Flu Season and Shot

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Badjedidude said:

I have this radical idea that sickness updates my immune system by helping my body to create new immunities against sicknesses and new emergent strains of illnesses.

Getting a flu shot does the exact same thing for your immune system
Yea, they don't prevent you or completely save you from the flu. The shot gives you the flu strand so your body builds immune to it, and there's a much lesser chance of it killing you. It's like a venomous snake bite. The antidote is made with the actual snake venom.

Badjedidude said:

I have this radical idea that sickness updates my immune system by helping my body to create new immunities against sicknesses and new emergent strains of illnesses.

Getting a flu shot does the exact same thing for your immune system

Right, by what? By giving it to you.
Snake antivenom is completely different from a flu vaccine. With antivenom, they inject snake venom into an animal like a horse, which then produces antibodies to the venom. Those antibodies are what's in the antivenom that's given to a human, not the actual snake venom itself.

The flu vaccine involved inject an inactive (shot) or weakened (nasal spray) flu virus. The flu virus has either been inactivated, or has been weakened to the point that it does not cause the person getting the shot to get the flu. The body builds a defense for the virus, and if the person comes in contact with the virus again, the body is more prepared to fight it off in the future.

I'm still confused as to why you insist the shot gives the person the flu. The virus they inject into a person is either inactive, or is too weak to make someone sick. I get the shot every year and have never gotten sick. In fact, no one I know who gets vaccinated has ever gotten sick from it.

VanillaCreme said:
And comparing a bike ride to a flu shot makes no sense.

Sure it does. They are two examples of an "effect" happening, and being attributed to a "cause" that had nothing to do with it. Like the flu shot causing a neurological disorder. It's just as ridiculous as a bike ride giving you a stomach virus.
I've heard that most people that get the flu after the shot is because the shot they were administered didn't contain the strains of that particular flu that was going around. There arr several strains, including the ones that mutate, for the flu. In order to make the flu shot available for everyone, and at the demand during the "flu season" I think they try predict which flu strains are going to be cycling for that season. They aren't always correct, though. Sometimes they'll make announcements that you need to come back to get another shot, because there is a different strain cycling more rampant than what they initially thought would be the main strains.


I've also heard that if you've been unknowingly exposed to the flu (or other virus), and your body is trying to fight it off, then you go ahead and get the shot, that weakens your immune system -- getting you sick. Like Jay said, when you get the vaccine, I think your body recognizes it as being foreign in the blood, and that's how it builds an immunity to it.

I'm no doctor, though. Going to be a nurse, so I'll have an educated answer for this in the future -- hopefully :p
It's not a cause and effect thing. So the bike thing still doesn't have any sense to it.

People are claiming that an effect (random side effects, neurological disorders, etc.) is related to a cause (getting a flu shot). I was relating that with how it would be ridiculous to claim that an effect (getting a stomach virus) is related to a cause (riding your bike).

The reason why it isn't cause and effect, is because the effect has no relation to the cause. Flu shots don't cause neurological disorders. Just because someone gets one after a flu shot doesn't mean the flu shot caused it. Just like how bikes don't cause stomach viruses. Just because someone gets sick after riding their bike doesn't mean the bike made them get sick. Why? Because there is nothing linking the effect to the cause.

Whatever, forget the bike analogy, and focus and everything else I posted, and tell me why you disagree with it. And explain how the shot can actually give someone the flu. Because no sound scientist would ever claim that it does.


That's completely different than a flu shot. But whatever, think what you want. You're not going to persuade me from what I know. I'm not trying to make you think any differently.
I am tired of fear-mongering & misinformation. Shots are not bad, they save more lives than they harm.
VanillaCreme said:
Yea, they don't prevent you or completely save you from the flu. The shot gives you the flu strand so your body builds immune to it, and there's a much lesser chance of it killing you. It's like a venomous snake bite. The antidote is made with the actual snake venom.

Badjedidude said:

I have this radical idea that sickness updates my immune system by helping my body to create new immunities against sicknesses and new emergent strains of illnesses.

Getting a flu shot does the exact same thing for your immune system

Right, by what? By giving it to you.

Not exactly. It gives your body an extremely weakened version of the flu virus so that your body has a chance to build up antibodies to the flu without you having to go through the nastiness of getting sick with the flu in the first place.

I am definitely getting the flu shot(s) this year plus the Pneumovax because I've had the flu twice in the past 4 years, and while the flu itself is no picnic, I ended up coming down with pneumonia both times, and I was sick for months, literally. I am prone to respiratory ailments anyway - I had a regular garden variety cold this winter that ended up settling in as bronchitis and it kicked my ass for over a month.

So, anything I can do that would limit my chances of going through the sickness and the likely side effects for me is 100% worth it. Each year as I've gotten older it's gotten worse. My dr was wavering on whether or not to put me in the hospital the lat time I had pneumonia. :/
I get a flu jab cos I'm type one Diabetic.
My Dad gets one cos he's got COPD.
My Mum gets one cos she lives with me and my Dad.

Poor Rigsby doesn't get one (d)
^^^ Yes I HAVE to take a shot because Im type 1 diabetic, also. I guess we are used to shots, though :(
I guess people missed my point in my earlier post.

The flu shot isn't simply a weakened version of the virus. (As far as I've heard, anyway) It's a generic, synthetically created vaccine for... uhhmm... which strain? There are thousands of strains of the flu. You could easily still catch the flu from a strain missed by the vaccine.

And the government could have put something else in the vaccine. Who the **** knows? I choose not to trust my government to THAT extent. Besides... I'm strong enough to survive a flu epidemic. Most of those who would die would be (as I said earlier) the very old and very young (and the sick; those whose health is already compromised).


I just honestly don't think that these flu shots do as much as everyone says. And I don't believe that the bird flu was such a huge deal, either. I know several who had it, and they said it was about the same as any other flu.

I don't really think it's much of a debate. Everyone has their own reasons why they get, why they will get it, and why they won't get it. I don't think those reasons will change just because someone makes a post about their own reasons.

Shot or no shot, just be sure to wash your hands lots and tons.

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