Tomorrow I have Emergency Plans exam, I'll be given a scenario (for example bus crash or chemical accident, number of victims, location of accident, etc.) and I will have to draw a map, making a plan of action to save the victims, and explain the steps (organize search and rescue teams, set up the triage area, decide evacuation corridors, decide how many rescue teams to assign, etc.). I've practiced making those kind of maps since December, but I'm still scared I won't be able to finish the map on time. Or at least I used to be scared... Now I feel confident, because I received good luck wishes from you all.

And my last exam for this semester, on Thursday... It's on Natural Hazards. Hazards Classification. I had to work on a small project, which I have to present (and I'm terrified because I'm incredibly shy, I'm scared to talk in front of those people, but I'll push through somehow). And then I'll get two questions that I have to answer. Natural Hazards is my favorite subject so far, but it's the toughest, also. Many academic terms, that I wasn't aware of until recently. I've been reading my notes in and out, several times. I feel like I know everything. But then I take a break and ask myself some questions from the book and it's like I can't remember a single thing. I don't know why.

Either way, I am confident that things will be ok, either way. Even if I fail the exams, I'll keep going, because Disasters Management is something I want to learn on the long run, it doesn't matter if I fail now, I'll keep trying. Also, it's not about the grades, it's about me actually understanding how things work. And once I understand more, good grades will come along as well. I just have to be patient.
I'm excited for my next semester, we'll learn about humanitarian actions then, and that's another subject I really love.
I gave up my job in order to study for my Master's degree. And I often feel pressure to study all the time, given the fact that I don't work anymore. I'm responsible for my family to provide for them. My parents. My child. We have enough finances to get by, eat, pay the rent, etc. But still, I feel guilty. However I won't let this guilt eat me up. At the end of the day, I know very well why I chose this path and I won't stop until I get what I want in life.