Facebook is something that makes me very uncomfortable, it is this worldwide movement that 'normal' people have all latched onto.
I don't use it, and even if I wanted to I couldn't because you have to have that 'average' of 200-300 friends. Having just one person in my life, facebook is not for me.
To be honest, aside from not being the person it's aimed at, facebook is so shallow and soulless that it makes me sick. It's so boring looking, and I really detest the whole 'like this, like that' thing that goes on there. It's a constant sucking up party, it seems and a place to boast about the boring things in life, like having babies. Yes, sorry, that doesn't interest me a bit, nor does what someone did or where someone went to.
And the one person in my life also spends half her day on the thing, playing those mindless, sickeningly time consuming games. So when I'm with her, I just see her looking at a screen in trance, for 1 year straight now!
As you can tell, I'm not facebook's biggest fan...