Eye contact with girls

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Oct 28, 2011
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As the average student, with normal looking, I have noticed at my school that there are many girls having eye contact with other guys. But as a foreigner at my school I actually cant find out about that is it my look/attraction is the reason girls look at me or is that it is just a habit of every person to just get a eye contact with someone they are going by?

My question is how do i know that or see if someone having eye contact with me which tells me about if they are interested in me? And what do they have in there minds when i actually make that eye contact?

By the way, as person I have a tendens to ingnore girls eye contact, not that I want to be like that, but because of my shyness and think that white girls may not actually like people with background from middle east. Because of it I do not have any girl friends at all.

If you REALLY want to know if someone finds you attractive, you could ask!
It would surprise them, that's for sure. It might even get you some cool points. But be prepared for an unfavorable answer also.

When I'm out and about, well dressed, and satisfied to pleased with my look, I just assume anyone who's looking at me finds me attractive. I'm really not concerned enough with whether they are or not to ask.
It could mean a lot of things. When people are together walking, usually they don't make any eye contact with people unless they see someone they recognize, mainly because they are probably in a conversation with the persons next to them.

When a lone person doesn't make eye contact with anyone it's because they are focused on something.

Now if you see people making eye contact it's because they are aware of their surroundings. A good stare means they find something about you desirable. If there was something on your face they didn't like they'd stare at that and not make much eye contact.

This happened to me a lot in school. I'm not the most attractive guy but I think I got some attractive features which explains why usually the same girls would always make eye contact with me. I never really talked to them but they did and they usually had something nice to say.
Eye contact is a significant feature of body language, as our eyes express a lot of our present emotions in a way that basically must be honest. Try to be comfortable and relaxed, and if you are, you'll more or less express that wordlessly to the person you have eye contact with.

Mostly, though, I feel that its a feature of confidence once you already have it. It comes more or less automatically then, in many cases.
If people make eye contact then they are definitely interested in what you have to say. Or if they don't then they might be shy as well.

I continue telling myself "eye contact, remain eye contact" and another thing I also tell myself is "don't look creepy" lol, don't stare at the person's eyes; be sure to look relaxed and look around every once in a while, but maintain the focus on the eyes.
The funny thing with eye contact is I think it's quite a strong sort of flirty signal with girls, but it's not a very reliable one.

A girl may hold eye contact if she finds you attractive, but that's not a green light to say that she's single or wants a relationship or whatever. So it's sort of a "middling" symbol of some kind of attraction I suppose.

For example, there's a girl right now that looks at me a lot, seems to enjoy making me smile/laugh and often grabs my eye contact. She is quite casual about sleeping with people and I'd say she might find me a little bit attractive (or at least doesn't regard me as ugly). I also think she's pretty.

However, she also knows I'm not that kind of guy and she's mentioned in passing that she's trying to start a relationship with someone else. She knows I'm interested in someone else too. We both just want friendship with each other.

So I guess what I mean is that it's sort of like a little beacon that you're attractive in some way to that person or that they appreciate your looks, but not neccessarily that it's anything serious.

I also find that girls that don't know you tend to do it a lot more than girls who do, I guess because they won't see you again and so they want to soak up whatever they find attractive about you quickly.

I will add that if a girl spends a long time staring at you, like every conversation she is just silently looking at you intensely, yeah, you probably have something there. That's what I had with someone a few months back and I was foolish not to do something about it at the time :(

Good luck!
eye contact is an iffy proposition at best, reading body language is also very tough...

the census data says that people over 50 have a better chance of being killed by a terrorist, than find a healthy relationship...
Eye contact...eep...yeah that is the most confusing, terrifying thing in the world.
TheSolitaryMan said:
A girl may hold eye contact if she finds you attractive, but that's not a green light to say that she's single or wants a relationship or whatever. So it's sort of a "middling" symbol of some kind of attraction I suppose.

Nice conclusion :)

I looked this girl in the eyes the other day while walking past her in the mall. She stared back for a few short seconds and then turned her eyes downward shyly. It was cute.
When walking by people or girls its quite normal for very quick glances of eye contact. I think that when it is sustained that there is some interest, i guess about anything over like 2 or 3 seconds. Not always the case of course, but I think it's a pretty good rule of thumb.
I find it easier to look at their ****s. I wouldn't want to be rude by looking them straight in the eyes or anything.
looking at there ****s is probably the rude thing.

I have hazel eyes(rusty color near the pupil then gets a dark greenish grey outward) so I try to make eye contact a lot. You either look at them between the eyes or the bridge of their nose and it give the illusion of looking them in the eye.
Badjedidude said:
I looked this girl in the eyes the other day while walking past her in the mall. She stared back for a few short seconds and then turned her eyes downward shyly. It was cute.

That is rare but must have been incredibly attractive. Shy guys are a magnet to me. Admittedly, girls also. I will hold eye contact with someone I find attractive, even slowly blinking my eyes like a cat if just to observe their reaction. Happiness usually follows.

Grumblebear said:
eye contact is an iffy proposition at best, reading body language is also very tough...

the census data says that people over 50 have a better chance of being killed by a terrorist, than find a healthy relationship...

I only have 5 more years to find a healthy relationship Grumble?

If these girls are trying to make eye contact with you, most likely they find you attractive and want to get to know you.
LeaningIntoTheMuse said:
If these girls are trying to make eye contact with you, most likely they find you attractive and want to get to know you.

I don't buy that. There are various inhibitions that keep people from making eye contact. Also, some people have practiced making eye contact. They do it out of habit. They do it because it is "the way to be", not because of physical attraction. I met a woman who noticed that when we spoke, I wasn't making much eye contact with her. She decided to encourage me to always make eye contact, no matter what. Afterwards, I explained to her that I have intermittent strabismus. That was followed up with more encouragement from her. It really had a positive impact on me.
I make eye contact with people as it is possibly one of the best ways of discovering more about them.
You can learn a huge amount about people through their eyes.
Eyes are the window to the soul and/or mind.

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