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mintymint said:I've also been pondering the purchase of a new console. PS3 or XBox360. Any recommendations?
That's a tough choice. You can't really go wrong either way to be honest.
The 360 does have better multiplayer, despite the fact that you have to pay for it.
Just about all multi-platform games look and play slightly better on the 360 as well. in some cases it's not insignificant unless you've got a giant HDTV, in some cases it's minor but noticeable, and in some cases (Like Bayonetta) it's a pretty massive difference.
The 360 doesn't really have all that much in the way of good exclusives unless you're a big Halo or Gears of War fan (and I'm not) or if you don't have a computer good enough to play Mass Effect. The only two that I'd really miss is Lost Odyssey and Forza 3.
PS3 (imho) has all the good exclusives, Metal Gear, Uncharted, Ratchet and Clank, Valkyria Chronicals, Demon's Souls, God of War, and Heavy Rain
Plus it's a Blu-Ray player, and the fact that I can download TV and watch it through the PS3 without commercials makes me incredibly happy.