girls, am i ugly? I cant get a GF

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SocratesX said:
tangerinedream said:
SocratesX said:
Attend parties that are small and have alcohol. About 20 people. Make sure the girl to guy ratio is like 5 dudes and 15 girls. Drink enough to say what you want but not so much that you act ******* retarded.

I usually find a cute but shy, nervous and geeky looking girl and I strike up a conversation with her. The geeky girls are turned on by my muscles and shard wardrobe, and all I have to do is act like a sensitive gentleman. (this does NOT work if you are ugly, nerdy, or creepy looking, just FYI).

Please stop. Your posts make me want to vomit out my eyeballs.

What you claim to KNOW about women and what we want would fit in the bottom of a thimble.

What you DON'T know is enormous.

To the OP: you're not ugly at all. I can see maybe some uncertainty or a lack of confidence, but that does not make you ugly. It's true that confidence in a person (man or woman) is an attractive quality, but you're young, and the girls around you are still young - too young probably to see the difference between real confidence and arrogance.

I'd say, try faking the confidence at first. You'd be surprised how a little bit of attention can build confidence, ad then it's like the snowball effect.

The bolded part makes ME want to vomit my eyeballs out.

You can't FAKE confidence. It will be a failboat sailing to failville.

My female friends have said before "I dig a guy who's cocky, but only if he has something to be cocky about".

Girls hate guys who are confident when they have nothing to be confident about.

Please stop saying what girls like or hate. You are no expert.

And yes, you can fake confidence for a little while until the real thing comes along, just like when you fake enthusiasm sometimes you find yourself feeling real enthusiasm.

With my advice, he has nothing to lose, whereas anyone who follows the bulk of your advice risks being seen as an ******* or a *********.

Joseph said:
That's where I disagree. It is possible to be confident about a "kick ass personality".

YES. This. Plus, if someone is capable or talented in some other area it can be quite appealing to watch them come alive when they talk about it or engage in it.

Joseph said:
I've seen total Quasimoto lookalikes pick up chicks because they could carry on a good verbal back-and-forth with women. While I stood there going "derrrrr" like a dimwit!


What an image!
No matter how hard people work at only their looks, once the other person is done looking at them they have to be able to say something worth listening too. I think it's good to try for a nice appearance but good looks will only take you so far and then they become meaningless. You have to be able to relate to people and talk to them about things that interest them.

I think socrates wants to be a co-host on "what not to wear"

I also think shy =cute as long as you give a shy smile along the way to let the person talking to you know they are having a good effect, it can work really well in getting someones attention.

tangerinedream said:
SocratesX said:
tangerinedream said:
SocratesX said:
Attend parties that are small and have alcohol. About 20 people. Make sure the girl to guy ratio is like 5 dudes and 15 girls. Drink enough to say what you want but not so much that you act ******* retarded.

I usually find a cute but shy, nervous and geeky looking girl and I strike up a conversation with her. The geeky girls are turned on by my muscles and shard wardrobe, and all I have to do is act like a sensitive gentleman. (this does NOT work if you are ugly, nerdy, or creepy looking, just FYI).

Please stop. Your posts make me want to vomit out my eyeballs.

What you claim to KNOW about women and what we want would fit in the bottom of a thimble.

What you DON'T know is enormous.

To the OP: you're not ugly at all. I can see maybe some uncertainty or a lack of confidence, but that does not make you ugly. It's true that confidence in a person (man or woman) is an attractive quality, but you're young, and the girls around you are still young - too young probably to see the difference between real confidence and arrogance.

I'd say, try faking the confidence at first. You'd be surprised how a little bit of attention can build confidence, ad then it's like the snowball effect.

The bolded part makes ME want to vomit my eyeballs out.

You can't FAKE confidence. It will be a failboat sailing to failville.

My female friends have said before "I dig a guy who's cocky, but only if he has something to be cocky about".

Girls hate guys who are confident when they have nothing to be confident about.

Please stop saying what girls like or hate. You are no expert.

And yes, you can fake confidence for a little while until the real thing comes along, just like when you fake enthusiasm sometimes you find yourself feeling real enthusiasm.

With my advice, he has nothing to lose, whereas anyone who follows the bulk of your advice risks being seen as an ******* or a *********.

All the studs I know ARE ******** (put themselves first) but around girls they act all sensitive and gentle. Way easier than faking confidence.
SocratesX said:
All the studs I know ARE ******** (put themselves first) but around girls they act all sensitive and gentle. Way easier than faking confidence.

this just sounds so strange. ******** pretending to be sensitive and gentle around girls so that...what? they will fall for them? well I guess it isn't too strange when you consider that they are ******** to begin with.

maybe the weird part is just hearing someone promoting assholery and deception as the best way to go. yikes.
suckaG said:
SocratesX said:
All the studs I know ARE ******** (put themselves first) but around girls they act all sensitive and gentle. Way easier than faking confidence.

this just sounds so strange. ******** pretending to be sensitive and gentle around girls so that...what? they will fall for them? well I guess it isn't too strange when you consider that they are ******** to begin with.

maybe the weird part is just hearing someone promoting assholery and deception as the best way to go. yikes.

I guess those actions might get you a one night stand but it will never land anyone with a partner for the long term. A lot of woman are way smarter than socrates gives them credit for. The best woman learn to smell a fake ******* a mile off, no matter how he's dressed or how fit he is.

suckaG said:
SocratesX said:
All the studs I know ARE ******** (put themselves first) but around girls they act all sensitive and gentle. Way easier than faking confidence.

this just sounds so strange. ******** pretending to be sensitive and gentle around girls so that...what? they will fall for them? well I guess it isn't too strange when you consider that they are ******** to begin with.

maybe the weird part is just hearing someone promoting assholery and deception as the best way to go. yikes.

Well it's better than women saying crap like "be yourself" and the "right girl will come along".

The dating game is TOTALLY rigged. There are NO SUCH THING as single cute girls over the age of 18. All women belong to a small percentage of guys to one degree or another. This is not a joke.

And, as I've posted before, this does NOT just refer to sorority bimbos dating frat douchers. I am talking about girls who are wait-til-marriage virgins. Protestants, Catholics, Muslims. The devout Muslim girls will date Muslim bodybuilders and Muslim male models, the devout Catholic girls will date Catholic alpha males and Catholic pretty boys... you get my gist.

It's just a matter of logic. Women want fit, muscular, well-groomed, well-dressed, socially popular guys who make good money. Why is that SO HARD for people to understand? I don't even BLAME women for wanting this. It's logical, it's normal, it makes sense.

Women don't WANT social incompetance, weakness, or unnattractiveness. These are just logical facts.

If I was telling dudes to get tatted up and get earrings and go deal weed and get arrested and become an ******* pseudo-criminal, that would be one thing. But I'm not saying that.
Guys who hide behind looks and muscle and talk about a girl like some bimbo, superficial, piece of meat = *********s and A-holes

boys, don't be like that.
girls, don't entertain those.

Flexiable= well adjusted
Versital = well rounded

if ur not willing to change u aint adjusting or adapting.

If ur not willing to expand..ur not growing or developing.

If ur not WILLING...shes not going to be willing either.

Get into ACTIONS....u can get advice. Have opinions or even get a PUA manual....No ACTIONS...No results.

You cant eat an entire stake all in one bite... Eat little pieces at a time...
Cut from whatever side of the stake as you wish or approch it from whatever angle..never the less..START DOING IT.

Don't try to be someone you are not, you'll only be exposed as being fake. Be who you are and who you want people to see you as. If you want people to see you as an ******* doucebag then by all means act like one. If you want people to see you as a nice confident person, then be that. If you want people to see you as shy yet a likable nice person, then be that. This applies to both sexes.

To the OP "Let's put a smile of that face." :D

There are some really ugly people out there that have found someone, why just the other day I saw a couple that nearly scared the living daylights out of me. I felt bad for their two kids.
sierra said:
No matter how hard people work at only their looks, once the other person is done looking at them they have to be able to say something worth listening too. I think it's good to try for a nice appearance but good looks will only take you so far and then they become meaningless. You have to be able to relate to people and talk to them about things that interest them.

I think socrates wants to be a co-host on "what not to wear"

I also think shy =cute as long as you give a shy smile along the way to let the person talking to you know they are having a good effect, it can work really well in getting someones attention.

Yes, one day I hope to run my own TV show or radio show, in addition to running my own forums and several survivalism camps.

I will make a thread on my beautiful idea for a Dud-to-Stud Military-style PUA boot camp.


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