Machinarium said:
Hi everyone, this is very awkward for me so try not to cringe please.
So I dont even know how to introduce myself (i didnt even want to but i have to change these bad habits of mine), okey so I am 28 yo male, I am from a small country called Tunisia in north Africa (I always hated this part when i talk about my origins and where I live because of obvious reasons i guess)
I found this forum by chance after I googled "forum about loneliness", and after I've read many of your stories and thoughts I've decided to make an account and try to share some of mine too, maybe.
Sorry for my bad English, it is my 3rd language and I basically have learnt it from video games and movies
Thanks again to whomever reading this and hope that you have a good day
Don't worry, pretty sure most of us here are pretty awkward at intros as well hehe. I don't get why you'd dislike talking about your country of origin (As with the other readers) so maybe it's kind of an Automatic Negative Thoughts (ANT) mental process which you've learned through the years due to experiences with ppl when you talk about it?
Would love to get to know you better! Let's be buddies woooooo~
Also, your english is really good from learning via this way hahaha! I remember my time in Europe, when I met this couple who both spoke pretty good English and when I asked how they learned?
Their respond was: "Hollywood"
That got me laugh hahaha but it was really cool how they were able to communicate just because they watch lots of movies!
Now, I see your name and I know you've wrecked your head at some point in your gaming life hehe. That dang beautiful robot puzzle game "Machinarium"! I still remember my friend introducing that game to me WITHOUT letting me know there's a way to get hints if you can't figure the puzzle out lol!
He sure had a blast watching me rage, that dick lol.
Didn't finish the game though hmm... Perhaps I'd make a Let's Play of it to finish what my friend got me started years ago... Gotta prepare for the rage when I have to wreck my head again XD
What've you been playing recently?
Sci-Fi said:
Machinarium said:
Sorry for my bad English, it is my 3rd language and I basically have learnt it from video games and movies
Thanks again to whomever reading this and hope that you have a good day
Oh so you learned a lot of slang and curse words then. LOL
LOL it's exactly what I'd ask to learn from someone when I know that they are familiar with a foreign language that I ain't!
Meaw said:
Welcome, Machinarium! I like your name, but then again, I like almost every name there is. It's one of my slightly unneccessary and also maybe a bit too strong interests, hehe
I'm with Minus, it ain't clear why Tunisia would be a bad place to me. Well, it may be warm, but that's about it. And for learning English from games, you have done a really great job! What games do you play?
I hope you'll have a good time around here ^_^
Now you got me thinking, how did Meaw come about? Is it like a play on for your love for kitty cats, Meoowwww~?
Do you play video games too? What do you usually find yourself playing?
Perhaps I can make a thread for gamers here to get together for sessions! What do you guys think??