Dating apps/sites are an entirely separate issue, I think. I joined one, just to see what kind of people would be on there in my area. I have no picture up, my profile is basic as hell. I still get a lot of messages every time I log in. I only log in once about ever month or two and every time I do, I get another 5-10 messages from guys. They are all generic. are you....what do you like....blah blah blah. There's no personalization, nothing indicating they actually want to know me. It's just cheap messages that I have no desire to respond to because they couldn't be bothered to put some effort into it. I did reply to one of the many many messages I got because he did actually put some effort into it, but he didn't like that I wanted to chat for a bit before showing him a picture or even discussing meeting in person. I want someone to get to know me based on who I am, not what I look like. Yeah, I know catfishing is all too real and all that and I understand when they bolt, but still, out of probably 100 messages, I get one guy that actually put some effort into a message.
I don't think it's so much getting to know them as friends, as much as just making sure you aren't an axe murderer or whatever. At least that's my take on it.