Girl I Am Compatible With

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That is for a girlfriend only. For a friend, I just want someone to accept me for the most part. Someto hang out and cun understand me and not judge me. Someone I can trust.

For a girlfriend, simple way to put it is like a best friend, who is close to me, understands and does not judge. It dosen't have to be all those things I listed in the first post. That would be awesome though if I met someone like that. I have no experince in girls at all. I don't know what to expect as to how their posonality and relationship will work out for me. I think I said that right...

It's really hard to find someone who accepts me. It's like finding a four-leaf clover. I have found some people who have accepted, me or at least think I do. Friends of my sister. We never hang out, and they always say no or have an excuse if I ask them too. Since I am very different from pretty much everyone, that's why I believe it takes someone special, almost someone perfect to accept me. Perfect for me. That dosen't mean they are perfect for everyone else, but that dosen't matter. As long as they don't judge or discriminate against people's orientation, disabilities, religion, etc.
Lonely in BC said:
Sterling said:
Since you're just like each other, there's nothing new to experience. And that, ladies and gentleman, is when people start becoming bored of the relationship.

He's right on the money with this. The best relationship I've ever had was someone who was my complete opposite. We still get along well despite not having a relationship anymore.

I am a female :eek:

Anyways, I don't think you should even look for a girlfriend right now. You've never really dated, you don't even know what you do or don't like. Make friends, go out on dates, hang out with people, anything! Get rid of your list and date different types of people. I think you'd really benefit from it.

Everyone judges, they might not admit to it, but they do. You're never going to find anyone that is 'perfect'. Everyone has flaws, so you can't expect for the impossible. I'd really hate to say this, but if there is nobody that 'accepts' you, maybe you need to take a look at how you act and whatnot. I'm not saying you need to change, I'm just saying...maybe you should compromise yourself so you're able to get decent social interaction.
Sterling said:
Lonely in BC said:
Sterling said:
Since you're just like each other, there's nothing new to experience. And that, ladies and gentleman, is when people start becoming bored of the relationship.

He's right on the money with this. The best relationship I've ever had was someone who was my complete opposite. We still get along well despite not having a relationship anymore.

I am a female :eek:

Anyways, I don't think you should even look for a girlfriend right now. You've never really dated, you don't even know what you do or don't like. Make friends, go out on dates, hang out with people, anything! Get rid of your list and date different types of people. I think you'd really benefit from it.

Everyone judges, they might not admit to it, but they do. You're never going to find anyone that is 'perfect'. Everyone has flaws, so you can't expect for the impossible. I'd really hate to say this, but if there is nobody that 'accepts' you, maybe you need to take a look at how you act and whatnot. I'm not saying you need to change, I'm just saying...maybe you should compromise yourself so you're able to get decent social interaction.

I don't plan to instant date. I plan on becoming friends first. But I don't like people who get drunk and stuff.

I like people who are accepting. People if I meet someone, they may change a little. Everyone does in a relationship when they grow on someone. I will too.

I tried for years, but I can't do a whole lot to change myself. People are what they are. If I let my guard down and try to be 100% normal like everyone else. I get hurt. I can't stand burning through all those meaning just to find someone who cares. It so hard, but I really need a friend. Someone understands and accepts me for who I am.

I dreamed of being normal, but I'm not. I am on the Autism spectrum. I've seen big guys with skinny girlfriends. I'm not obsese or anything, just a little chubby. There is a popular guy who Youtube who is big and kinda strange looking, but has a very attractive wife and 2 or 3 kids. That kinda gives me a little hope. But, he may not look like the most attractive guy, but he dosen't suffer from Autism. He has really good social/communications skills which seems to be one to they key things in finding a friend. I don't even know how to approach girls, know what to say or what not to say. I need a whole manual, like a walkthrough to get my by each little tiny step. Sad, eh?

I try to say Hi to them, and rarely any of them even say anything back. They look away and pretend I'm not there. I look their way and if they see me looking their way, they don't like it. For some, it's quite obvious, as they made a facial expression. Not a good one either. The kind that is like "Get Lost" or "That guy is a freak". Something like that. It's only for one second and that enough to set them off.

It's like my curse is sending them a message telling them I'm bad news. You know sometimes you get a vibe from someone, that isn't good, and they look like a nice guy, but don't get a good feeling for them? If they haven't done anything to scare or upset you. Where does that come from? I try my best to be possitive but really, it dosen't make a difference.

I'm not looking for a girlfriend right now, just a friend.
Sterling said:
Anyways, I don't think you should even look for a girlfriend right now. You've never really dated, you don't even know what you do or don't like. Make friends, go out on dates, hang out with people, anything! Get rid of your list and date different types of people. I think you'd really benefit from it.

In my experince. Thats how most women asked me out or land on my Thats exactly how my ex-wf asked me out.

Ive had just gotten to my main station in the usaf. Very bronken heart
from the fall out of my ex-fiance. I dint know anyone.
But I simply just kept going out to meet new people and make friends.

**** sometimes the guys would leave me strained at the bar alone
and I would have to walk 3 miles back to base..lmao
Other times a buddy and I will just be standing line to a concert.
2 babes we dont even know would ask us to go party with them or hang out with them.

Sometimes new friends I make will get restationed to differnet bases.
But new people would get stationed there as I did.

I'll simply just go different women. That last thing I
needed or wanted was a serious relationship. I was still very hung up
on my fiance and lacked alot of experince in so many ways.
but I met new girls and new people pretty much straight across the board.
why did I do that??? I also saw guys that lived at the dorm that
didnt go out. Went to work and just came home. Lock themselve
in thier room. They looked rather miserable and lonely as ******.
I also had to work with some of them. They were angery and upset all the time.

My life wasnt perfect by any means..but I couldnt stair at the walls either. Far from perfect I was....but I was living it as best I could.
Id also used to go hang out at the base's recreation center.
Shoot pool or jam out in the music room with my friends...during days i wasnt partying or chasing women.

I actaully gotten in to a bar fight over a chick that i was seeing off
and on. She was 29. I was 19. I was the baby...okidoki.lmao
I was actaully going home with some other chick.
2 chicks screaming for we while i had hand cuffs behind my back was rediculoius.lmao

Other guys where hitting on my ex-wf at the rec center.
i wasnt looking to date her. I figure she has bfs by the lines
of dudes hitting on her everytime I go there....

But she was watching me for like 3 months. She didnt know
what the hell I was doing off base.
I sure as hell wasnt looking for a woman or relationship after getting
bailed out of jail that morning. She asked me out that same day.
I think i still had a black about getting hitted by an ungly stick.lmao
Sometimes weird looks can simply be what your mind perceives things as.
My lack of self confidence plays tricks on me sometimes.

I feel like every girl thinks I'm the most disgusting, whorish, bullet in the head deserving male on the planet.
But why? It's because I need to realize that I'm worth loving. They probably didn't do more than half of all the revolting looks and things I possibly thought. My mind simply tricks me into believing so.

I think Sterling made a good suggestion. If you're scared and don't know how to really be around girls, try and start conversations with friends. This forum is a good place to just say, "Hi!" If there is a female that is asking a question about movies or something you can relate to, throw in your opinion.

From there, a friendship may or may not develop. Just try and not take it too harshly if someone doesn't reply or wants a friendship with you. There will always be someone on this earth that would be interested in hanging out with you. This means both men and women.

Just take simple steps and work towards your goals. Skype is another great tool once you've made a friend. you can use it as a messenger and if the two of you become comfortable enough, you could try voice. Every step you take is another step to being comfort around females. :)
Dark_Poet said:
Sometimes weird looks can simply be what your mind perceives things as.
My lack of self confidence plays tricks on me sometimes.

I feel like every girl thinks I'm the most disgusting, whorish, bullet in the head deserving male on the planet.
But why? It's because I need to realize that I'm worth loving. They probably didn't do more than half of all the revolting looks and things I possibly thought. My mind simply tricks me into believing so.

I think Sterling made a good suggestion. If you're scared and don't know how to really be around girls, try and start conversations with friends. This forum is a good place to just say, "Hi!" If there is a female that is asking a question about movies or something you can relate to, throw in your opinion.

From there, a friendship may or may not develop. Just try and not take it too harshly if someone doesn't reply or wants a friendship with you. There will always be someone on this earth that would be interested in hanging out with you. This means both men and women.

Just take simple steps and work towards your goals. Skype is another great tool once you've made a friend. you can use it as a messenger and if the two of you become comfortable enough, you could try voice. Every step you take is another step to being comfort around females. :)

Thank you.

The thing is, my communication/social skills are proably worse then my looks, even if I;m not as ugly as I think I am.

It was quite clear and proven many times. People misunderstand me becuase I use to wrong words or don't put the words together properly. I have been made fun of, bullied becuase of it, on-line and in real life. It's happened a few times in this forums, another forums I have joined not too long ago. My brain is fried and I get BPD (Brain Processing Disorder). It is a thing I made up, that signals get crossed or something/you get brain fog, you can't communicate correctly. Sometimes I think I'm better of not talking at all.

I have the vocabulary of an 8 year old. A lot of big school words, I don't know. I only know basic everytday words. I know a few computer words and stuff. I envy a lot of people becuase they are much better speaker then me.

I wasn't always like this. I've noticed the problem started around 2005, and slowly gotten worse over time. I can probably get past my looks, and maybe I am just worse looking then I think I am. I met this awesome girl on-line. She thinks she is ugly, but showed me some photos and she is really beautiful.

If my looks are as bad as I think. Why are girls so quick to judge me and treat me like a parsite or something and not a human being? I've only met a few people who have accepted me as who I am. Most are friends of my sister.
I'm sure there is a girl out there like that for you, but you do realize that most girls are into fashion, right?
LeaningIntoTheMuse said:
I'm sure there is a girl out there like that for you, but you do realize that most girls are into fashion, right?

Ya, not all. Most Naturists aren't into fashion I think. Why would they be?

I will check out my social skills on clothesfree forums.:D

This will probably be me doing this to be soon for a probable dumb idea. :club:

OK, scratch that. The forums are really, really, really slow still (It's been 8 months!). I told them they should move to a different host, get someone to look at their serveror something, but noooo.

It's rare to find young females who are Naturists, becuase with body issues, they are suaully cloest naturists. But! What is a good idea, I should take some oof my money, travel to Onatario and visit some Naturist resorts for a few weeks, like Bare Oats, Ponderosa Resort, and most of all, Jewel Lake Naturist resort. With the money I have, I will probably be broke by then, money for guess, food and camping. I can try and meet someone there.

I would probably fail less. Fail less is better than failing more. Of course, not doing anything, is probably even worse. At least I tried.
Lost Soul said:
If my looks are as bad as I think. Why are girls so quick to judge me and treat me like a parsite or something and not a human being? I've only met a few people who have accepted me as who I am. Most are friends of my sister.

Its a self fulflling prophacy.....

I got picked on , bullied and made fun of...becuase of my looks
when I was a kid and in HS.
It totally ****** me up in the head. I became very self consious
about me looks, the way i behaved and all kinds of negative ****
that my mind ran it. Plus that feeling of not being good enough.
So I'll subconsiously set up conditions or push people away.

While there where other evidence that was contrary to my beliefs.
The first girl that came after me was during a christain church
summer camp. yeah dude...god and nature. I was 14.

She was very pretty. During the entire summer camp. She want to be
my gf. Sat next to me during breakfest, lunch and dinner.
Valunteer to do chores with me...Play in the same valley ball team..
wanna go take hikes with me...She even stole my name tag.lmao
I had so much guilt and insecurity. i kept blowing her off.
She would alway wanna hold my hands.
She just wanted a BF while were at summer camp
and perhasp we could build a relationship from that. We were just
kids....pUPPY love kind of thing. Leaning to have a relationship
with training wheels on...kind of thing.
She'd cried becuase i never asked her to dance.
I finally figure that **** out when it was too late.
I finally gave her a hug and just held her before she got on the bus.

You can learn this at 14, 25, 40, or never...
As you get older you're gonna want to bypass the trainning wheels stage because of love/relationship stravations.
Most people eat **** trying to ride a bike for the first time without trainning wheels.

The samething happens in R/C aricraft...
Guys in their mid 30's...showing up with models beyound thier capilitlies...thinking it's just a toy.
Always tell them...just get a trainner to start. So you can learned the basics.
But they dont listen...they want it all and want it now...after all they're 30+ yrs old.
99.999999% of them crash thier $500 models on take off or on the first turn.lmao
But they see a 16 yr old kid doing crazy aerobics manuvers...but the kid had been flying RC since he was 5.lmao
Sterling said:
Since you're just like each other, there's nothing new to experience. And that, ladies and gentleman, is when people start becoming bored of the relationship.

Yes there is. You get the experince of being with another human being other then yourself. You have someone to understand you. You have someone to love and someone who is there for you.

I am compatible wtih many girls, most on the list I can do without. Must have is that they don't get drunk/do drugs etc. They accept everyone for who they are and give them a chance. They are supportive and always willing to help and they are outgoing. They are willing to try new things.
Lost Soul said:
Sterling said:
Since you're just like each other, there's nothing new to experience. And that, ladies and gentleman, is when people start becoming bored of the relationship.

Yes there is. You get the experince of being with another human being other then yourself. You have someone to understand you. You have someone to love and someone who is there for you.

I am compatible wtih many girls, most on the list I can do without. Must have is that they don't get drunk/do drugs etc. They accept everyone for who they are and give them a chance. They are supportive and always willing to help and they are outgoing. They are willing to try new things.

You can have that with other girls, that are not exactly like you.
Lost Soul said:
That is for a girlfriend only. For a friend, I just want someone to accept me for the most part. Someto hang out and cun understand me and not judge me. Someone I can trust.

^that^ + someone you can put your penis into should be your list for potential girlfriend.
Sterling said:
Lost Soul said:
Sterling said:
Since you're just like each other, there's nothing new to experience. And that, ladies and gentleman, is when people start becoming bored of the relationship.

Yes there is. You get the experince of being with another human being other then yourself. You have someone to understand you. You have someone to love and someone who is there for you.

I am compatible wtih many girls, most on the list I can do without. Must have is that they don't get drunk/do drugs etc. They accept everyone for who they are and give them a chance. They are supportive and always willing to help and they are outgoing. They are willing to try new things.

You can have that with other girls, that are not exactly like you.

It's really hard to find girls like that, whre I live and on-line.

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