Feeling Very Alone(First Posting)

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I am 24 year old man and I have a good job and live in a nice neighborhood. I love my wife and small child very much, but I find myself feeling extremly sad and lonely frequently. My father died when I was four and my mother died shortly after I turned 18. When my mother died for some reason my friends disapeared. I think I just need someone to talk to. I hope I can give and recieve some of the support I have seen in the other threads.

Thank you, Glad to see someone else is awake. It's about midnight here, late for me I'm normaly in bed by 9.
Hey, want2behapy

It's great you have a wife and child, you are very lucky. However, happiness is a very strange thing, it comes and goes for me at a moments notice. Welcome to the website =)
Hello, welcome to the forums

Sorry to hear that you're feeling so lonely, despite having a wife and a child. You've come to the right place, there are great people here to talk to ^^
Thank you, I know I'm lucky and I don't understand totally why I feel so alone. I know I miss my parents a lot and communication with other people. Thanks again.
Hi Want2be,

Do you think the loneliness originated when your parents passed away? You are quite young to have lost both parents.

Do you have any religious faith or intuition that there is an afterlife?

Being young and having a family is a LOT of responsibility. Does your child bring joy to your life, or at this point, mostly stress?

Over time I hope your family can do a lot of activities together and have fun and laughter.

Even with a family, there is a need for a deep human connection with more than just one person. I hope you can make some friends here on this site--we have wonderful people from all over the world!

I'm sure that has a lot to do with my parents passing. I think that it was probably compounded by the fact that my mother had her accident shortly before my graduation, so some of my friends went away to college and the ones who didn't just never came around. I'm not sure why, maybe it "freaked them out" and caused them to think about mortality. I don't have any true friends now except of course my wife and you are right that one person cannot fill that need. I have pondered the afterlife or lack of most of my life. I guess it's because my father died when I was so young. Sometimes I feel certain that something exists and other times I am terrified. It would be interesting to hear what some of you think about this subject.
I love my son and he brings me a lot of joy as well as stress, it greatly depends on my mood which makes me feel bad like I may not always be giving him the best of myself.
I hope I can find some friends as well. I really apprecite the warm welcome everyone has given me.

Well dear,

As Nena's sig says, and as the story of the Doors goes,

"No one here gets out alive."

In other words, Death and Taxes. Two things to look to for constancy in this ever changing world.

Death. The final frontier. I really, really believe, Want2 be, that there is something more than this. Every civilization of humans has known of an afterlife. In near death experiences, people come back and tell us about the light and the warmth and the happiness waiting for us.

The ancient Egyptians did not fear death, but prepared for a glorious afterlife for their Pharaohs and rulers.

Let's not fear death. Even if there is nothing, we could await eternal slumber.
I, for one, believe in the immortal soul.

I am not sure what the other side looks like, but I'm sure it will be fascinating. God willing, if there is a heaven and hell, (many cultures, even preChristian, speak of a Hell) then I pray for a merciful God. The God who created coral reefs, butterflies, flowers, white sand tropical beaches, mountains, great rivers, endless golden sand dunes, Lady Gouldian finches, chocolate, silk, amethyst, rainbows, the stars, the eternal ocean--that God is a loving God.

Why else are we blessed with such a beautiful fascinating world?

I hope you can make some new friends on here--there are many wonderful men and women ready to be your friend.


lonelygirl said:
I am not sure what the other side looks like, but I'm sure it will be fascinating. God willing, if there is a heaven and hell, (many cultures, even preChristian, speak of a Hell) then I pray for a merciful God. The God who created coral reefs, butterflies, flowers, white sand tropical beaches, mountains, great rivers, endless golden sand dunes, Lady Gouldian finches, chocolate, silk, amethyst, rainbows, the stars, the eternal ocean--that God is a loving God.

Amen. And don't forget sunsets.
Hello want2bhapy and welcome to the forums. Like you I lost my parents at an early age. I was 11 when I lost my Dad and 15 when I lost my Mom. I know that has a lot to do with the problems in my life now.
I think when someone young loses someone people sometimes just don't know what to say or how to act. That's probably part of the reason your freinds drifted away from you after high school. It probably freaked them out like you said, and also they may just not have known what to say or do.
I do believe in an afterlife and in reincarnation. I think that the purpose of life is to live. I believe we are all here for our own reasons. I don't think we can know what the afterlife is like until we get there, so we shouldn't spend too much energy worrying about it. We just have to make the best of the time we have here on Earth, and hope for the best in the afterlife. Anyway, that's my two cents on that.
You are lucky to have a wife and son.
Sorry, for the delayed response life has been really demanding. Thank you both for your kind words. Lost-N-Alone you are right that we shouldn't expend too much energy worrying about death or anything we cannot hope to change. I am sorry to hear about your parents. I have only found people much older than I that have experienced what we have. It was amazing to sit with a 58 year old man and have him describe the completely alone feeling I get so often. When you are young your parents are your world and foundation, something permanent. When you lose that you lose your footing it's kind of like being swept out to sea. I hope we can find a shore to lay a new foundation. I know just talking to others that understand the profound power of lonliness has been helpful so far.
want2bhapy said:
Sorry, for the delayed response life has been really demanding. Thank you both for your kind words. Lost-N-Alone you are right that we shouldn't expend too much energy worrying about death or anything we cannot hope to change. I am sorry to hear about your parents. I have only found people much older than I that have experienced what we have. It was amazing to sit with a 58 year old man and have him describe the completely alone feeling I get so often. When you are young your parents are your world and foundation, something permanent. When you lose that you lose your footing it's kind of like being swept out to sea. I hope we can find a shore to lay a new foundation. I know just talking to others that understand the profound power of lonliness has been helpful so far.

I too have only met people who were significantly older who lost both their parents. I'm not exactly a child or teen, but young enough that people just assume my parents are alive. It still kind of gets to me when people are talking to me and casually ask me something or say something about my parents, then I'm put in the awkward position of saying that they're gone. I also think when someone young loses their parents, it's like their personality and identity still isn't fully formed and they're now left with a psychological gap. It deeply affects us. Most people outlive their parents and expect to lose them one day, but who thinks it's going to be before they're even old enough to drink legally?
I too hope to find that shore to lay a new foundation. If you ever need someone to talk to feel free to pm or email me.
Thank you for the kind invitation and please feel free to contact me directly.
lonesome_tonight said:
gosh.. im so lonely tonight.. no one to talk to.. hayz..

oh please grow up and stop rubbin it in that u have friends and ur still lonely, u aint ur just purely selfish just really selfish. ur techinique is just to post irrational problems just to make urself feel alot better, and btw with ur username we aint gonna take u seriously sweety. Lonely for one night only? U missed out on a movie wit ur friends or didnt get invited for drinks after work? Grow up, some of us have been lonely for weeks, months, and some throughout their lives. Better give us a good reason why ur here, if not then piss off!!!!!. Ur not an asset in this forum, ur just a liability, a burden.
Guest said:
lonesome_tonight said:
gosh.. im so lonely tonight.. no one to talk to.. hayz..

oh please grow up and stop rubbin it in that u have friends and ur still lonely, u aint ur just purely selfish just really selfish. ur techinique is just to post irrational problems just to make urself feel alot better, and btw with ur username we aint gonna take u seriously sweety. Lonely for one night only? U missed out on a movie wit ur friends or didnt get invited for drinks after work? Grow up, some of us have been lonely for weeks, months, and some throughout their lives. Better give us a good reason why ur here, if not then piss off!!!!!. Ur not an asset in this forum, ur just a liability, a burden.

Hay thats not nice dude. Her/hes pain is real a nuff to be on hear righting this.

I know it seems unfair that some ppl have families friends good job ack and they still post and feel sad and that confuses us that don't have friends and family are even kids but that person is in a nuff pain to want help and as such deserves to be giving some respect

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