Serenia Well-known member Joined Dec 4, 2014 Messages 8,272 Reaction score 355 Location England May 27, 2015 #7,481 Nope been awake a good few hours now. The next person has a beverage nearby.
U user 108508 Well-known member Joined Mar 9, 2014 Messages 6,449 Reaction score 96 May 27, 2015 #7,482 Correct The next person is relaxing and recharging today.
Serenia Well-known member Joined Dec 4, 2014 Messages 8,272 Reaction score 355 Location England May 27, 2015 #7,483 No more like tearing my hair out day. The next person has game they play daily.
U user 108508 Well-known member Joined Mar 9, 2014 Messages 6,449 Reaction score 96 May 27, 2015 #7,485 Correct The next person would like to go on a boat ride.
surfeit Well-known member Joined May 23, 2015 Messages 130 Reaction score 0 May 28, 2015 #7,486 a massive lake, sure. Why not. The next person have a good stereo.
Magalie Undefined Joined Oct 30, 2014 Messages 14,944 Reaction score 2,426 May 28, 2015 #7,487 Nope. Next person has two songs playing at the same time.
Danielle Well-known member Joined Jan 14, 2010 Messages 3,824 Reaction score 7 Location New England, USA May 28, 2015 #7,488 No The next person wants to go outside for a while
C Cavey Guest May 28, 2015 #7,489 I do, but it's pouring with rain and I have a chest infection, so I am effectively trapped in here :/ The next person likes burying their head in the sand.
I do, but it's pouring with rain and I have a chest infection, so I am effectively trapped in here :/ The next person likes burying their head in the sand.
U user 108508 Well-known member Joined Mar 9, 2014 Messages 6,449 Reaction score 96 May 28, 2015 #7,490 Not at all. The next person is allergic to bees.
C Cavey Guest May 28, 2015 #7,491 I don't think so. I was stung last year and although it swelled a lot, I did not suffer any after effects. The next person hates peanut butter
I don't think so. I was stung last year and although it swelled a lot, I did not suffer any after effects. The next person hates peanut butter
U user 108508 Well-known member Joined Mar 9, 2014 Messages 6,449 Reaction score 96 May 28, 2015 #7,492 OMG, no! It's creamity, peanuty goodness from the heavens. The next person hates the incessant ambulance-chasing lawyer commercials on TV.
OMG, no! It's creamity, peanuty goodness from the heavens. The next person hates the incessant ambulance-chasing lawyer commercials on TV.
Serenia Well-known member Joined Dec 4, 2014 Messages 8,272 Reaction score 355 Location England May 29, 2015 #7,493 Yes The next person has a degree.
U user 108508 Well-known member Joined Mar 9, 2014 Messages 6,449 Reaction score 96 May 30, 2015 #7,494 Yes The next person has organized his/her personal documents.
Serenia Well-known member Joined Dec 4, 2014 Messages 8,272 Reaction score 355 Location England May 30, 2015 #7,495 Yes The next person has a pet.
U user 108508 Well-known member Joined Mar 9, 2014 Messages 6,449 Reaction score 96 May 30, 2015 #7,496 Yes, I do. The next person was lazy as hell today.
ladyforsaken Well-known member Joined Jun 8, 2012 Messages 23,181 Reaction score 68 Location ALL May 31, 2015 #7,497 Kind of. :s Next person baked some cookies today or recently.
Serenia Well-known member Joined Dec 4, 2014 Messages 8,272 Reaction score 355 Location England May 31, 2015 #7,498 Yes last week. The next person is making a meal from scratch today.
U user 108508 Well-known member Joined Mar 9, 2014 Messages 6,449 Reaction score 96 May 31, 2015 #7,499 Every day, my friend. The next person is thinking about buying a new car.
Serenia Well-known member Joined Dec 4, 2014 Messages 8,272 Reaction score 355 Location England Jun 1, 2015 #7,500 Nope sticking with mine for now. The next person likes to wear socks to bed