Facebook sucks

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I really have a love-hate relationship with Facebook. But frankly, it's a social crutch for me. It reminds me of the friends I've made in the past...who live everywhere except here. :( It's just like these forums...another stand-in for a real social life.

I know what you mean, though...I've mostly worked crappy jobs and I'm currently unemployed, while many of my old friends are finishing law school, becoming doctors, making tons of money and/or just working stable jobs at cool places. *sigh*
Hello everyone, myspace now is very popular but I am not yet having my account there. I am only having twitter,friendster and facebook accounts. However, I think that was enough for me. I usually using facebook because most of my friends have fb account.
Facebook is so fake.

I found myself commenting on peoples stupid updates just because I thought I should.

I deleted my account.
FB is the old creepy uncle that the kids are forced to play with at a family reunion.

His name is Phil.
Badjedidude said:
FB is the old creepy uncle that the kids are forced to play with at a family reunion.

His name is Phil.

lmao, wtf!? :D

anyways, on the topic, i have two problems with faKebook.

#1 - friend count
#2 - friend lists

the 'number' of friends you have should not be of any concern, but it is, it's clearly on display always. this creates some sort of subliminal need to compete. it's all part of their plan, seriously.

'who' your friends are, should be your business. it should only be relevant when they post on your wall. it's nobody else's goddamned business who you are talking to or not.

i HATE that about facebook.

not to mention a whole fuckload of faKeness. *shudder*

that being said, i am not condemning anyone AT ALL for using facebook. it is a wonderful utility and a great place to keep in touch with people in all aspects of one's life, IF you can avoid being pulled into the darker side. which i can't, so i stay away.
Yeah I would like to delete mine and only re-add my work friends.

I hate all those status updates.. I really don't care what this person is doing at this moment.

Which is exactly why I never got a twitter. I really don't think anyone is interested.. and i'm not interested in what people I hardly know are up to.
i guess i have a third problem with faKebook.

the use of the word "FRIEND".

the following people are NOT our friends:

1. people we knew in elementary school
2. people we worked with way back when
3. old girlfriends and boyfriends
4. people who we meet on forums, but have never seen or talked to in real life
5. people...who know people...who know people...who know us.
6. random people we've never met

these are NOT friends. so why (WHY????) do we feel compelled to add these individuals as "friends"?

imagine if faKebook provided us with separate lists of "acquaintences" instead of "friends", and if these lists would actually list who these people are...LOL

1. random people we don't know: friend count 219
2. people we worked with way back when: friend count 17
3. old girlfriends and boyfriends: friend count 5
4. people who we meet on forums, but don't know personally: friend count 97
5. people...who know people...who know people...who know us: friend count 43
6. random people we've never met: friend count 7

* it just doesn't have the same appeal as having all those "friends".

5. people...who know people...who know people...who know us: friend count 43

LOL. Oh man. I love that. A lot of people add me because they're friends with someone who's friends with me. Come on, don't add me. You don't know my name, you've never even spoken to me. Don't add me.
Okay...you guys are complaining about a lot of stuff that YOU can control.

I don't add anyone I don't personally know, in real life. That's part of why I joined Facebook back when MySpace was still the popular thing -- it seemed FB was more about connecting with the people you already know, and less about meeting random people. So anyway, I do use the "ignore" button if I get friend requests from people I don't know. Simple.
"4. people who we meet on forums, but have never seen or talked to in real life"

That's pretty much everyone on my list haha. :p
Unfortunately, some of us just don't have any friends in real life despite all of our attempts.

Either way, I used to despise Facebook with an immense passion, but instead, I now use it as a way to whore out my traveling photos.

If I added you, I secretly hope that curiosity gets the best of you, and you will subject yourself to looking at my hundreds upon hundreds of traveling photos. Perhaps after the 200th photo, you'll roll your eyes and think to yourself "What the hell? Doesn't this girl have a life?". However, I will consider it a personal victory nonetheless. (d)

I suppose I could torture myself by adding people that I know from real life - that pretty much dislike my very existence but might add me to increase their 'Friend' count. Then I'd have to go through all of their status updates and photos of them with their friends "having a great time" and "sharing memories" which would likely make me want to punch into my bedroom walls.

I would end up with bloody fists, and making long-ass posts here complaining about the world itself and the contempt that I have for my fellow human beings...but...I think I'll stop myself from getting to that point.

If not, you all can expect some angry, incoherent rambling from me in the near future. :D
For the most part facebook is just frustrating for me.

One nice thing did come out of me having an account there though.

When I was in high school there was this girl I really liked, but never got the nerve to talk to. (Yeah, I'm like that I guess.)

Anyway, years later, I was going through and FB recommended her as a friend.

No, I still haven't talked to her..

Her info showed she was in a relationship with a woman. She is a lesbian now! It filled me with great joy to see that she was both happily in a relationship and that no other man would get her! XD

I don't know why I shared this story. It's late. I'm going to try and sleep.
blue87 said:
Her info showed she was in a relationship with a woman. She is a lesbian now! It filled me with great joy to see that she was both happily in a relationship and that no other man would get her! XD

LOL! You're great. :p

Such a good sport. :)

Badjedidude said:
ThinkPositive said:
Okay...you guys are complaining about a lot of stuff that YOU can control.

FB sucks. That's not a complaint. It's a FACT. :p hehe

No, it's an opinion that BJD thinks is a fact. :p

eris said:
Facebook is so fake.

I found myself commenting on peoples stupid updates just because I thought I should.

Hey i do that too, comment on people's statuses and like stuff that they post. I think people like the attention and appreciate attention given to their statuses.

It's like "hey i have a comment!" and they immediately feel better for a little bit.

So I think it does matter to them. Well, to most people. Some people are too popular for it to matter, but for most people it does matter somewhat.


AFrozenSoul said:
I ask myself the same question why do I have this. I have Only had it for a few days. However, I do not update it and none of the people I friended say anything to me.

I guess there is a reason for it... maybe I want to prove I am a social failure. Maybe you want to do the same. Maybe I think it will be a gateway to meeting people. Who knows right?

I am sure there is some use for it. Like seeing how that guy settled for that lady. Or to be friends with a loser like me :p

no no no the key to facebook is to comment on other people statuses and photos. Make them feel special then they'll comment on your status and photos and....you might make a friend!
I have 40 people on my facebook lol. By conventional standards that probably makes me geeky lol. However i do have a point.

So tonight im going on a date, i met the girl because i posted a comment on a friends wall, and this girl noticed it and added me to facebook. Than she proceeded to message me on FB and we got to chatting. We have alot in common and so i asked her on a date. Hence, FB got me a date. (AND case in point, she's a shy girl, but i geuss she knew me from before and like'd what she saw. She just went for it, and was rewarded with my witty charm :p)
FB is evil. And those who use it are evil.

So of COURSE they will report a good experience! :p

Facebook is definitely evil.. Second only to World of Warcraft which is a plague.
damn facebook again! i only signed up there because a man i was involved with wanted me too, and we just used my page as a private place for us.

i never liked facebook in the first place.

then i tried to deactivate my account, which is virtually impossible. but i thought finally it had truly deactivated.

so then, lol, i sign on to see if it actually was deactivated. and you know what?? it says something like 'heeeeey welcome back!' 'your now reactivated!!' (without me requesting reactivation).

so then i just said, whatever. then i started signing in to peek on mr. tiddlywinks.

and i know. i know i shouldn't. and read his messages he's sent me.

i haven't posted a single thing.

then today i see on his or was it my page(?)(its hard to tell on facebook) that someone is asking one of those question things, supposedly all about me and for all my details???? and he answered??? the way it looks???

this freaks me out!!! and to top it off, oh, nevermind, but i don't know how, but all these people i don't want near the page that i've met in my past for 5 days, and some relatives, god knows who and some blankface strangers are trying to get in, something like that? how the hell do they know i have an account?

then i'm thinking, i have the settings set to private, as you can only see my pic on the front page unless accepted as a 'friend'. so i'm thinking one of these people i'd rather not view my account or be in contact with saw the man i'm talking about picture as a friend on my page??? and so they contacted him inquiring about me???

(i don't know if they can see it or not)

that's all i can figure. and its starting to creep me out. and irk me.

I'm going to be perfectly blunt here -- I really think a lot of you are taking out your own insecurities on Facebook. I don't use it to make others or myself "feel special." The majority of my friends don't live near me, and I like to see what they're up to and how they're doing, and I like to share how my life is going too. I especially enjoy going through photos, particularly if they involve travel. Also, people sometimes put up interesting/fun links or videos.

If you don't like Facebook, don't use it. If you don't want strangers to know your info, don't Friend people you don't know, and change your security settings so that only your Friends have access to most of your profile (this is what I do). You can even temporarily deactivate it if you need a break, something else I've done before.

Facebook is only evil for how much it's a time suck. :p

csmswhs said:
then i tried to deactivate my account, which is virtually impossible. but i thought finally it had truly deactivated.

so then, lol, i sign on to see if it actually was deactivated. and you know what?? it says something like 'heeeeey welcome back!' 'your now reactivated!!' (without me requesting reactivation).

I did this recently too, because I needed to take a short break. They tell you, both on the page and in a follow-up email, that it will save your settings and you can reactivate simply by logging back on. So you did "request" reactivation by signing back on, just like it told you that it was going to do. I also saw a link on the deactivation page somewhere about where you can contact them to actually DELETE your account, so you can try looking for that.

csmswhs said:
then today i see on his or was it my page(?)(its hard to tell on facebook) that someone is asking one of those question things, supposedly all about me and for all my details???? and he answered??? the way it looks???

this freaks me out!!! and to top it off, oh, nevermind, but i don't know how, but all these people i don't want near the page that i've met in my past for 5 days, and some relatives, god knows who and some blankface strangers are trying to get in, something like that? how the hell do they know i have an account?

then i'm thinking, i have the settings set to private, as you can only see my pic on the front page unless accepted as a 'friend'. so i'm thinking one of these people i'd rather not view my account or be in contact with saw the man i'm talking about picture as a friend on my page??? and so they contacted him inquiring about me???

(i don't know if they can see it or not)

that's all i can figure. and its starting to creep me out. and irk me.


Don't worry; even if strangers try to access your page, as long as you have your privacy settings up, they won't be able to. Unless you Friend them of course...if you get a request from someone who you don't want, just click on "Ignore" and they won't be able to get to your account.

If it still really freaks you out that much, you can delete your account, or you can just deactivate and this time don't sign back on!

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