Lishniy Chelovek Well-known member Joined Aug 2, 2014 Messages 99 Reaction score 0 Aug 11, 2014 #6,481 No. The next person was left in the jungle as a baby and raised by sloths.
Edward W Well-known member Joined Jan 21, 2013 Messages 6,501 Reaction score 5 Location UK Aug 12, 2014 #6,482 That would explain alot. Thanks for letting me know! The next person has tried using a Jedi mind trick.
That would explain alot. Thanks for letting me know! The next person has tried using a Jedi mind trick.
anonymoustaco Well-known member Joined Aug 2, 2014 Messages 63 Reaction score 0 Location Ohio Aug 12, 2014 #6,483 Nope. The next person likes macaroni and cheese.
C Cavey Guest Aug 13, 2014 #6,484 It's not bad. I haven't had any for years though. The next person is in good general health.
zero Well-known member Joined Sep 1, 2009 Messages 11,055 Reaction score 38 Aug 13, 2014 #6,485 In my dreams. ...No, unfortunately I`m not. The next person can look at something for 1 minute without blinking.
In my dreams. ...No, unfortunately I`m not. The next person can look at something for 1 minute without blinking.
ucxb Well-known member Joined Aug 8, 2013 Messages 3,534 Reaction score 1 Location USA Aug 13, 2014 #6,487 not at this moment The next person has various hobbies
anonymoustaco Well-known member Joined Aug 2, 2014 Messages 63 Reaction score 0 Location Ohio Aug 13, 2014 #6,488 I guess so, yeah. The next person likes watching those old black and white shows/movies.
Alma lost her spoon Well-known member Joined Aug 14, 2014 Messages 2,023 Reaction score 2 Location Scotland Aug 15, 2014 #6,489 Hah yes....I recall when life was all in black n white. The next person enjoys the occasional whiskey.
Hah yes....I recall when life was all in black n white. The next person enjoys the occasional whiskey.
zero Well-known member Joined Sep 1, 2009 Messages 11,055 Reaction score 38 Aug 15, 2014 #6,490 No. the next person has curly hair.
C Cavey Guest Aug 17, 2014 #6,492 I do, but I can't play an instrument, so it's not a very useful skill. The next person is watching TV
I do, but I can't play an instrument, so it's not a very useful skill. The next person is watching TV
ladyforsaken Well-known member Joined Jun 8, 2012 Messages 23,181 Reaction score 68 Location ALL Aug 18, 2014 #6,493 No, not really I seldom watch any TV. Next person is scratching their face.
C Cavey Guest Aug 18, 2014 #6,494 No, but my finger was resting on my chin. The next person has recently eaten a cream cake.
ucxb Well-known member Joined Aug 8, 2013 Messages 3,534 Reaction score 1 Location USA Aug 19, 2014 #6,495 Nope! But I recently had a homemade strawberry & blueberry cobbler, yumo! The next person is having a good day
Nope! But I recently had a homemade strawberry & blueberry cobbler, yumo! The next person is having a good day
Edward W Well-known member Joined Jan 21, 2013 Messages 6,501 Reaction score 5 Location UK Aug 19, 2014 #6,497 No, purple today. The next person has their socks on the wrong feet!
R Rosebolt Guest Aug 19, 2014 #6,498 I don't really have socks like that. The next person is smiling.
C Cavey Guest Aug 19, 2014 #6,499 I am usually told one of these 3 things... 1. Cheer up, it might never happen. 2. Who died? 3. You look like a serial killer. I'm going to guess that smiling is not something I do very often. Strangely, I feel happy most of the time though! The next person couldn't be arsed to read all that.
I am usually told one of these 3 things... 1. Cheer up, it might never happen. 2. Who died? 3. You look like a serial killer. I'm going to guess that smiling is not something I do very often. Strangely, I feel happy most of the time though! The next person couldn't be arsed to read all that.
ucxb Well-known member Joined Aug 8, 2013 Messages 3,534 Reaction score 1 Location USA Aug 25, 2014 #6,500 Hmm arsed? I read it The next person wants to meet a few ALL members in person