Stranger said:
This could also be a sign that she is not in love with you, but in reality intense love doesn't last long anyway - successful couples quickly evolve to being "in love" to developing a partnership that's more similar to being extra-committed best friends for life. If you've been dating for over two years, you have probably moved past that phase anyway. Watch for more signs, and talk to her a lot to find out what's really going on!
actaullly ...there's many ways you can look at it.
When couple's actually bonding. Because it gets all intense
like that too...depending on the couple.
You both can look back at it and say. Holy ****, that was
a narly ass twist...wheather you need space,i need space or
whatever the hell. I still love you always....through the fire and the flames.
I hate my fucken freinds sometime. Dont you???
i think people that expect relationships or life in general to be calm with
pot holes here and there....without a rainy day or even a narly ass light storm are delusional living in fantacy land.
Sucessful couples...will when you get fucken move a little slower, get lazy, you forget ****, **** the fighting,
If you can have sex without a heart attack..that would be a good thing
but here gose...
when a man loves a woman.....He's gonna love her no matter what. Couples face many, many challenges.
He's not going stop loving her just becuase some people on a forum thinks she's stupid bitch...especially
people that dosnt know anything about her. If he stopped loving her for whatever reasons. He nevered loved
her to begin with. It flies both ways like that too....
Behind every great man...there's a an amazing woman.
Some women draws the best out of him. She'll push him beyound his limits..sometimes do amazing things
that he never thought he could do. Sometimes she'll push him to believe in himself...becuase she believes him
and see things in him that he never saw for himself.
When she gets honest and direct. She speaks her mind and heart. She kept it really really simple.
She wasnt beating around the bush, dancing around it or playing games with him.
She's not his mommy. No sugar coating....If you cant respect her for that, then you'll never respect her.
And she's not a bitch bitch or comtroll freak...Giving him fucken space to figure the **** out.
Make his decisions...Do something about it or not. Dose he truely loves her or not.