Female empowerment in the mainstream media

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Feb 21, 2020
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It's not a terrible thing when done right, but when done wrong, is so absolutely bad for women and men. It not only breeds more unwarranted blanket hate and discrimination against men, but also paints a bad image of women, as well as teaching toxic gender norms into young women.

A good example of these types of shows (the bad ones) are Batwoman, and Shadowhunters.

In Batwoman, you've got a woman that literally steals the identity of a character that's been established as a white man for 17.2 years short of a century... Thing is, you don't empower a demographic by having them impersonate the opposing demographic..

And in Shadowhunters, the main protagonist, Clair, is a whiny, toxic, bitch, that goes off the handle when literally everything isn't made about HER and HER problems. "World ending (literally), who cares.. What about ME!?". And she screws around with her good lifelong friend (geeky guy in glasses, still good looking overall), because it's her DESTINY, to be with the smoldering chunk of manmeat... Also (Spoiler alert) In the final episodes of the show, she literally is given the power to change the world for the better, to end starvation, end wars, bring world peace and posterity, but instead, she throws it all away to bring her boy toy back to life.. That move not only made her look like **** as a woman, but as a person...

A great example of female empowerment in the mainstream media (done the right way) is Wandavision.

In this show, a woman is owning the role of the Scarlet Which; a character that (believe it or not), was a role established by a woman to begin with. And she has insane, godly amounts of power. She is literally an empowered woman, lol.. But, the show was great.. I have goosebumps. I respect her as a woman and as an actress. There aren't many shows in which I can say that, sadly.. Not because I disrespect women, but because the women are just portrayed as sex-hungry man-hating shrews.. In what world those are respectable attributes, I don't know.. And to make things worse, they don't even cast good actors for their roles. Just porn stars, and local comedy club rejects..

Oh, couple other good contenders for the horror movie genre, Sigourney Weaver in Aliens, and Jamie Lee Curtis in Halloween. Also the movie "enough" with Jenifer Lopez; seriously, women that claim victim mentality because of their weaker physical build, must also think that Arnie would kick Bruce Lee's ass in a fight.
I don't know if you wanted a response, because it seemed more a rant. I never get why they make a female counterpart to a male superhero. Just seems lazy. And, not having watched your examples I can't give an informed opinion. I may be overly y chromosome, but I think they make those types of movies to placate men's need to still feel superior. Not that I care overmuch, I still have a hard time reading a book where the female is the bad ass shitkicker, but if the story still stays in the realm of reality, I can believe it. I have definitely met a few females that could **** me up.
I have definitely met a few females that could **** me up.
That's most women with me. I've never really been a fighter. Also, a lot of women are dainty/boney as they are, because they don't consider the concept of working a job that they consider to be 'man work', like construction. Don't get me wrong, there's a lot more than there used to be, but all that means is that you may see a single, or duo of females on a work crew every now and then, but it's still overwhelmingly men.

Granted, some of that could be due to discrimination from male employers in those companies. But in those cases, the big picture should be looked at. It's not just that these men were born-bigots. This is the way society raises men; to be big, strong, mindless tools, that sacrifice their bodies on the job, and protect the oh so weak women..

This is why so many dudes freak out when women start wanting power, and control (in society that is, they have most of it in common relationships); it's not because we need to 'still feel superior'. It's because it goes against everything that was drilled into our heads when we were just young boys.. Not me so much, I've never been much of a follower, so I tend towards logic rather than group-think or crowd mentality.

I still have a hard time reading a book where the female is the bad ass shitkicker
People still read books? Lol.. I OWN books, but I haven't read most of them. It's just so much more efficient to watch the show/movie. And the visual effects they're coming out with these days.. There's a lot of shows that look way better than blockbuster movies used to. Hell, some even on par with blockbuster movies of the current day. Like that Star Trek Discovery.

I don't know if you wanted a response, because it seemed more a rant.
More just morbid curiosity.. Like, wondering if people are seeing the same themes in modern TV as I am, or if a lot of it just goes over their heads because it blends with their view of the world.

Also, I wouldn't make a thread if I didn't want responses.. I'd just talk to myself. But I do that far too much as it is..

I never get why they make a female counterpart to a male superhero. Just seems lazy.
I agree, a lot of modern programming is getting VERY lazy.. And anything with any real substance and depth, ends up getting cancelled 1-3 seasons in (at ,most, and that third season if it makes it that far, typically gets sexed up, and kills it, but not always). But with the Batwoman show, it was clearly a political statement. In the followup season, the main girl went missing or something and got replaced with a black woman, lol.. They redid the look and everything, had to emphasize that she was black (Like we couldn't tell already..).

Just thought this was funny. I caught this on the original subtitles while watching (Orange is the new black), on NetFlix.
People still read books?
Yeah, I still go the library every month, get 3 or 4 to read. If I get hooked on a long series, I have to read all of them, and if the library doesn't have one, then I go to Barnes and Nobel to buy it right then, and God forbid they don't have it, I go to Amazon for the only thing I use them for.
People still read books?
Why not? I also do. Digital though but I have a few paper as well.
I don't watch TV much so I don't know anything about Batwoman, no idea, what is it. But I think they(mass-media) try to make the shows that people would like don't they?
Why do they like it? I don't know as haven't seen any of mentioned. Maybe because people can't keep a balance between "a woman is not a human"and "men and women are the same". So now in any moovie there should be a woman, a gay, a non eurpoean person and so on. Noone cares about a sence, only about money.
Why not? I also do. Digital though but I have a few paper as well.
I don't watch TV much so I don't know anything about Batwoman, no idea, what is it. But I think they(mass-media) try to make the shows that people would like don't they?
Why do they like it? I don't know as haven't seen any of mentioned. Maybe because people can't keep a balance between "a woman is not a human"and "men and women are the same". So now in any moovie there should be a woman, a gay, a non eurpoean person and so on. Noone cares about a sence, only about money.
Yep, but also gotta work on that balance between "men are not human", and "men and women are the same". Like I've tried to explain a thousand times, not every man is born into a 50 thousand dollar suit, and raised to be racist, sexist, violent, and stupid.

I know they make it cuz people will watch it. Just wish people weren't so dense (on average).

It's bad when shows like 'survivor' (glorified popularity contest), and auction wars, can last several seasons, yet anything with depth is almost guaranteed to be cancelled..

With the mentality of people these days, they could probably make a show that's just two good looking young people making out the whole time, then swap partners and continue halfway through the seasons, and it'd probably get instantly greenlit for a 10 season run...
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Yeah, I still go the library every month, get 3 or 4 to read. If I get hooked on a long series, I have to read all of them, and if the library doesn't have one, then I go to Barnes and Nobel to buy it right then, and God forbid they don't have it, I go to Amazon for the only thing I use them for.
How old are you? If you don't mind me asking?
I go to the library to get books also. And my kids do too. Nothing wrong with cracking a book every once in a while. You miss a lot when you only watch the movie/tv show.
Also, "Black Cindy" is actually one of her names because there's another Cindy, otherwise known as "White Cindy"

It surprises me that you watch OITNB.
Soon to be 42
40 here, but I've always been a sucker for visual effects. Also, due to anxieties, especially the past five years or so, I don't think I could read a book if I tried.. That's one thing books can't give you though, is mind-blowing visuals.. I watched, the avengers movie with Thanos (The good one, not the one that came after that was just a sad copy of the first) in Imax 3D, and was tearing up from the visuals. It was the best thing I've seen on a screen.

IMHO, reading a book, as opposed to watching a movie (if it's a big blockbuster action movie); is like reading about going to Disneyland, instead of going to Disneyland. I mean, ya might catch more details in the book, but... lol.. And yes, I know all about the day-long lineups, lol.. Never been, but heard of it. So for the sake of argument, just replace Disneyland, with, any major theme park that isn't packed beyond reason.

It surprises me that you watch OITNB.
It was a bit overly sexed up, but the story and characters were amusing (Especially 'Crazy eyes', lol..). Though I actually much preferred the Aussie version, Wentworth. It wasn't nearly as sexed up, and it got dark in parts.. Like, people actually died, lol. Also, the main villain in that show is haunting.. Real psychological mind ****. Gives me chills just thinking about it; the woman that played her was brilliant.
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That's one thing books can't give you though, is mind-blowing visuals
I don't disagree per sey, but I like to picture things the way I would see them. I do have a relatively vivid imagination, and that's why I like a good story. I also like to perceive the meaning for my own. I could never do a book club, I see no reason to disect it and get others perspective. It was my entertainment, and that's what I like about. And the last time I went to see a movie was the Mr. Rodgers movie, on a Tue afternoon with my sister. Good movie though.
I don't disagree per sey, but I like to picture things the way I would see them. I do have a relatively vivid imagination, and that's why I like a good story. I also like to perceive the meaning for my own. I could never do a book club, I see no reason to disect it and get others perspective. It was my entertainment, and that's what I like about. And the last time I went to see a movie was the Mr. Rodgers movie, on a Tue afternoon with my sister. Good movie though.
I did like to read some as a kid. But that was when I was in a grouphome and restricted to an hour a day on the TV. Also, internet barely existed back then, and not even close to the practical mainstream sense that it does now. Apparently the first search engine was invented in 1990, and without a search engine, the internet that did exist before that, woulda been fairly lacking in it's uses. I imagine only the true computer nerds would have even known about it (typically the dudes in coke-bottle glasses).

But yea, once I got outta that grouphome, I found myself pretty stuck to the television. I had the full programming lineup memorized for the shows I'd watch day to day. Blew a lot of time watching reruns and commercials back then..
I just change the channels...
I mean, I've noticed some of that too, but at the end of the day, it's only tv. Hollywood trying to peddle it's wares. For example, I used to be a huge Bond fan, before Daniel Craig. Not that he isn't good, but I don't like the fact they brough the book Bond to the big screen. In the books...he's kind of a douche. I couldnt develop a childhood admiration for him, whereas the stereotypical super spy who killed the bad guy, saved the world and got the girl, while still being impeccably combed lol, I could find admiration in. So, I just stopped watching and plunged into something else. There's movies and their lala land, then there's real life. However the wish to portray women or men in the media, fine by me; I know a fantasy isn't a healthy place to live in. I'm just ticking off the minutes while I wait to croak and if it bothers me, I'll just watch something else.

EDIT: Xena, Warrior Princess. Kick ass very female woman who still hit those lesbian undertones, a full decade before it was really acknowledged. She was a great example of female empowerment that men also loved.
I used to be a huge Bond fan, before Daniel Craig.
One word for Craig, BOOORRRIINNGGGG...

Seriosly.. I fell asleep watching casino royale.. what a boring, boring individual.. I think I'd be more thrilled if Ben Stien played Bond..

he's kind of a douche.
Like every Bond? That's kinda his role.. he's a Male **** spy, that screws a new girl (at least one) in every movie.. But pierce was cool, and fit the role in an uncanny sense..

I'm just ticking off the minutes while I wait to croak and if it bothers me, I'll just watch something else.
Pretty much same here, but when it seriously starts to bother me is when there's nothing else good to change to because I've watched anything worth watching, and everything else is getting diluted with feminist propaganda.. Like, women aren't the only people on earth, men deserve not to feel like garbage all the time as well.. Although like I said, with the good stuff, at least it doesn't really bother me. I just don't need to hear another thing about the 'oppressive male patriarchy'; like, shove your damned politics in someone else's face..

Especially ticks me off when the shows start out good, with so much potential, gets me into them and invested, then starts salting it down with that ****..

Xena, Warrior Princess. Kick ass very female woman who still hit those lesbian undertones, a full decade before it was really acknowledged. She was a great example of female empowerment that men also loved.
Admittedly, I also watched that show. Though, as a boy, I obviously preferred the male heroes, as they were relatable, but I still liked the show.
One word for Craig, BOOORRRIINNGGGG...

Seriosly.. I fell asleep watching casino royale.. what a boring, boring individual.. I think I'd be more thrilled if Ben Stien played Bond..

Like every Bond? That's kinda his role.. he's a Male **** spy, that screws a new girl (at least one) in every movie.. But pierce was cool, and fit the role in an uncanny sense..

Pretty much same here, but when it seriously starts to bother me is when there's nothing else good to change to because I've watched anything worth watching, and everything else is getting diluted with feminist propaganda.. Like, women aren't the only people on earth, men deserve not to feel like garbage all the time as well.. Although like I said, with the good stuff, at least it doesn't really bother me. I just don't need to hear another thing about the 'oppressive male patriarchy'; like, shove your damned politics in someone else's face..

Especially ticks me off when the shows start out good, with so much potential, gets me into them and invested, then starts salting it down with that ****..

Admittedly, I also watched that show. Though, as a boy, I obviously preferred the male heroes, as they were relatable, but I still liked the show.
Not like every Bond. See, to me it was very clear, there were two Bonds; book Bond and movie Bond. The first was interesting in a character, legit spy sort of way, the second was stereotypical, good vs evil entertainment fun. I never wanted, nor appreciate, book Bond becoming movie Bond. I read all the novels as a kid and to me at least, the difference was flagrant...and important. I remember the trailer for Goldeneye with Pierce, said something like "but you can still depend on one man..." well....you can't anymore. He went gritty realism. The opposite of why I enjoy watching tv in the first place. If I want gritty realism, Ill go to work and insult the closest gang member on the way over. The escapism, the cheap, not even close to realism fantasy fun of light sex, violence and good guys being good and winning, has all but vanished to make room for everyone and their mothers making a movie with a politically infused message lol. I DON't care! 😜 So...I just watch older stuff. Until movidom in general wakes up. And look for the few hidden pearls, like Nobody, who still sell free escapism.
And actual not quite sex scenes in movies...that just insults me. I KNOW how it works, I dont need to see it. Tiddis and sex in mainstream to me is just filler because you can't write intelligent scenes and are padding the runtime. It's a cheap, 80s horror movie trick that worked then, because no budget, no time and no decent writing, but today just fuels a hyper sexed society into buying into their garbage.
Like I'm ever ACTUALLY going to see Lucy Lawless naked like she was in Spartacus, why even show it to me? Kinda screws with my childhood memories lol.

Anyway, rant over. I'll stick with the 60s through early 2000s, it should keep me busy until I die. I just dont care enough about "filmmakers" nowadays to give a toss about them talking about their "art". Judging by how Hollywood has died in favor of more original shows on Netflix, I'd say Im not alone either. I heard the recent Dune is pretty good though. Since the director is one of my compatriots, maybe there's hope yet...
has all but vanished to make room for everyone and their mothers making a movie with a politically infused message lol.
It wouldn't bother me as much if the message was universal, like a general form of equality, or class equality, instead of always trying to push one demographic over the other, and every demographic over the one demographic I just happen to be..
And actual not quite sex scenes in movies...that just insults me. I KNOW how it works, I dont need to see it. Tiddis and sex in mainstream to me is just filler because you can't write intelligent scenes and are padding the runtime. It's a cheap, 80s horror movie trick that worked then, because no budget, no time and no decent writing, but today just fuels a hyper sexed society into buying into their garbage.
Like I'm ever ACTUALLY going to see Lucy Lawless naked like she was in Spartacus, why even show it to me? Kinda screws with my childhood memories lol
Eh.. I've seen enough tits at this point that they all kinda look gross to me.. nothing against women in general though, it's the fault of the mainstream media for desensitizing me to them.. they're sacks of fat, I don't get people that go off like horny preteens about them..

And yea, I feel the exact same about sex/kissing scenes in general.. filler. I've even been skipping all those scenes on most of the shows I watch. Sides some of the Japanese shows that get dubbed to English. The Japanse still know how to make those scenes emotional. But any American show; soon as I see her eyes go slightly up and cross eyed at the dude, I just skip the next 2-5 minutes of the show. It's just guaranteed to be mindless trash, that's just painful to watch.

Riverdale is absolutely horrible for that.. I actually enjoy the general storyline of the show, and really hope it has a crossover with that Sabrina witch show, sometime soon. But it's basically a low key porno.. I'm not even sure if I want to watch the next season that just started.. I watched half of the trailer for it, and in it, Betty is dry humping Archie on a bed while proclaiming that she wants to bear his babies... /barf.. Real fukin classy..

There is plenty of good newer shows though, but I can only stand to watch em once. **** the 'watch again' list on netflix.. I'm not really into old stuff though, that was more my mother's thing. I'll watch an older movie once in a blue moon, but I don't make a habit of it.

I also actually really like horror movies, I was thrilled to see that Jamie lee Curtis, was still in the new Halloween films. I love it when past protagonists return, cuz it gives the series a sense of continuity, as opposed to just feeling like remakes of the same movie.
Why not? I also do. Digital though but I have a few paper as well.
I don't watch TV much so I don't know anything about Batwoman, no idea, what is it. But I think they(mass-media) try to make the shows that people would like don't they?
Why do they like it? I don't know as haven't seen any of mentioned. Maybe because people can't keep a balance between "a woman is not a human"and "men and women are the same". So now in any moovie there should be a woman, a gay, a non eurpoean person and so on. Noone cares about a sence, only about money.

money and diversity. i think if holywood/netflix or whatever ever make a movie about Putin, the actor will be ... you know, not european and not straight. I can't be more specific because it's not allowed anymore lol but you get the idea...

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