Well, this is the obligatory introductory post. I'm 30, married and I'm here because I am lonely. I don't really know what to say, I think that the circumstances surrounding my loneliness is in large part due to my own shortcomings as an individual (emotional insecurity, poor self-esteem, etc.) and in part due to circumstances surrounding choices made during my marriage, as well as the current state of my marriage itself. It's a pretty drawn out explanation really. In short, my wife and I are both somewhat antisocial. Not to say that we don't have friends, we do... or rather my wife does. While I am more the more outgoing member of the relationship, I don't have any real friends (outside of friendly acquaintances from work). I get alone alright with my wife's friends, but it seems odd that people I am friendly with have closer bonds to my wife. There is so much to this but I'm not sure how much to say really, especially for an introduction.
Anyway, glad to meet you all!
Anyway, glad to meet you all!