Getting rid of all these non-friends in 2023

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Just another lonely man.
Apr 9, 2022
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I only have three or four friends who are not friends. They are nothing but acquaintances:

1. Former friend who ditched me for 15 years, only contacted me when his wife was dying. He thinks he will find a new wife, but has no game at all. His wife used sex on him, since he makes good money. Gone!

2. Gal I met on the old Usenet forum. She's always said she was a misanthrope, I am not, and ditched me. Lives 3000 miles away. Gone!

3. Gal I met at an Emotions Anonymous meeting, but not really a friend, never a lover. Saved her @$$ when I allowed her to stay here temporarily, after she got kicked out of the room she rented. Hardly calls and uses texting instead, when she does. Gone!

4. The two married people who though they had everything, when my real friend, Chuck, died in 1993. The husband made a comment that "it looks like you wont have a friend anymore". He lost a great tech job for Int@l; his wife is full of sh@t, and now he's been very sick for month's. Gone!

5. No AA, ever again. This is my gift to myself, as there have no been no real friends in my life, particularly the 13th steppers and the bit@h who tried to seduce me in 2012, as he though I would help pay her mortgage for the mini-mansion she had, in AA. Gone !!

Bill W. was a wife-cheater, used LSD, and Alcoholic Anonymous is nothing but a cult. I AM powerful, not powerless, as you frakkers!

Phone number will be changed and thier phone numbers, all blocked, just in case. They can all go to H@ll for all I care.

You all have a Merry Christmas, or the best that you can have, alone with no real friends, girlfriend's or wife, or husband, at all.
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Tbh it's great to read something like this from my perspective anyway. In the past it was very hard for me to remove people from my life and if they "left" me i'd be wondering what i'd done wrong, when in reality they just weren't a very good person at all. Now it's very easy for me to block/delete people without giving a damn, because if they cared they'd contact me more but they'd just post photos on social media apps etc and never answer me. Feels great when you get rid of people like that.
Out with the trash........
I remember meeting someone many years ago via a group for people who wanted to learn English. She was from South America and we became very good friends, but when she went back to university she forgot about me entirely. She'd only return to cry to me about people who used her for sex, then disappear again. Recently she tried to make a return so i basically told her "you forgot about me, then when someone used you for sex and never loved you i was the person to cry to. You are nothing more than a user" and a lot of verbal diarrhoea was produced which just made me laugh:ROFLMAO:. Tried to play the victim as they always do and it didn't wash with me, because people can't accept how ****** they are and have to attack others because it's the best form of defence no matter how dumb they look.
I believe that you can have the post office block such letters from anyone. I am not moving until I win in probate court. I dont want any of these f@ckers ever contacting me ever, in any manner. I''ll not be used ever again. If I have to I will send them to the hospital if they came ever around here. I can use wasp spray on them also if needed. They are GONE and its gonna always stay that way. I do not need that.
I remember meeting someone many years ago via a group for people who wanted to learn English. She was from South America and we became very good friends, but when she went back to university she forgot about me entirely. She'd only return to cry to me about people who used her for sex, then disappear again. Recently she tried to make a return so i basically told her "you forgot about me, then when someone used you for sex and never loved you i was the person to cry to. You are nothing more than a user" and a lot of verbal diarrhoea was produced which just made me laugh:ROFLMAO:. Tried to play the victim as they always do and it didn't wash with me, because people can't accept how ****** they are and have to attack others because it's the best form of defence no matter how dumb they look.

I'd never listen to a woman who got pumped and dumped. They might be lonely, but they can have sex without paying for at any time. If is happened I'd tell her to go talk to her girlfriends about it. I am MGTOW (not Incel) now and was the victim of insane women starting with my rage-aholic mother, who in the 1960'd my dad could have divorced her without getting raped in divorce court, as it is nowadays. Women made a huge mistake when they changed the divorce laws, with the help of male attorney's and politicians. They'll not become married as easily as frakking a man and getting preggers, as we don't trust them with "The Pill". We men have had vasectomies, or wear a jimmy-cap flushed down the toilet so she cant use our DNA after we frakked them. Goona be lots of cat-ladies. I would never leave it at a sperm bank either. It is pay-back time, and I hope we can get them on Selective Service, since they want all a man's responsibility. They've chosen to frak Tyrones and other Chads, and dont want a good man like myself, so they can keep it up, until they hit their late 30- 40's and can no longer become pregnant, after having lots of sex with many such men.
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I only have three or four friends who are not friends. They are nothing but acquaintances:

1. Former friend who ditched me for 15 years, only contacted me when his wife was dying. He thinks he will find a new wife, but has no game at all. His wife used sex on him, since he makes good money. Gone!

2. Gal I met on the old Usenet forum. She's always said she was a misanthrope, I am not, and ditched me. Lives 3000 miles away. Gone!

3. Gal I met at an Emotions Anonymous meeting, but not really a friend, never a lover. Saved her @$$ when I allowed her to stay here temporarily, after she got kicked out of the room she rented. Hardly calls and uses texting instead, when she does. Gone!

4. The two married people who though they had everything, when my real friend, Chuck, died in 1993. The husband made a comment that "it looks like you wont have a friend anymore". He lost a great tech job for Int@l; his wife is full of sh@t, and now he's been very sick for month's. Gone!

5. No AA, ever again. This is my gift to myself, as there have no been no real friends in my life, particularly the 13th steppers and the bit@h who tried to seduce me in 2012, as he though I would help pay her mortgage for the mini-mansion she had, in AA. Gone !!

Bill W. was a wife-cheater, used LSD, and Alcoholic Anonymous is nothing but a cult. I AM powerful, not powerless, as you frakkers!

Phone number will be changed and thier phone numbers, all blocked, just in case. They can all go to H@ll for all I care.

You all have a Merry Christmas, or the best that you can have, alone with no real friends, girlfriend's or wife, or husband, at all.
Here here! They sound superrrr toxic and you are better off without them in my opinion, and I hope you enjoy your Christmas ✨

Honestly my internet friend had a baby shower and not one of her friends showed up… majority of people were her partners family! That kept asking her which ones were her friends… ugh the embarrassment…

I remember meeting someone many years ago via a group for people who wanted to learn English. She was from South America and we became very good friends, but when she went back to university she forgot about me entirely. She'd only return to cry to me about people who used her for sex, then disappear again. Recently she tried to make a return so i basically told her "you forgot about me, then when someone used you for sex and never loved you i was the person to cry to. You are nothing more than a user" and a lot of verbal diarrhoea was produced which just made me laugh:ROFLMAO:. Tried to play the victim as they always do and it didn't wash with me, because people can't accept how ****** they are and have to attack others because it's the best form of defence no matter how dumb they look.
Hmm south american… gets used for sex? Must be my twin sister 😂 anyway, forget that garden tool… on to greener pastures 2023 ! ✨
I only have three or four friends who are not friends. They are nothing but acquaintances:

1. Former friend who ditched me for 15 years, only contacted me when his wife was dying. He thinks he will find a new wife, but has no game at all. His wife used sex on him, since he makes good money. Gone!

2. Gal I met on the old Usenet forum. She's always said she was a misanthrope, I am not, and ditched me. Lives 3000 miles away. Gone!

3. Gal I met at an Emotions Anonymous meeting, but not really a friend, never a lover. Saved her @$$ when I allowed her to stay here temporarily, after she got kicked out of the room she rented. Hardly calls and uses texting instead, when she does. Gone!

4. The two married people who though they had everything, when my real friend, Chuck, died in 1993. The husband made a comment that "it looks like you wont have a friend anymore". He lost a great tech job for Int@l; his wife is full of sh@t, and now he's been very sick for month's. Gone!

5. No AA, ever again. This is my gift to myself, as there have no been no real friends in my life, particularly the 13th steppers and the bit@h who tried to seduce me in 2012, as he though I would help pay her mortgage for the mini-mansion she had, in AA. Gone !!

Bill W. was a wife-cheater, used LSD, and Alcoholic Anonymous is nothing but a cult. I AM powerful, not powerless, as you frakkers!

Phone number will be changed and thier phone numbers, all blocked, just in case. They can all go to H@ll for all I care.

You all have a Merry Christmas, or the best that you can have, alone with no real friends, girlfriend's or wife, or husband, at all.
I wish you a restful soul and a Merry Christmas
Well, quite awhile ago, when someone turned their back on me that was it. I was done with them. So, I haven't had all the trouble you guys have had. Although I did let a long time friend back in, which was a huge mistake. But, he's also long gone. So, it's all good now. It would be nice to have a friend IRL. But, I don't think it's possible nowadays.
Phone number will be changed and thier phone numbers, all blocked, just in case. They can all go to H@ll for all I care.

You all have a Merry Christmas, or the best that you can have, alone with no real friends, girlfriend's or wife, or husband, at all.
Very interesting read. I wish you nothing but the best. This has not happened to me but from what you described you every right to feel like you do.
Well, quite awhile ago, when someone turned their back on me that was it. I was done with them. So, I haven't had all the trouble you guys have had. Although I did let a long time friend back in, which was a huge mistake. But, he's also long gone. So, it's all good now. It would be nice to have a friend IRL. But, I don't think it's possible nowadays.
It is possible. There's an abundance of acquaintances a person could have if you could tolerate it, but real friends are far and few between, but they are out there. Don't give up hope!
Well, quite awhile ago, when someone turned their back on me that was it. I was done with them. So, I haven't had all the trouble you guys have had. Although I did let a long time friend back in, which was a huge mistake. But, he's also long gone. So, it's all good now. It would be nice to have a friend IRL. But, I don't think it's possible nowadays.
Sometimes people are worth another chance. The day I walk around thinking I do no wrong is the day I am really fooling myself because I make just as many mistakes as anyone else.
I naively fell into a situation in 2013 where I unintentionally allowed myself to be used. I thought we were developing a deep-level connection because we talked almost daily about anything and everything, with her initiating a fair amount of the conversations and allowing me to just say what was on my mind, and I caught what I thought were feelings, but in time I saw I was just getting used as a sounding board, to complain to, make small talk with, to pass the time. I was humiliated and angry for a while at first, and sad, but in time I realized that this person wasn't a match for me anyway, that I never would have been happy with her, and I was willfully turning a blind eye to a lot of red flags. Honestly, the whole thing never should have happened, because I never should have started talking to this person in the first place.

It took me a long time to finally, officially cut contact, but it was the right decision and I should have done it a lot sooner - I would have been a lot happier for it, and maybe further along in my personal journey to get to where, and who, I want to be.

I hope that it won't happen again, and that I can become impressive, interesting, and complete enough to get the real connection I've been wishing and hoping for.

That said, to everyone else in this thread, sure, there are a lot of users out there, and they are lousy, but I still have faith that there are a lot of genuine people out there too.
SkaFish, I'm sorry you had to go through all of that, but it sounds like you have everything figured out and your last two paragraphs say it all!

Thanks Butterfly. It wasn't an overnight process, it took a while. And judging from others' posts here, it was a lot less bad than their experiences, so I don't mean to make a big deal out of it.

But I have thought about it a lot, the situation and the underlying problems that set myself up for it, and I hope I'm wiser for it. I'm glad you feel my progress is showing. Thanks for the encouraging words (y)
One big thing I learned is that in order to really make a connection, you can't just like the same tastes (bands/movies/shows/fandoms/etc., things like that). And you can't just be vaguely interested in the same interest, but in a way that's focused on the interest, and not the actual person.

Even I myself have been annoyed with people that share some of the same "likes" as me -
it's not that I don't like the "likes", I do - it's that something else about their personality/mind/the way they are, puts me off. Usually it's because there's something about them that makes me NOT want to be like this person, and I just don't find them that relevant to me. It's like I have to MAKE time for this person, that isn't relevant to where I want to go in life, and it's a chore, I don't want to do it. I get nothing out of it. I'm not curious about them and they don't give me good feelings, and whatever we have in common, I'd rather talk about with someone who gives me more good feelings instead. I've both been this to others (shamefully), and others have done it to me as well. It's awkward...a lot of the time for me, I have to see someone else doing something, to see why it's bad and why I don't want to do that myself.

(don't worry, I'm talking about people I've met in real life - not anyone here)

Liking the same or similar tastes can start a conversation, but you really have to go past just liking the same stuff, and get to being interested in the other person, and they have to be interested in you. You have to have something about you that makes you curious about each other. And you have to both have something about each other that makes you feel an emotional connection. You have to feel like you are both each other's "type" of person, that you are similar in the way you think, feel, talk, what's important to you, the way you live your life.

Basically you have to be genuinely interested in, and genuinely care about the person. They have to inspire your curiosity and they have to be emotionally significant. That's why I think just liking someone who's "hot", or even someone who likes the same fandom or band as you, isn't enough.

I don't have all the answers but maybe some of these ideas I have, can help others avoid these fake one-sided friendships/romances in the future.
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I only have three or four friends who are not friends. They are nothing but acquaintances:
Good for you. Better to have no friends than users who only come to you when you can do things for them. I did the same thing a few years ago. You can waste a lot of time on acquaintances who pretend to be friends when they want something.
I have mostly acquaintances. Only one friend and one ”pseudo friend” , both online. I have no one IRL. I’m a little frustrated with the pseudo friend’s increasing lack of initiating any conversation and she dominating our conversations. Also, we stopped talking seven years ago until she randomly reappeared late last year. I agreed to talk to her again because I dont have anyone else to text with and we talk for two to three hours at a time which makes for good time passing. I agree though, if it winds up someone is just using you, you’re better off having no friends. I’m going to have to see how my situation with my pseudo friend unfolds.

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