Generic poetry thread

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Those who cry like brothers,
those who weep like sisters together...
They are the life, they are the death
of human and all that is known.
Since they have found the answer to all.
The answer to end this madness,
this misery,
this cycle of death
we blindly call life.

Tried to translate some more poetic works but they turned out not what they should be.. Should write more in English.

It's like fire
It burns
And it burns
And only ashes
left by the one
that's like fire
Wow, more people posting since last I was on. Pretty sweet!

Thank you all for keeping the thread going and being brave enough to share your poetry. Don't be concerned about Form, style, or overall "prettiness" - poetry is poetry. It can be awesome way to vent, cope, express, or inspire others (sometimes even yourself).

This is one that I wrote yesterday.

The peaceful bliss of tranquility,
found within a sphere of obliviousness
Disturbed by soft murmurings
carried aloft on the gentle breeze of my passing.
Alert and aware, now, taking notice of all.
You did not notice me while I was there.

Scully oh Scully
My minds in a gully
Flowing out into the sea
My heart falls like granite
I'm strange to your planet
Come and investigate me

Mulder is colder
Ice on your shoulder
He wears old ladies shoes
So come on and try
Leave old FBI
Abduct me from out of this blue
suckaG said:
mike, that poem was entertainingly awesome! hahaha!

makes me want to go watch some x-files episodes :D
X Files (seasons 1-7) is my fav TV prog..what little of TV I watch..glad you liked my ditty;)....scully...(sigh).....
An astonishingly clear realization, free of inebriation
A dawning understanding of intimacy’s in-achievability,
Inherent inability despite both social mobility and peak virility.
Hope withers to dust in an instantaneous gust; as if utterly winded,
all knowledge rescinded, because book smarts ain’t **** without tangible experience.

Even the scholars hold practice over theory; a pound to an ounce, so your intellect is trounced by your very own pronounced lack of ever being pounced.
Every tom dick and harry seems to attract in some fashion (therefore your lack of magnetic property entirely reduces your chances of ever getting any action).

And that aside; even your ability to perceive your own inability to achieve leaves you wondering if you are walking around oblivious all day with egg on your face, and the whole world can see what you think is a secret/ that the only profound sexual experience you’ve ever had is when you bust it out and beat it.

Bite your tongue at the thought; for scandalized shame/ Every person you’ve ever met has made it to base, and you’ve never even made it to a single game!

Hey you filthy politician
People die at your decision
Mother cries in sea of blood
People crawling in the mud
Sights and sounds to guide the flock
Slaves beneath a ticking clock
Trapped with fear and loneliness
No chance to rise or to progress
Bathing in a world of gold
Your smile is lies,your heart is cold
Make us strangers in our home
Make us hate all we're shown
Love is just a baron land
A dream that blows away like sand
Take our eyes so we can't see
A way to change our destiny

Hey you filthy politician..face're an *******.
nice piece mike! I feel that way every time I turn on the talk radio news...dang politricks! we're in a global recession and they are spending a billion $$$ just on security so they can shut down Toronto for the G20. and that doesn't even cover the cleanup that will be needed after the anarchists and cops throw-down. boo!

here's one. its called:

The greys.

I can feel them watching me,
when I walk to class,
watching me and waiting,
waiting till I pass.

I can feel their glowing eyes,
icy-cold like space,
glittering with cruel designs,
for the human race.

first they'll take the heads of states,
all across the globe,
whole royal courts and ministries,
vanished from their homes.

then they'll descend into the system,
infiltrating everywhere,
friends and family seem so strange,
like glaze-eyed zombies without a care.

the greys take human shape and form,
they sneak inside you where it's warm,
and from their arcane science borne...

the greys will enslave us all!!!!!!
Joystick of the Gods
A package full of love
Wet noodle kisses
Foretelling rainbow gravy joy rides

Steaming towel gym shorts
A missile armed with lust
And yet it is just
And merely a blurb
To doors of
'Do Not Disturb'

A touch and a tickle
A tally and a ho
And so she does go
For the finishing blow

And that's when I
****** IN MY PANTS!
Like a boss.
suckaG said:
nice piece mike! I feel that way every time I turn on the talk radio news...dang politricks! we're in a global recession and they are spending a billion $$$ just on security so they can shut down Toronto for the G20. and that doesn't even cover the cleanup that will be needed after the anarchists and cops throw-down. boo!

here's one. its called:

The greys.

I can feel them watching me,
when I walk to class,
watching me and waiting,
waiting till I pass.

I can feel their glowing eyes,
icy-cold like space,
glittering with cruel designs,
for the human race.

first they'll take the heads of states,
all across the globe,
whole royal courts and ministries,
vanished from their homes.

then they'll descend into the system,
infiltrating everywhere,
friends and family seem so strange,
like glaze-eyed zombies without a care.

the greys take human shape and form,
they sneak inside you where it's warm,
and from their arcane science borne...

the greys will enslave us all!!!!!!

Nice one suckaG! :cool:
this is pure mortifying anguish, artificial inebriation/
mind racing, thought process pacing, darkness glazing over my mind's eye/
my intellect abandoned, swallowed up into the night sky,
absently wondering why angels were created without the ability to cry,
and mortal beings are born to die, regardless of how hard they might try.

I try to communicate, but the words are stuck inside/
trapped beneath futile intentions that refuse to step aside.
stuttering and mumbling, I freeze up, vocal chords seize up,
a deer trapped in headlights, feeling so sick i might just throw up, wishing nobody had shown up to class/ if I even drank alcohol I swear I wish I woulda' knocked back a glass...

once again, I should have prepared in a timely fashion/
but I find myself perpetually preoccupied with procrastination
and repetitive hand actions that leave zero satisfaction. (d)

So here I stand before the masses, shifting on my feet and readjusting the glasses on my face/ trying to breath evenly and speak at an even pace.

It never really works anyways, and suddenly in my mind’s eye I’m in the crowd looking up/ at some clown doing a presentation and failing at it like ****...

somehow I plough through it, and drag myself to my seat, my face flushed in disgrace, my mouth dry with the taste of defeat. deaf to the smatter of polite clapping sprinkled throughout the bored room/ I shrink into myself in a haze of embarrassment and gloom as the actually impressive presentations resume...

[**** public speaking!]
ssbanks2000 said:
I can't think of a decent preamble for this poem (if that's what you call it)... so here it is

<u>What Sucks<u/>

What sucks is feeling feelings and knowing what they are. To acknowledge happiness, desire, love...sadness, sorry, grief, despair, depression, and loneliness.
What sucks is being alive, but not living.
What sucks is walking around, but being so very dead inside and knowing it.
What sucks is not actively seeking death, but knowing that it could come tomorrow and you would be fine with that.
What sucks is having the opportunity to love someone, give it the best that you could and it still not work.
What sucks is when people tell you that it is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all, then spend the rest of the day wondering why you didn’t punch them in the face.
What sucks is knowing that you’re wrong about everything.
What sucks is knowing that there just might be a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, but by the time you get there you’ll be too old to enjoy it, no one to share it with and that the IRS would have taken the majority of it.
What sucks is being stuck on stupid.
What sucks is knowing that you have people that would listen to your troubles, but just not being comfortable with talking about it.
What sucks is being stuck in the "friend zone".
What sucks is knowing that you are capable of doing something , but lacking the will power to do it.
What sucks is having three days of from work and spending the entire time in seclusion sulking over lost love.
What sucks is waiting for that one person. That one person that will make everything better.
What sucks is knowing that a watched pot never boils.
What sucks is being capable of emotion. Something that you thought you were beyond
What sucks is realizing that there is no conspiracy against you and that your life is just ****** up because those are the stats you ******* rolled.
What sucks is wanting an end to everything, to all that is. To all that is your life.
What sucks is having the gun, but being to poor to buy a bullet.
What sucks is knowing how that can be achieved, but realizing the pain that that it would bring those around you and because you’re too much of a soft hearted bastard you don’t want to do it... but you really do.
I love this one, I found some stanzas very true for me...
I've never liked poetry...ever!
But I think this thread is going to change my mind.
A miserable soul, forever complaining/
Crying for rain showers in the sun, for the sun’s heat when it’s raining,
Thought process so dismally draining, keeping rationality at bay/ with the clumsiness of unsteady steps and endless excuses that fail to exonerate him in any way.
Maintainer of a core so rotten and hideous/ a heart coated in venom so insidious, it penetrates the unimpressed mentality of every human being who reads this. Insecurity feeds it, this feeling of criminality and filth so egregious that it requires ritual purification to clean it.

Can you feel it?

Can't write poetry but SS banks your first one was gutting and ace. :)
here's my 2 bananas worth. I have written alot of song lyrics, and a few songs, but I can't seem to match any music with any poem/lyrical thingy.

I have bananas from 10 years ago, an 8 year gap where my muse ran away and I was a blank automaton. Now my muse, she has come hither and given heed. So without further ado, my latest fuckfaced ********-

There was a time when I
could feel it all
There was a time when life
could bring me tears
There were moments I felt the power
When days could pass like hours
Before it all went sour
Behind the prison doors
Nostalgia, sadness, and memory
passing like the ground beneath my running feet
like the wind I cannot see
Flashes of time in my scattered mind
haunting me like a lonely ghost
trying to break down the wall
Intangible, nameless, and faceless
on the fence for eternity
seeking an identity from me
Behind the prison doors
He tried to tell me about homosexuality
Behind the prison doors
He told me it was an eventuality
and I shouldnt fight it anymore
So I stood up and palmed my cup
And bled him like a whore
Behind the the prison doors
Resolve said:
Sacred Garden-

Times For Four-


Those are beautiful.

Resolve said:
I'm sad for you:
I love this poem.... Potentially because every time my mother told us we were moving again it was all her fault due to a drug habit, and I just love how obvious it is that you care so deeply for your children.

ssbanks2000 said:
What is good enough
I adore this.

ssbanks2000 said:
Every morning when I gain victory from sleep
This makes me want to cry, but that is a credit to your ability as a writer I think.

Mike Moose said:
A voice cries out,
I feel you shake,
Tears and smiles,
When your awake,
I'll see you at the bottom,
And take you to the top,
Pain will never last,
And we can make it stop.

hmmm needs a tune me thinks!
It does need a tune and I'd love the song version also!

suckaG I pretty much love everything you posted =]

Lullaby Dreams:
a flying leap leaves my eyeS squeezed closed
the splintering crash leaves me finally composed
as i confront a problem i can finally comprehend
life's problems hUrt far more than my short life's end
so i breathe one last breath as my ribs filter out aIr
and enjoy the emptiness when i let go of my one last care
blood drains from my Chest cavity and i can smile at last
green grass becomes blood red blades; my life fades fast
my eyes drIft closed and i am overcome with joy
but as it turns out i am merely reality's victim and toy
my eyes open to an unbroken boDy sleeping in bed
and suddenly my legs are as heavy as solid lead
as i come to even more i find it was nothing but a dream
the frustration builds up and makes me want to scrEam
i sought refuge in sleep and instead i was simply led on
upon waking i found my misery was simply sped on
with that i turn over and return to that lovely dark fantasy
and let my dream world immerse my soul in complete ecstasy

Broken Glass:
crashIng, thrasHing, bound and gAgged
Torn and broken my hopEless body is dragged
across the crude wooden floor of despair
the splinters of failure rip and tear

i screaM silently against mY own madness
and give in to racking sobS of sadness
you trust me, you love me, you care
i lEt you all down, it's more than i can bear

please just leave, sLice me open, end to end
watch as my blood and tears mix and blend

mark me as damaged goods, black as coal
leave me to never harm another soul
move onward, Forward, never swerving
please don't love me, i'm not deserving

crumpled in a pile on the dirty ground
feeling my cold heart pound for pound
it's where i belong, don't ever trust me
you think i'm wrong but soon, you'll see.

an angel of mercy decends from the heavens upon me
an angel with a broken past and unfulfilled destiny
this messenger stills my tongue and silences all protest
a deep breath enters my lungs and i no longer feel distressed
cool, sweet air flows past my lips and my muscles collapse
could this formidable stranger be here for me, perhaps?
a few hours in a tree go by and the cliff becomes even steeper
sitting on a rock as the tide comes in, watching the water get deeper
soon i am attatched to the fateful day this soldier fell to me
subliminal light dissolving the broken, dirty debris
as i wait for my nocturnal hero to awake
i pray to my lord God that i wont be yet again deemed a misteak
hope wells up and overflows from my thankful soul
as i once again begin to feel (maybe permanently) whole

one step forward, two steps back
around the edges my vision goes black
i walk this limbo as if in a trance
and once again start this fateful dance
i start to change, my opinion shifts
support flows in, my spirits lift
something happens, i revert
my words grow slow, my mind alert
my elation crumbles to no more than dust
i throw away all my thoughts of trust
it is no more than a fairy tale
and the story will forever seem stale
break down these walls if you dare
but failure awaits those who dont truly care
if you succeed but then betray my heart
the guilt will be as a poison dart
or as a parasite hidden deep within
eating you apart, feeding on your sin
i will be left exposed and afraid
but ive won in this most horrible trade

The Incomplete View:
all time drags on, yet the days fly by
confusion is a follower impossible to deny
i dawdle through my daily tasks
and interchange my many masks
but no matter what my emotion seems
thoughts of you fill my daydreams
my life is now a carnival ride
while im strapped in, nowhere to hide
one glance from you and i can fly
your words register and i fall from the sky
a sigh of disapointment breathes past my lips
i fell it as the scale in my heart once again tips
my emotions soar to violent extremes
my outsides float, my insides echo with screams
hearing your voice -- it makes me quake
i feel tremors like ripples on a lake
my chin starts to quiver; my eyes well up
enough tears pour down to fill a bottomless cup
id love to succeed, but i cant lie
at this point im just trying to get by
this poem has no end in view
it shall remain the unfinished image of me and you

The Mirror:
I lay in a puddle on the floor
lamenting the knock that never came to my door
I look up to the heavens above
desperately seeking a sign that I'm loved
when suddenly inspiration homes in
and I find a way to avoid yet more sin
instead of forsaking what I believe
and once again resorting to long sleeves
I grab the nearest image of truth I find
the mirror on my wall is not always kind
but I need its truth, it never tells a lie
its honesty is steady, never wavering or asking why
I write on this unforgiving reflection
in my eyes I see the proof of my heart’s dereliction
but as I watch pen flow
my heart feels free and those eyes begin to glow
a dangerous limbo once controlled my soul
but as the darkness is banished I start to feel whole
some say evil is black, good is white
but whatever the color, I'm being filled with light
there’s always beauty, and there’s always pain
but one doesn’t have to be the others bane
we've all seen both in one another
but more important is the shift from one to the other
I'm in no hurry, I refuse to push or shove
I'm waiting on the guidance I know will come from above

Darkfall Turns to Dawn:
I fight my anger and bite back tears
But I've seen too much over the years
In the midst of all this strife
I've seen a mother beaten within an inch of her life
I've seen a young boy with a novel of words he couldn’t speak
His face bright red, his frustration at a peak
I've looked out through the eyes of a little girl
Who didn’t understand all the fuss and whirl
When she was seven she said “no mommy that’s not what I wanna do”
And later ended up crying herself blue
She didn’t wanna live on the streets like she had since she was born
But loyalty to the one that raised her had left her feeling torn
She felt so guilty, she’d let her mom down
And for a long while all she could do was frown
At school she felt isolated and all alone
The others just teased ─ she was all on her own
As a 12 year old she pointed the blame
Blindly at herself, without first taking careful aim
She cried herself to sleep nearly every night
Then woke from a nightmare, screaming with fright
She learned to hide what she was feeling
Outwardly happy, inside she was reeling
She was a “normal” child for a few years
Then began a whole new set of tears
All she wanted was a boy to like her
That should be easy, her friends all seemed sure
But her early trauma prevented teenaged simplicity
And led her to boys who treated her with duplicity
She dealt with these problems with the semblance of a smile
But inside she once again put herself on trial
She once again felt the sharp sting of shame
As she once again believed herself to be at blame
She tried so hard to control what she felt
And ended up with an angry red welt
It was her first attempt at a cut, and it was futile
But she tried again after a great while
Soon enough a ruby red stream trickled down her arm
The endorphin rush blocked what should have been alarm
She repeated it day after day for far too long
Until something inside her just felt wrong
She felt so bad and she couldn’t lie
All she wanted to do now was die
She was just about to do the deed
When she felt an urge she thought shed heed
Unexpectedly she began to pray
Just as the first rays of sun heralded the new day
She got the help from some divine intervention
But there’s something else I think I should mention
This isn’t a fairytale, this story is true
This girl is as real as anyone around you
She still sometimes hurts, sometimes more than most
Perfection is not a quality she can rightfully boast
In fact as she writes this she is fighting her anger, and biting back tears
As she ponders the many things she has seen over her few years

Surrounded by beauty I sit and think
how much of this is a lie, black as ink?
maybe all is simply an illusion
brought on by a terrible contusion
day after day I survive this dark fantasy
with a plastic production of ecstasy
everyone tells everyone else they’re fine
only because no one dares to cross the line
and no one looks deep into their eyes
to see beyond all those cruel lies
as I sit and cry my way though the night
I wish I could see the truth and be blinded by the light
those around me tell me to open up
so I pour out my life’s blood, only to find them a shallow cup
they listen for a moment then think "duty fulfilled"
if I continue on their energy is all but killed
yet those same people flock to me, their secrets to tell
I sympathize and listen, trapping myself inside this hell
I go through the daily motions, it seems
as though my life were but a dream
I am quite simply floating around, lost
and now I wonder what may be the cost
I sometimes question if I am still whole
or if I could be -- maybe -- wandering without a soul
but until my salvation takes shape
I shall wait in silence for my escape

The Sacred Art of Leaving:

I only had to be cut once to know how to bleed
I know why we tend to love most, those who know how to leave

Take my hand and let me tell you
All but my love will soon be gone
And the exit wound will be quick and clean
So the sacred art of leaving passes on.

Billy Franks.

(I'm not sure who Billy Franks is, or where this is from; but I love this little poem, even though I'm not sure what it's about).

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