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Well-known member
Mar 22, 2010
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Somewhere No One Knows Me
^_^; this is more a thread for me. Anyway, I have been REALLY focusing on my workouts recently and have seen progress. Today I set a new PR for unbroken pushups... meaning I did not break pushup form for all of the reps. I was able to do 15 in a row.

I also am going to slow down my progression a bit. I was too aggressive and am starting to suffer for it. Hopefully things will get better soon.
Congrats, Frozen Soul! And... wow, do you really do 100 pushups a day? [insert jaw drop here] That's freakin' unbelievable. Keep it up, champion! ;)
Nice work! I started doing this a while ago. It's a pretty good use of time, although I find myself only using a little time when doing it lol
@Stranger: :p doing 100 pushups is easy. You do not have to do them all in a row. Just do 2 sets of 10 every hour or so. That is 100 even if you are not doing them all in a row. That is what Crossfit has taught me.

@Gutted: o_O only a little.. these days I have been finding I am using more and more time. My strength days take me about 70 Minutes to 90 minutes. Maybe I am working out too much?
Hey Soul,

As far as I'm aware, it's very important to remember that too much is little in regards to working out.

Someone I know who's very knowledgable about health and working out told me this:

1) You should have 2 days rest per week (i.e. take Saturdays and Sundays off).

2) Cardio excercises are important for gaining strength, not just weights and pushups etc. He suggested Monday, Wednesday, Friday weights training, Tuesday Thursday cardio excercises (running, cycling, football etc.)

3) It's good to sometimes "over-exert" yourself in terms of doing reps every now and then. But not long term. i.e. keep to around 60 minutes a day maximum and don't be afraid to stop earlier if your muscles are feeling tired.

4) It's generally good to vary the activities you do on each day of the week. i.e. don't just focus on your arms on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

I don't know if this helps you, and you probably know more than I do; I'm not a gym regular. But hopefully it well help a bit! It's nice to get into a gym routine that suits you : ) Have fun and good luck : )
@Thomas]: There are lots of different way to get in shape. It all depends on what your goals are. The method you listed is the method I followed when I first started. That is good for a beginner who is starting weight loss and fitness... well one method anyway. Did you know that you can lose lots of weight without ever stepping on a treadmill and only doing weights. Really what you do is based solely on your goals and diet. I guess his method is also good for maintenance.

The truth of the matter is that isolation is good, but why isolate when you can do more work in a shorter period of time. That is why I tend to tell people to never use the machines. Machines isolate too much. With a bench press you get your chest, biceps, and shoulders. However with a chest press machine it may be set up to minimize exertion on biceps and shoulders.

Anyway, like I said different methods for different people. As you get more advanced you need more work to improve. Regardless thanks for giving out that advice. I am sure it will help others.

While I do not really have a previous number to compare this one too. I was able to carry a 145 lbs atlas stone 50 meters today. That sucks when you are not allowed to pull it up to your shoulder.
I got 5th in my nutrition challenge at the crossfit gym. I was a bit miffed because if they had decided to use a different forumla I would have won. Anyway, I think between my stomach and hips I lost about 6.5 inches and 10 lbs... this was just doing a paleo diet for 30 days. The time for the routine we did as a test as well went down by 6 minutes as well.
Good job Frozen Soul.

I'm working out myself at home, once I am able to be "independent" from my parents, I'll be going to a gym regularly.

Lol, I was a fat kid doing push-ups when I started. I did just a few and collapsed with the burn. I do around 25 now. I did 5, then moved on to 8, 10, 12 and so on.

Keep working on it each week! :)
I'm absolutely addicted to working out and will be doing something most days, though never the same thing or muscle group on consecutive days. I lift, run, and swim. I'm really thinking about doing a Sprint Triathlon in the next couple of months. A big reason I have not already is because they usually start when my body is used to going to sleep (I work nights, triathlons start early in the morning).

When I lift I mostly stick to the compound lifts (Squats, Bench, Standing Barbell Press, Pull Ups, and Deads),though crunches are a guilty pleasure.

If anyone is into working out and gaming, check out Fitocacy. It sort of makes fitness a game with quests, leveling, achievements, etc. My name on there is Zukunft if anyone wants to follow me. :cool:
AFrozenSoul said:
@Antihero: :p I have been into Fitocracy for a long time now ^_^. That is where I like to keep track of all my stuff.

Awesome! What's you name on there?

Iceman1978 said:
I just joined Fitocracy. Looks like an interesting site.

Glad to hear it! :cool:

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