Guilty or not guilty game

Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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Yes. I like almonds, especially barbecued almonds. Pistachios are also my downfall, but I didn't really eat many nuts until you started talking about them. 😂

Have we enabled each other to become addicts? 😂
No. The only way I like apples is if there's buttered popcorn to go with it. 😂 I'm a mess, aren't I? 😂

Do you ever get so tired you almost fall asleep in your chair?
Yes, right now. If I didn't have to chuckle every once in awhile, I would probably be asleep.

Did you ever have a cat who detected a hernia on you? I did.
Wow! No! But, I do have a hermia. It really started poking out a few years ago. But, I kept pressing on it and eventually it receded. It's still barely noticeable.

Did you ever have a cat that would come when you called their name?
Not guilty. Assuming the question is about four legged felines I can say that if the cat doesn't mind it then yes I will do it. Like it? Not really.

Given up all the things that made you feel alive for things that are less likely to kill you?
Yes because With meringue you have an excuse to eat most of the pie in one day. No one likes slimy meringue to ruin a pie.

hit things when you are angry
Thank you for giving me another good reason to over dose on sweets! I have to remember that one about the meringue. 😂

Not guilty. I don't hit things when I'm angry.

Have you ever been so angry with someone that you can't even retaliate and just end up walking away?

Have you ever been so enraged that you end up with tears in your eyes, not through sadness but frustration?
Yes, guilty

Have you ever not mentioned you were given the wrong change (too much) from the shop assistant after your purchases?
Guilty. They seemed to get a sort of pleasure when they hurt me, but I just showed I wouldn't stoop to their level.

Have you ever left something behind in a bus/taxi?