Game -Guess something about the next person

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Not to save my life, unless you can manage a huge amount of self-restraint and call it "abstract art".

The next person is happier than I ever will be
I don't know you, so I can't really say. We all have our sad stories.

The next person has laughed at a dorky commercial today.
Nope, don't have cable TV, so ...

The next person makes the world a better place just by being in it
Yes. Yes, I do. I'm cursed with that and blinding beauty, my cross to bear.

The next person will likely NOT drink a glass of wine tonight.
I like people who know they're beautiful and are not held back by fear of the narcissism label to say it. Wine ? Hmm, I'm considering abstaining tonight, just for a change.

The next person will walk her doggie today and will meet someone interesting on the walk. (No, I don't make fortune cookies, although I ate a few last night)
Yes, four times today as per usual, that needy bitch. No one knew, same neighbors I always wave to or chat with.

The next person is planning to take a quick nap today in order to not fall asleep during their favorite show later.
Does not watch shows, but might take a nap if I get tired.

The next person wears socks of different colours.
So quick, MissGuided! :)

I NEED A CAR OR A MOTORCYCLE SO BAD :D And if I got one, I'd need a new next day...

The next poster bought milk and a treat yesterday, but forgot the real reason it went to the food store.
no but maybe I should go get one he would rock it

the next person will not put a carved pumpkin on their head ...again
Why have I never thought about doing that back in a minute.

The next person when reading the above thought about the Episode of Friends where Joey and Monica stuck a Turkey on their heads.
I did try it once and it actually didn't look too bad. I don't think I still could though.

The next person has just treated themselves to something
Lol, just checked, but no, there`s no hole in them

The next person makes friends easily.

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