimenting with things i find interesting and honing my potential
Then I'll graduate and instead of majoring in theater, I'll compromise
Go off to college and major in finance. So I can learn how to middle manage.
Like all my buddies in the fraternity
Then when I grow up I'll have a nice trophy house
And a nice trophy car and a nice trophy wife
And a nice trophy daughter and a nice trophy son
With decent Christian values and money to spend
And lack of communication
Or maybe it'll go something like this..
Ever since I was a baby I've only had one dream
To fight proudly, In defense of my country
So the moment I get my diploma, I ship off with a smile to training camp
To learn to be a soldier; For my uncle sam.
They scream at me and beat me
They do everything you can imagine to degrade me and worse
Rearrange my beliefs. Brutalize me so I don't feel remorse
Peasants rounded up and arrested
Whole villages burned and bombed and infected
Two piles of the dead; One for the women, One for the kids
Then when i get back home expecting a fair
There's just unemployment and despair
And my head can't seem to adjust. I'm always distracted always scared
Not that it makes any difference. 'Cause I'm 26, in a wheelchair
And can only figure one way out. Place the shotgun in my mouth
Or maybe it'll go something like this..
In high school I won't work for **** I'll get a pierdy 'lil' thing.
Who's too naive to see that the good ol' boy schtick she calls "precocious ways"
Is really just the sign of a future douche bag
I'll drop out and appreciate the finer things in life
Like pick-up trucks 'n' Budweiser 'n' hunting'
'n' fishin' 'n' chewin' toobaccy 'n' church
'n' chewing' toobaccy 'n' the Patriot Act
'n' bigg 'n' rich. I'll make that nice lady my wife
Completely throw away her life and everything I tell her will be right
'Cause I'll beat her to a pulp and rape her every night
---Yee Haw!
Out late with the boys again
Face down, dead from booze poisoning
Mrs' finds him and don't know what to do without him to decide
So she gets a rope and commits suicide
How many of these folks do you know!
Everyday someone does a one-man performance of shakespearean tragedy
"We have the answer!" Declare the powers that be,
"Sex and drugs and rock and roll!
Radio! Television! Violent Pornography! The Occult!"
A witch hunt is sure to be more effective than an open discussion,
And it'll be almost as profitable as the crisis itself!
4. I WAS 17 WHEN I WROTE THIS! 15:25
If you want compassion better hold your breath.
If you want understanding better hold your breath.
If you want originality better hold your breath.
If you want comradely better hold your breath.
Water rising, up to the neck
How long can you hold your breath?
Tidal waves, If it's a shot you're after
I wouldn't hold your breath if I were you.
Right now I'm 17 and sadistic
This time next year I'll be 18, a statistic.
5. Dave Johansen! 17:25
Baby, oh yeah. Baby, oh no
Gimmie a hug, Gimmie a kiss
I'm getting' sick of this loneliness
Baby, oh yeah. Baby, oh no
Babe, I'm begin' for just one date
Maybe you can change my fate
You could be my miracle, You could be the one
You could be a lifetime, Or you could be one night of fun
Oh yeah, babe, oh no
I'll never be able to sing like Dave Johansen
But I can be just as handsome.
6. ADDeral! 19:30
Everything is everything shapeless. Tasteless, tasteless.
Chop off my tongue then I will taste less.
Everything is shameless, Everything is a sham.
Everything is painless, Plus I can't pay less.
My doctor gave me these pills. He said it would make all of my problems go away
My doctor gave me these pills. He said it would make me okay; I'm okay now
Give me ups, Lift me up, Keep me up and about
Moving and choosing and chewing
Till my gums bleed, till my gums bleed
Some children like pixie stix, Some kids need chewing gum
Some children like pixie stix, Some kids need chewing gum
My doctor gave me these pills. He said it would make the confusion go away
My doctor gave me pills. Now everything is okay; I'm okay now, mother, I'm okay
I'm awesome, I'm alright, I'm alright. I do everything right
And I never even have to sleep. And I never have to eat, again
Mom, look, everything is okay now; I'm okay
I know it's okay because the doctor said so; The doctor said I was alright
I'll take more and more
Some kids like pixie sticks, Some children need chewing gum
My doctor gave me these pills.
[Bonus Track]
7. Pointless ****. 24:40
Brian (Vocals and Lyrics), Derrick (Electric Guitar), Eddy (Drums)
Track 7 featuring Clayton (Bass). Roughly April, 2013