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mintymint said:
I've also been pondering the purchase of a new console. PS3 or XBox360. Any recommendations?

That's a tough choice. You can't really go wrong either way to be honest.

The 360 does have better multiplayer, despite the fact that you have to pay for it.
Just about all multi-platform games look and play slightly better on the 360 as well. in some cases it's not insignificant unless you've got a giant HDTV, in some cases it's minor but noticeable, and in some cases (Like Bayonetta) it's a pretty massive difference.

The 360 doesn't really have all that much in the way of good exclusives unless you're a big Halo or Gears of War fan (and I'm not) or if you don't have a computer good enough to play Mass Effect. The only two that I'd really miss is Lost Odyssey and Forza 3.

PS3 (imho) has all the good exclusives, Metal Gear, Uncharted, Ratchet and Clank, Valkyria Chronicals, Demon's Souls, God of War, and Heavy Rain

Plus it's a Blu-Ray player, and the fact that I can download TV and watch it through the PS3 without commercials makes me incredibly happy.
Yeah, but backwards compat suffers on both...or am I mistaken? I think that the earlier models of the PS3 were workable with PS2 games, but not newer models for some reason.

Someone wanna correct me if I'm wrong? :p

Badjedidude said:
Yeah, but backwards compat suffers on both...are am I mistaken? I think that the earlier models of the PS3 were workable with PS2 games, but not newer models for some reason.

Someone wanna correct me if I'm wrong? :p

That is also true. Shame they couldn't work it into all the consoles, don't understand a lot of Sony's decisions with their hardware.. a lot of opportunities to really stand out and they do something totally different.

In a perfect world they'd put their heads together and join companies to form one system, /sigh.
Something Creative said:
mintymint said:
I've also been pondering the purchase of a new console. PS3 or XBox360. Any recommendations?
That is a tough choice, I would say both if you had the money but if one over the other is really up to you. I am unbiased with all the consoles but I can tell you what consoles have what going for them.

- Exclusives like: Halo, Gears of War, Mass Effect, plus more
- Online service of Xbox LIVE Silver is free, however you won't be able to play others online through multiplayer or co-op, you can download addons or game demos though.
- Alternatively Xbox LIVE Gold is $7.99 a month, usually have first grabs at demos and multiplayer is available to you. I have issues concerning Microsoft though with the prices of some of their things.. but Xbox Live is a good community as a whole.
- Stream Netflix movies if you have an account
- Need to connect ethernet cord to router if you don't have the wireless adapter if you want to play online
- Prices have drops and have bundles that include and extra controller and more memory then what was previously sold

- Exclusives like Uncharted 1 and 2, Metal Gear Solid 4, God of War III, plus more
- Online service is completely free
- Wireless connectivity to play online, but have option to connect ethernet cord to router if wanted
- Plays Blu-Ray movies as well as games
- With a disc can also watch Netflix movies on your system
- Prices have also dropped including a new slim design with a higher hard drive storage

I have just skimmed the minimum on the consoles, you may want to do more research online about them. I enjoy them both a lot, but the PS3 does have an advantage with graphics and are more enjoyable if you have an HDTV. Xbox is great bout they need to compress a lot of their games. Either way, cannot go wrong with any of them seeing most games are multiplatform, you just need to decide if you want to spend money for an online service you'd use often and which system will have exclusives you'll enjoy more.

Thanks SC, that's some good info. I was also interested to hear that games can look better on the 360. I'm definitely liking the PS3 for some of the hardware reasons such as built in wireless and blu-ray. As a more "backwards" looking gamer :p I am disappointed by the lack of PS2 support on the newer models. It would have been nice to retire my PS2 and just have one system. Does anyone know if the new slim models are region locked? I play a lot of Japanese imports and if Japanese region games would play fine on a North American PS3 I would be totally sold on it.
mintymint said:
Thanks SC, that's some good info. I was also interested to hear that games can look better on the 360. I'm definitely liking the PS3 for some of the hardware reasons such as built in wireless and blu-ray. As a more "backwards" looking gamer :p I am disappointed by the lack of PS2 support on the newer models. It would have been nice to retire my PS2 and just have one system. Does anyone know if the new slim models are region locked? I play a lot of Japanese imports and if Japanese region games would play fine on a North American PS3 I would be totally sold on it.

I'm almost positive that the games are region free. Movies may be a different story however.
I'm in love with my ps3 i say if your more into first person shooters xbox has more of that stuff but if your more into platforming or rpgs go for the ps3
evanescencefan91 said:
I'm in love with my ps3 i say if your more into first person shooters xbox has more of that stuff but if your more into platforming or rpgs go for the ps3
I plan on playing my PS3 more when Final Fantasy XIII comes out, I don't know or have many active friends on my PSN though, would be nice to add a few people that are maybe into the same type of games.

Same would go with Xbox Live if anyone is interested.
For all you smart people with Xbox 360's and the superior Xbox Live add me Shining KoW210
Another Grillstation owner. :3

Ostler5000 is my PSN username, feel free to add me and I'll play whatever.
I like WipEout HD alot. It's probably my most played game on the system.
Littlebigplanet is epic. I play that in between whatever other game I'm into at the time.
And MAGs an alright game. I just like it for it's concept, the whole 256 online multiplayer thing is just great.

I got my Grillstation last summer, after the total letdown that was the Wii, and my year and a bit wait until I had the money for another console.
I really wanted to like the Wii, but, nah. Wish Nintendo told us about aiming the system specifically at casual gamers before I bought it.
Well Heavy Rain is anything but a flop. A definite must play for any PS3 owner.

Can't wait for God of War III. Damn
I can't wait for Final Fantasy 13 :). It's only 9 days away and is like the only thing I have to look forward to right now lol.
DayvanCowboy said:
Well Heavy Rain is anything but a flop. A definite must play for any PS3 owner.

I'll second that. It's certainly not a game for everyone though.

Still, I don't play games all that much anymore. Usually it takes me about 2-3 weeks to finish an 8 hours game. Heavy Rain though... I just couldn't stop playing. Probably the most fun I've had playing a game in years.
Talus said:
DayvanCowboy said:
Well Heavy Rain is anything but a flop. A definite must play for any PS3 owner.

I'll second that. It's certainly not a game for everyone though.

Still, I don't play games all that much anymore. Usually it takes me about 2-3 weeks to finish an 8 hours game. Heavy Rain though... I just couldn't stop playing. Probably the most fun I've had playing a game in years.

I agree about it not being a game for everyone since its not a FPS lol. Besides some sound glitches the game was a terrific experience and makes you care about the characters you play. The fighting parts were intense.
Remedy said:
I can't wait for Final Fantasy 13 . It's only 9 days away and is like the only thing I have to look forward to right now lol.

HOLY CRAP!!! For U.S. release? @_@ Wow...I need to scrounge up $400 so I can take the plunge at get a PS3 + FFXIII. I didn't realize it was that close to coming out!! -_- With my luck, I won't be playing it until two years from now.

Oh well. IGN will have cheats and walkthroughs for me by then. :p

FFXIII and god of war 3


\m/ XO \m/
Badjedidude said:
Remedy said:
I can't wait for Final Fantasy 13 . It's only 9 days away and is like the only thing I have to look forward to right now lol.

HOLY CRAP!!! For U.S. release? @_@ Wow...I need to scrounge up $400 so I can take the plunge at get a PS3 + FFXIII. I didn't realize it was that close to coming out!! -_- With my luck, I won't be playing it until two years from now.

Oh well. IGN will have cheats and walkthroughs for me by then. :p


You could save yourself the $100 and but it for the 360 instead.

I've been hearing some troubling things about this one though, although that could probably just be chalked off to the usual naysayers nitpicking at every given opportunity.
My first and last favourite game is the Ocarina of Time. But I'm also a recovering Oblivion junkie, and right now I kill time with Team Fortress 2 and Left4Dead2 while anxiously awaiting Half Life 2 Episode 3.

Anyone on Steam? PM me if so. I'd love to shoot zombies or get backstabed with you.

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