Forum Year Book (Light hearted fun)

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1122 said:
ladyforsaken said:
Serenia said:
ladyforsaken said:
Which 2 posters are most likely to get married? 1122 and Serenia

Does everyone know something I don't know lol

Or do you know something we don't?


I'm sure we know plenty of things you don't know... oh, you meant about us? Yeah. I know she likes devil pizza and the WORST possible ice cream flavour. Oh, you meant about our relationship? Easy... we're bacon buddies; joined together by our love of unhealthy breakfast products. It's not sexual tension your sensing... it's indigestion!

There you go, it's finally out there.
Kids presenter? Boy band?!!?! I don't even get comedian and I was fishing for that one...
BeyondShy said:
Serenia said:
Most likely to win the lottery but lose the ticket? Beyondshy

I wonder why?

Somebody said about me.
I never lose anything. I am very organized.
It probably means I am a loser. And if something good happened, it is bound to go wrong.

Serenia said:
Most likely to sleep with a famous person?  Ladyf :p
Most likely to become prime minister? Rosebolt
Most likely to be hired as a secret assassin? Pendragon
Most likely to become a millionaire? Skafish
Most likely to win the lottery but lose the ticket? Beyondshy
Most likely to be loved by old people? 9006
Most likely to become a kids TV presenter? Magalie
Most likely to join a boyband/girlband? Cavey :p
Most likely to invent something? Constantstranger
Most likely to become a comedian? Therealcallie
Most likely to travel the world? Peaches
Most likely to win a debate? Batman55
Which 2 posters are most likely to get married? Triplebogey and Sofiasmama
Which 2 posters are most likely to end up in jail together? Pendragon and Gaberiel20
Most likely to write a best-selling book? Zero
Most likely to take over the world?  Rodent
Most likely to become a supermodel? Me!!!
Most likely to become a therapist? Solvigant



How did you know about my crush on Sofiasmama ? :D

ladyforsaken said:
Serenia said:
Most likely to sleep with a famous person?  Ladyf :p

Lol.. now who might that be? I wonder how you came to that. :p

All right, I removed some, can't think of anyone for them, but here's the rest... and I think some of my choices might be random.. or the first person that comes to mind.

Most likely to sleep with a famous person? Veruca
Most likely to become prime minister? SophiaGrace/HoodedMonk
Most likely to be hired as a secret assassin? Rodent (Agree with 1122 on this.)
Most likely to be loved by old people? Me? Lol.
Most likely to become a kids TV presenter? 1122
Most likely to join a boyband/girlband? lonelyfairy
Most likely to become a comedian? Rodent
Most likely to travel the world? Peaches / Oldyoung (I want it to be me, but I can only dream hah.)
Which 2 posters are most likely to get married? 1122 and Serenia
Which 2 posters are most likely to end up in jail together? ardour and TripleBogey
Most likely to write a best-selling book? Rosebolt / Solivagant
Most likely to become a supermodel? Veruca / Aisha
Most likely to become a therapist? EveWasFramed

Bloody Hell ! I am in jail now !
Triple Bogey said:
Somebody said about me.
I never lose anything. I am very organized.
It probably means I am a loser. And if something good happened, it is bound to go wrong.

I agree with you up to a point. I never lose anything either and that is because I am very well organized. I know where everything is without having to think about it. However because of being able to do this I don't consider myself a loser for it. Far from it. All I do is consider myself organized. Nothing more and nothing less.
BeyondShy said:
Triple Bogey said:
Somebody said about me.
I never lose anything. I am very organized.
It probably means I am a loser. And if something good happened, it is bound to go wrong.

I agree with you up to a point. I never lose anything either and that is because I am very well organized. I know where everything is without having to think about it. However because of being able to do this I don't consider myself a loser for it. Far from it. All I do is consider myself organized. Nothing more and nothing less.

It's a jokey thread. I don't think anybody means any harm.
Triple Bogey said:
It's a jokey thread. I don't think anybody means any harm.

I know it is. I didn't think anyone meant any harm either. I just was curious as to why she thought I would lose something like that. :)
BeyondShy said:
Triple Bogey said:
It's a jokey thread. I don't think anybody means any harm.

I know it is. I didn't think anyone meant any harm either. I just was curious as to why she thought I would lose something like that. :)

It goes back to what I said. Which loser would win the lottery and lose the ticket ? - They thought of me. So they must think I am loser.
Triple Bogey said:
Most likely to sleep with a famous person?  Ladyf :p
Most likely to become prime minister? Rosebolt
Most likely to be hired as a secret assassin? Pendragon
Most likely to become a millionaire? Skafish
Most likely to win the lottery but lose the ticket? Beyondshy
Most likely to be loved by old people? 9006
Most likely to become a kids TV presenter? Magalie
Most likely to join a boyband/girlband? Cavey :p
Most likely to invent something? Constantstranger
Most likely to become a comedian? Therealcallie
Most likely to travel the world? Peaches
Most likely to win a debate? Batman55
Which 2 posters are most likely to get married? Triplebogey and Sofiasmama
Which 2 posters are most likely to end up in jail together? Pendragon and Gaberiel20
Most likely to write a best-selling book? Zero
Most likely to take over the world?  Rodent
Most likely to become a supermodel? Me!!!
Most likely to become a therapist? Solvagent

How did you know about my crush on Sofiasmama ? :D

LOL ;)

I like these, LF!!

ladyforsaken said:
Most likely to be a Youtuber? Bob Arctor
Most likely to whip up an awesome dish? Jaguarundi or Shipster
Most likely to be a teacher? Jently
Most likely to carve the best pumpkin? Solivagant for me, too
Most likely to break the rules? Oh, I can....Poguesy comes to mind, bless his naughty heart.

And, I found a few more if anyone is interested. :

Most likely to win an Oscar SofiasMami
Most likely to start a reality show franchise 9006
Most likely to wind up in the Guinness Book Of World Records TripleBogey...for the most bogies ;P
Most likely to run off with the circus PenDragon
Most likely to visit Mars Magalie
Most likely to become a ninja Rodent
Most likely to be on Broadway Serenia
Most likely to become a superhero (And what is their superpower?) BadJediDude and his ability to drop the mic with his awesome sarcasm
Most likely to dance in a Beyonce music video Evey...cuz that **** would go viral
Most likely to have a town named after them Nicolelt
Most likely to be a porn star This has the Limlim approach written all over it
MissGuided said:
I like these, LF!!

ladyforsaken said:
Most likely to be a Youtuber? Bob Arctor
Most likely to whip up an awesome dish? Jaguarundi or Shipster
Most likely to be a teacher? Jently
Most likely to carve the best pumpkin? Solivagant for me, too
Most likely to break the rules? Oh, I can....Poguesy comes to mind, bless his naughty heart.

And, I found a few more if anyone is interested. :

Most likely to win an Oscar SofiasMami
Most likely to start a reality show franchise 9006
Most likely to wind up in the Guinness Book Of World Records TripleBogey...for the most bogies ;P
Most likely to run off with the circus PenDragon
Most likely to visit Mars Magalie
Most likely to become a ninja Rodent
Most likely to be on Broadway Serenia
Most likely to become a superhero (And what is their superpower?) BadJediDude and his ability to drop the mic with his awesome sarcasm
Most likely to dance in a Beyonce music video Evey...cuz that **** would go viral
Most likely to have a town named after them Nicolelt
Most likely to be a porn star This has the Limlim approach written all over it

I like these too, MissG! I can think for some of these.
And damn, you're right on Poguesy. I totally forgot about him. I might also add PieBeNice to the one likely to break the rules then.

Most likely to win an Oscar: Magalie
Most likely to start a reality show franchise: Sci-Fi
Most likely to wind up in the Guinness Book Of World Records: Shipster
Most likely to run off with the circus: 1122
Most likely to visit Mars: Paraiyar
Most likely to be on Broadway: MissGuided
Most likely to dance in a Beyonce music video: Katerina
Most likely to have a town named after them: Ringwood
Most likely to be a porn star: Limlim - gotta agree with MissG.

Let's see if I can add some more.

Most likely to start a new IT-related company: 9006
Most likely to start a party: bender22
Most likely to own a cigar company: ardour / TripleBogey (I don't know why you both always come in pairs in my mind..)
Most likely to be a vet: Veruca
Most likely to make the best smoothie: VanillaCreme
These are all fantastic Ladyf and MissG <3

Beyondshy it was more a case of I had a space and thought of including you and thought it might bring a smile. Nothing at all to do with the losing a anything. Frankly if there was anyone for that category it would be me, and I am organised, but that is my luck.

The only sizzingly 1122 and I have going on is the bacon ;).
ladyforsaken said:
Sci-Fi said:
ladyforsaken said:
Most likely to start a reality show franchise: Sci-Fi


I don't know lol, you're the first person that came to mind.

I can see it...a show about forum posters and their dramatic lives and scifi would show up every now and then and stamp an out of line poster with a huge "closed!" sign on their forehead


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