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Shipster wishes she was a worm because she likes playing in the dirt so much.
Lady is a billionaire but doesn't like to tell anyone.
Lady buys my wigs I make, especially the long pink wigs. Mmmm sexy.
Lady owns a bar that's called "Ladies", but ironically it's a mens only bar.
Lady guards the secret for turning lead into gold, the order of the Golden Pheonix has existed for 1309 years and she is the 27st person entrusted with the secret.

She has killed 4 assasins from the Dark Brotherhood who wish to learn the secret in order to further their goal of world domination.

She is currently scouring the globe via online forums to find her successor.
Runciter hates running and quite likes strolling, instead.
Runciter slipped when creating his name, he meant to put Strollciter.
Who doesn't, it's nice an warm.

Lady likes to put makeup on right before she goes bed.

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