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Well-known member
Jun 28, 2011
Reaction score
Georgia, US
We are mothers as well as fathers. We are teachers and mentors.
We chase away nightmares and bandage scraped knees.
We pack lunches and provide taxi service.
We make budgets and do paperwork.
We are cooks, dishwashers and maids.
We are providers and confidantes.
We work. We love. We live.
We are single mothers.
We have value.
So **** you.
Very apt Eve - Did you write this ? been there including the goalie on the football pitch and playing with trains.

Wonder what the ratio is to single parent men, are there as many as women ? I have not come across as many though.
Badjedidude said:
Eve, dun hate me. *hugs*

Lol, never.
Sorry for the rant everyone. I've just been witness to a lot of conversations lately that leave me with a bitter taste in my mouth. I see it here on occasion, read about it on line and see/hear it in real life. As I said, just a rant - not meant to offend anyone.
That being said, if anyone here knows a single parent, a kind word can go a long way.

monkeysox said:
Very apt Eve - Did you write this ? been there including the goalie on the football pitch and playing with trains.

Wonder what the ratio is to single parent men, are there as many as women ? I have not come across as many though.

Yes, I wrote it.
Any single parent has a difficult job - male or female.
I guess it can be easy to feel sorry for yourself and unappreciated at times.
Thanks for the reply.
Depends if someone's chosen single parenthood or not.

I think children deserve a mother and a father where possible. Feel free to hate me.
rdor said:
Depends if someone's chosen single parenthood or not.

I think children deserve a mother and a father where possible. Feel free to hate me.

I don't hate you nor did I choose it.
This isn't a debate thread by the way.
Don't think anyone actively chooses to be a single parent (correct me if I am wrong) it just commonly happens.

I just lost my temper on a thread (first time ever) so understand exactly what you mean Eve.

Single parenting is a difficult job, the absent parent gets their freedom back at your expense. Suddenly you are both parents in time, ties and emotions.

It is also often a thankless role, but does pay off and rewarded in love and loyalty.
This is exactly how I feel when i see negative comments about depressed people. Hello? Do you know what i go through on a daily basis? I have not told you i feel miserable 80% of the time, now have I? No. So, go talk about those metaphorical depressed negative people. I'll be here, dying inside because you are juding ME.

Then there are the people that think they know better than your depression or your emotions, and try to tell you what you should do from the perspective of someone who does not have depression and thereby does not understand it or no longer has depression (not having depression can warp your memory of how depression was. you forget how it was, and then start acting from the frame of reference of a nondepressed person.) .

The lack of compassion just pisses me right off.

Actually, my negativity has gotten better for me because I am able to be myself with a select few people online. I have opened up to them and they accept me for who I am and it makes me feel like i am an okay person. My mood and outlook have improved because of this.

To go back to the main topic though, it would just KILL me for years, to know how i was inside, and have people make assumptions about me based on what little i told them about my inner emotional world. It was a very isolating, crushing feeling. What was also crushing was feeling like no one would ever accept the real me, so i could never ever tell them who I actually was. This made me feel like I was an unacceptable person and i compartmentalized like nobody's business. I also have very very thin skin, so, whenever I would open up and someone would react in a nonsupportive or ill-informed manner, it would hurt my feelings and i would try to force myself to close back up and I'd berate myself for opening up to them.

What i've been through though has made me into someone that does not judge the pain of others though.
Those who judge are poorly educated in the matters in which they judge - be it single parent hood, depression or whatever .

No person is lesser than another and neither should they be told how to feel in situations, the ones I hate the most are those with money who think they are better than anyone else.

Respect respect respect ! I am still fuming so I will go have a cup of tea before I get on my high horse.

because like the hulk 'You wouldn't like me when I am angry'
I hope this wasn't due to the thread where we were saying that we don't owe our parents financially! D:

That is an entirely different thing than saying single mothers or parents in general don't have value. I know you definitely go through a lot being one and I'm pretty sure your child is going to end up a good person because of it. :)
"We can never judge the lives of others, because each person knows only their own pain and renunciation. It's one thing to feel that you are on the right path, but it's another to think that yours is the only path.” -Paulo Coelh

“If you judge people, you have no time to love them.” -Mother Teresa

"Do not be too eager to deal out death in judgment. For even the wise cannot see all ends. " - J.R.R. Tolkein

"I have learned toleration from the intolerant, and kindness from the unkind; yet, strange, I am ungrateful to these teachers." --Khalil Gibran

"Be tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak and the strong. Because someday in life you will have been all of these. " -George Washington Carver
Aw Eve, you do a fantastic job and I'm sure the little one would be the first to stick up for you. Thats all that counts, to hell with anyone's assumptions. :D
A lot of single parents, no matter what the gender or 'role' they perform, do a fantastic job and should in no way be made to feel inferior to couples or larger families. Kudos to them as it can’t be an easy task.
Being raised by my mom, I can honestly say I turned out great. A lot of people think I'm a pansy because it, but the truth of the matter is a single mother is the toughest person on the face of the planet. Mess with me, or say something bad about my mom, or my upbringing and I will hunt you down and feed you your heart (JK, but Im way tougher, and emotionally connected then every guy I know) Thanks MOM!!
ajdass1 said:

In the time my sister has been alive, and probably even before then in taking care of my little brother, while my mother was working and my dad was bumming off of her, I took up the role of stay-at-home father. I reckon this kind of relationship started when I was eight or so, learning to cook so as not to be subjected to my own dad's ramen-and-tuna dinners while my mother flew abroad during her politician days - keeping food in the house and clothes on our backs. She was probably a single mother long before they even split up.

We are mothers as well as fathers.

That's a pretty common notion shared among single mothers, yet pretty profound for me, personally, to have read as the first sentence in the OP. After having recently been harassed with phone calls from my estranged father whom I'll have nothing to do with, and after reading this post, I got to thinking. From the little bit I know of Eve and the troubles and triumphs she's been through as a single mother, I can only say - damn right. And if my own father had half the strength and good characteristics of parenthood that Eve has, maybe I could show him the same kind of respect I reserve for her.

I have yet to meet someone who's worked so hard to make sure her kid doesn't have to do anything but play, grow, and clean her room (lol). But I'm sure they're everywhere. And we don't acknowledge it because they, like Eve, don't complain. That, to me, shows someone who understands what real motherhood is about. It's time for the child to take center stage and the parent to do everything necessary to make sure he or she shines. With a job like that, who has time to complain?
But, y'know, rants like this...they're okay every once in a while ;) 'Else you'd go insane. You're totally valuable, Debapoo.

Well thanks, Eve, you made my week!
I get tired of hearing people prosyletize about single mothers, as if they even had a clue what it's like.
I believe being a single parent like myself isn't a tragedy or affliction, it just is.
But whenever I get a little down & worry about how my kiddo will turn out, I think about the President of the United States, who it just so happens was raised by a single mother. Then I don't feel so bad. :)

As a child of from a single parent home all I have to say is, rock on with your bad self :D

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