Impressive..though I don't think there's enough room on this page to show you the percentage of banks going under..people losing their homes..the deficit that we owe in the billions to China and other countries because we're borrowing for the war. The fact that the American dollar is plummeting in value..that soldiers overseas are ill equiped to fight..that..oh well..why bother? Like I said..count yourself lucky.
Last time we tried this, when presented w/ the fact that you really didn't know what you were talkin' about, you decided..."I don't come here for this". and left the thread, rather than admit the evidence.

You're stubborn as hell

, I kinda like that too.
Oh really? And who died and made you God? So I am wrong and you're right about everything? Hmmm..quite an ego you've got going there. But putting all differences aside..I think you're basically a nice person..
at times that is..

Lol as much as you'd like to talk of me, if it's all the same with you, lets just try and stick w/ the facts please. ...I never said you were wrong about everything. (as a matter of fact, I think you are right about most thing, alot of very important things, more important than politics, but, then again, that's an opinion, and nothing more) And, I never said, nor claimed, I was right about everything LOL As a matter of fact, the only reason I even come in here in the first place is to try and learn what you all know, of which I do not, so much, of what I do not know... *smile at you*
One last thing Miss Tanacity, Miss Persistence, Miss Steadfastness, and Miss Resolve.... (like those better than stubborn?

You don't know that I'm
not God.

Oh yeah? Got your dukes up?
Well..Miss TPSR says "
God would have voted for Gore"..

Like a said, I feel you are right about
most things.
