Game -Guess something about the next person

Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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Independent from what?

Next person says 'ahhh' when they sit down.
9006 said:
Independent from what?

Indie games. Created and published independently.

and no, I don't elicit any noise upon sitting.

The next person doesn't like turkey.
Not particularly. Depends how it is cooked.

The next person has wrinkles.
I hope I never get them :(

The next person chews their nails.
Happens sometimes when under stress/pressure

The next person has black hair.
lol .... really? I like it, wouldn`t call it a fetish though, lol.

The next person has long ears.
I`d like it to be possible.

The next person prefers desktop computers over laptops.
It depends on what I am using it for. For general everyday stuff then I much prefer the convenience and portability of a laptop, but for anything requiring any kind of power - 3D rendering, gaming, video editing, then I prefer a desktop.

Next person doesn't own a smartphone.