Have you been gaslighted ?

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Can anyone give a real life example of how they have been gaslighted?

I think a man I had met, Sen me as slightly over desperate, he ended what I'm not even sure was a relationship by saying.

If you need a back up, I'll send you some batteries.
I don't even use a vibrator.

What's the worst break up line you have had? He was not a back up anyway. I have been practically celibate for 6 years.
That's not gaslighting, you obviously don't know what it is. That's strictly a sarcastic joke, because he didn't want anything to do with you.

Yes, I think we've all been gaslit one time or another, as well as have done it to others.
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I do not know how to channel it. I have had premonitions that have come true, it could be intuition? A strong sense of this is not right while being told it was ok when it certainly wasn't ok. People think I am a whackjob when I tell them this. I had a very severe psychic experience that no one believes me about. But it happened, it was just disguised to me, just write her off as a whack job. Which sometimes I can be. But something came very true, I know I will be dead soon. But I won't be around to know if that one came true.
Or maybe you have been emotionally abused and are suffering from the impacts of that and instead of being psychic or having premonitions, you are projecting how you feel about yourself into the world and that is why people "look at you weird" You hate yourself, so obviously the rest of the world must hate you as well. It's pretty common for people who suffer from emotional abuse.

They exist. I have encountered one or two, I cannot read minds, I can feel from a person's aura of you want to call it that. So it was rather confusing for me to form a relationship with a man that I felt he had a strong sense of hate towards me while also telling me he cared about me. I know take care can take on a few different contexts. 'take care have a nice day's generally ok. But 'take care of her's as in 'i'll take care of that' said in a very sinister tone. Now I just live in fear, no longer want to be here. Thought this forum might offer some help for lonliness in the meantime before I get my euthanasia appointment

If you can read auras, did your ex not have a negative aura? How long were you with him? Why are you afraid?

This forum COULD help you, but you have to be open to being helped. You have to be open to letting people get to know you and getting to know others. What will it hurt? Are you afraid you might actually make some friends here and not want to die? Are you afraid you will get better?

What are you doing to get better? What are you doing to take back your life?

And finally, do you not want support and people who show that for you? Do you not want people to care what you say and feel sympathy for what you've been through? Why call anyone a bot because they choose to support you? No one in this thread is attacking you, insulting you and no one in this thread is a bot. We are all human. We all have our own issues, which you know nothing about.
Talk TO us, not down to us. Stop finding insults and threats in everything we post. Just be here, participate and be open to hearing what we say.
Or maybe you have been emotionally abused and are suffering from the impacts of that and instead of being psychic or having premonitions, you are projecting how you feel about yourself into the world and that is why people "look at you weird" You hate yourself, so obviously the rest of the world must hate you as well. It's pretty common for people who suffer from emotional abuse.

If you can read auras, did your ex not have a negative aura? How long were you with him? Why are you afraid?

This forum COULD help you, but you have to be open to being helped. You have to be open to letting people get to know you and getting to know others. What will it hurt? Are you afraid you might actually make some friends here and not want to die? Are you afraid you will get better?

What are you doing to get better? What are you doing to take back your life?

And finally, do you not want support and people who show that for you? Do you not want people to care what you say and feel sympathy for what you've been through? Why call anyone a bot because they choose to support you? No one in this thread is attacking you, insulting you and no one in this thread is a bot. We are all human. We all have our own issues, which you know nothing about.
Talk TO us, not down to us. Stop finding insults and threats in everything we post. Just be here, participate and be open to hearing what we say.
Perhaps I find it difficult to socialise in the real world. My only form of interaction is help forums, I always manage to find someone in the real world that doesn't like me. Why do I always find people that don't like me, I don't intentionally go out my way to find people that don't like me. So I have stopped bothering. Whenever I get to know people,.open up a bit I become some sort of target. They make dogs that I don't work, make dogs that I have lost loved ones. Anything they can find to hurt me, they will use. I do see mental health advisors. What I really need is a friend, so the issue clearly lies with me, if you had lost loved ones, not just 1 bit almost everyone that you care about and the topic continually gets reignited, you don't want that flame to burn again.

I know I am not easy to get along with, people make dogs that I think I am a poet. I'm illiterate. It only hurts because all I ever wanted was to find a friend, then it backfired. Because they seem I am too desperate. They can treat me anyway they want, because I am not in a position to just go and forget about it. I come from a family that have high standards, I don't meet those standards anymore. I have done my part as a woman, I have grown up children, now I'm done for. I wanted to try and see if here are any other females here that feel worthless when their children are grown up. When there is nothing left of life. Not even the children's father.

You are probably right.aboit negativity. People just don't want to entertain it. Atleast on forums I thought people may relate, so I don't feel so alone. Honestly, people scare me.

Thanks for taking the time to post me back.
I have been gaslighted a couple of times in my life, but I was aware of what they were doing, and told them about it. I've also gaslit myself.
Perhaps I find it difficult to socialise in the real world. My only form of interaction is help forums, I always manage to find someone in the real world that doesn't like me. Why do I always find people that don't like me, I don't intentionally go out my way to find people that don't like me. So I have stopped bothering. Whenever I get to know people,.open up a bit I become some sort of target. They make dogs that I don't work, make dogs that I have lost loved ones. Anything they can find to hurt me, they will use. I do see mental health advisors. What I really need is a friend, so the issue clearly lies with me, if you had lost loved ones, not just 1 bit almost everyone that you care about and the topic continually gets reignited, you don't want that flame to burn again.

I know I am not easy to get along with, people make dogs that I think I am a poet. I'm illiterate. It only hurts because all I ever wanted was to find a friend, then it backfired. Because they seem I am too desperate. They can treat me anyway they want, because I am not in a position to just go and forget about it. I come from a family that have high standards, I don't meet those standards anymore. I have done my part as a woman, I have grown up children, now I'm done for. I wanted to try and see if here are any other females here that feel worthless when their children are grown up. When there is nothing left of life. Not even the children's father.

You are probably right.aboit negativity. People just don't want to entertain it. Atleast on forums I thought people may relate, so I don't feel so alone. Honestly, people scare me.

Thanks for taking the time to post me back.
It's never wise to give everything away the minute you meet someone. Have a bit of a guard up to protect yourself until you know it's the right time to unravel more. Take your time and really get to know someone before opening-up all the way. Learn baby steps over time to trust people. You open yourself up to possible abusers by giving away too much at a time, especially negative traits and "desperation cues." Be wise and be careful.
Perhaps I find it difficult to socialise in the real world. My only form of interaction is help forums, I always manage to find someone in the real world that doesn't like me. Why do I always find people that don't like me, I don't intentionally go out my way to find people that don't like me. So I have stopped bothering. Whenever I get to know people,.open up a bit I become some sort of target. They make dogs that I don't work, make dogs that I have lost loved ones. Anything they can find to hurt me, they will use. I do see mental health advisors. What I really need is a friend, so the issue clearly lies with me, if you had lost loved ones, not just 1 bit almost everyone that you care about and the topic continually gets reignited, you don't want that flame to burn again.

I know I am not easy to get along with, people make dogs that I think I am a poet. I'm illiterate. It only hurts because all I ever wanted was to find a friend, then it backfired. Because they seem I am too desperate. They can treat me anyway they want, because I am not in a position to just go and forget about it. I come from a family that have high standards, I don't meet those standards anymore. I have done my part as a woman, I have grown up children, now I'm done for. I wanted to try and see if here are any other females here that feel worthless when their children are grown up. When there is nothing left of life. Not even the children's father.

You are probably right.aboit negativity. People just don't want to entertain it. Atleast on forums I thought people may relate, so I don't feel so alone. Honestly, people scare me.

Thanks for taking the time to post me back.
Okay, NOW we are having a conversation. Let's keep that up and see where we land.

When a person has been abused emotionally, they tend to get in a mindset that attracts all the wrong people. We are used to the toxic environment and we kind of gravitate towards that whether we want to or not. It's what we know.
Of course letting people in and letting people get close to you can be a double edged sword, because while it's what we want/need, it can also end in disaster, but having that close bond with someone, having the chance to have someone who supports you and is there for you is worth it in the end. It's all about perspective. Life is short, for all of us, we have to make the most of it and take what is offered and find the opportunities that will make our lives better, because even if you live 100 years, that's nothing in the grand scheme of things.

A lot of us aren't easy to get along with and some of the people here have issues with socializing. Every single one of us came here for a reason. When I first came here, I was just out of a very abusive relationship. Both physically and emotionally abusive and let you me tell you something....that emotional abuse destroyed me far more than any of the physical. Bruises heal, even broken bones here, but that emotional abuse sticks with you and doesn't let go. I fought that, I won that fight. Am I perfect now? No, of course not, I'll always be a work in progress because there will always be something I can improve to be a better person, but I'm still trying and will continue to try to better myself until my last day.

My oldest son is autistic. He is an adult and high functioning, but he will likely live with me for a good while yet. My youngest son will be entering the military in 2 months. So yeah, they are more or less grown.
Why does them being grown mean you are done? Our children will always need us. What about grandchildren? Because of my ex and my relationship with him I know what it's like to feel worthless, but we make our own worth. No one else can decide that for us. Don't let anyone have that much power over you. Take back control of your life, do something for yourself. Find a reason. Be kind, be friendly, be helpful. Helping others can very much work to help ourselves. Stop beating yourself up and go find your way. Do NOT give up because there's so much out there.
Plenty of people here can relate to what you've been through, but you have to stop jumping to conclusions and misinterpreting what we are saying. We are a good group of people, so you have to let yourself see that and take what we are offering you, because believe it or not, we do want to help. We do want to see you get better and not only survive, but to be okay with who you are.
Okay, NOW we are having a conversation. Let's keep that up and see where we land.

When a person has been abused emotionally, they tend to get in a mindset that attracts all the wrong people. We are used to the toxic environment and we kind of gravitate towards that whether we want to or not. It's what we know.
Of course letting people in and letting people get close to you can be a double edged sword, because while it's what we want/need, it can also end in disaster, but having that close bond with someone, having the chance to have someone who supports you and is there for you is worth it in the end. It's all about perspective. Life is short, for all of us, we have to make the most of it and take what is offered and find the opportunities that will make our lives better, because even if you live 100 years, that's nothing in the grand scheme of things.

A lot of us aren't easy to get along with and some of the people here have issues with socializing. Every single one of us came here for a reason. When I first came here, I was just out of a very abusive relationship. Both physically and emotionally abusive and let you me tell you something....that emotional abuse destroyed me far more than any of the physical. Bruises heal, even broken bones here, but that emotional abuse sticks with you and doesn't let go. I fought that, I won that fight. Am I perfect now? No, of course not, I'll always be a work in progress because there will always be something I can improve to be a better person, but I'm still trying and will continue to try to better myself until my last day.

My oldest son is autistic. He is an adult and high functioning, but he will likely live with me for a good while yet. My youngest son will be entering the military in 2 months. So yeah, they are more or less grown.
Why does them being grown mean you are done? Our children will always need us. What about grandchildren? Because of my ex and my relationship with him I know what it's like to feel worthless, but we make our own worth. No one else can decide that for us. Don't let anyone have that much power over you. Take back control of your life, do something for yourself. Find a reason. Be kind, be friendly, be helpful. Helping others can very much work to help ourselves. Stop beating yourself up and go find your way. Do NOT give up because there's so much out there.
Plenty of people here can relate to what you've been through, but you have to stop jumping to conclusions and misinterpreting what we are saying. We are a good group of people, so you have to let yourself see that and take what we are offering you, because believe it or not, we do want to help. We do want to see you get better and not only survive, but to be okay with who you are.
Perfectly said.
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I have been gaslighted a couple of times in my life, but I was aware of what they were doing, and told them about it. I've also gaslit myself.

It's never wise to give everything away the minute you meet someone. Have a bit of a guard up to protect yourself until you know it's the right time to unravel more. Take your time and really get to know someone before opening-up all the way. Learn baby steps over time to trust people. You open yourself up to possible abusers by giving away too much at a time, especially negative traits and "desperation cues." Be wise and be careful.
The damage has already been done. I hope someone else uses your advice, if I had read this say 5 years ago I wouldn't be in the situation I am in now. I am a woman, I have had children, I like to wear more masculine clothes though, I have a straight up and down figure so I believe people think due to the way I dress I am a trans woman. More than 1 person has implied this to me. I have had to see a doctor because of this. On here of I was trans I would openly admit it. I can't admit to something I am not. I am not a typical girly girl, I don't like showing off in tight dresses, etc in public, I am overweight, so if I dressed more feminine i leave myself open to nasty comments from other females calling me fat and telling me I need an extreme makeover. Which has happened to me.

THere are no relationship prospects for me because everyone I know believes I am trans. I simply cannot be something I am not. My children are embarrassed to be seen with me because of a vicious rumor. I wish I could be trans sometimes, atleast then what they say would be true. I'm just a woman that has had her identity stolen and there is nothing I can do about it.
The damage has already been done. I hope someone else uses your advice, if I had read this say 5 years ago I wouldn't be in the situation I am in now. I am a woman, I have had children, I like to wear more masculine clothes though, I have a straight up and down figure so I believe people think due to the way I dress I am a trans woman. More than 1 person has implied this to me. I have had to see a doctor because of this. On here of I was trans I would openly admit it. I can't admit to something I am not. I am not a typical girly girl, I don't like showing off in tight dresses, etc in public, I am overweight, so if I dressed more feminine i leave myself open to nasty comments from other females calling me fat and telling me I need an extreme makeover. Which has happened to me.

THere are no relationship prospects for me because everyone I know believes I am trans. I simply cannot be something I am not. My children are embarrassed to be seen with me because of a vicious rumor. I wish I could be trans sometimes, atleast then what they say would be true. I'm just a woman that has had her identity stolen and there is nothing I can do about it.
I understand why you're hurt, but once you stop caring about what others say to you, whether it's true or not, it won't bother you. People talk about people all the time, and there's nothing you can do about them, but you can change your perspective on how you look at it. You can keep dwelling on it and be miserable through life, or you can stop caring and be happy and move on in life. You have 2 choices. Live your life for you, not through others.
I simply cannot be something I am not.
Yet you are. You are now, by your own admission, the product of what other people have said about you. That's not you, that's other people. It is NOT too late for you. Change what you can...and believe it or not, there is A LOT you can change....and accept what you can't.

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