At Skafish: talk to this girl now. You will regret it if you don't and wonder what could have been and that will suck more than any outcome of trying with her now. What is the worse that can happen?
Paraiyar said:At Skafish: talk to this girl now. You will regret it if you don't and wonder what could have been and that will suck more than any outcome of trying with her now. What is the worse that can happen?
TheSkaFish said:Paraiyar said:At Skafish: talk to this girl now. You will regret it if you don't and wonder what could have been and that will suck more than any outcome of trying with her now. What is the worse that can happen?
Actually, it's several girls. They all could have been "the One" for me. I have talked to them, and still certainly could talk to a few of them. Right now most of them are taken so my plan is to stay in touch, just in case. I think about what could have been a lot, I think about what I would have done differently if I'd known better, I curse myself for not having my life together in time.
There is one last girl left, my last hope, but I am afraid of finding out that she too is taken. I'm also afraid I'll blow it again and screw up somehow, and waste my last chance. I'm worried because I'm the same old guy that I was before, the same guy who is struggling with direction in life, being interesting, and finding my identity. This last girl also said at one point that she thought I was good-looking and was enjoying getting to know me. But my fear has kept me from talking to her, because I know that when I talk to a girl I'm attracted to, I need to be fearless, I need to be prepared, I need to come off as confident and interesting. I know I need to push past this fear, because if I do nothing, it will become a self-fulfilling prophecy and I will blow my chance anyway. If only I could just get comfortable with myself, and confident that she would like me.
SlayGuy138 said:I've had only two romantic relationships in my whole life. Still a virgin. The first one was decent but didn't last nearly long enough for me to appreciate it as much as I wanted to. The second one was with an absolute sociopath who I hope burns in Hell.
I feel like if my first relationship lasted longer I'd say she would've been "the one", but I could be wrong as I've been wrong before. In this case bae was this shy and petite girl with epilepsy who loved acting and cross country. She also was autistic and would have this stim behavior where she would hunch her back, look down and play with her fingers. It was way more adorable then it sounds.
Now I feel all nostalgic and riddled with despondency. If she were to come back into my life I would welcome her with open arms, as opposed to if the second girl came back to me, in which case I'd file the mother of all restraining orders.
Eliraven said:This is exclusively about romantic love and super long too
For me, I can totally said that I never had even a good copy of it. Even though I'm 21 years old and I still have many years ahead of me. I'm throwing the towel but not because I gave up on love.
Since we were born, or family members and basically everyone told us how one day we will meet this amazing person and everything will be butterflies & rainbows. Romantic love was not an option but something that life own us. They were no doubts or questions, we were guarantee we will all have it.
But then you start dating and all this illusions and hope you have for love fade cruelly once reality sinks in. You get obsessed when you see couples together, only to find out most of them constantly fight, are together because kids or financial problems,because they are to lazy to start dating again or because they are afraid of being alone. Then we see bad people who cheat & do horrible stuff to their partner yet they always found more people to love them whole hearty.
And we are in a corner, thinking how much we want an unconditional love, cause we know what is to be alone, unappreciated, and we know how much it hurts. Everybody is looking for companionship, genuine love, someone who won't judge you and you can talk about anything. We are like this people, yet when people come into our life and we accepted the good and the bad they just step on us.
I have only had three relationship of about three months each{I know}The first one we were just totally different in every single aspects of our life. I keep fighting for it until reality left no more room for fantasies & dreams.
My second relationship was with a guy who has the same taste & and lifestyle as me. And I though he was the one. Only to find out he cheated on me.Told his mom to pack my stuff and tell me we were done and the next day he let her in his house. And since we went to the same school, they laugh at my face every time we saw each other. And they even let my friends know their side of the story. And I ask myself: why love is so harsh with me? What did I did wrong? I just want to love and feel loved?
My third and last one was just a nightmare. We were from different cultures, religions. We have the age gap but I though we were looking for the same. I was 21, he was 38. He had a lot fail relationship and was alone all the time (barely no friends). And I though he was going to be mature about our situation and we will bring each other close because of our relationship failures.He should understand what is like being alone and wanting a true love.
I got involved in his every day life activities. I learn his religion and respect it (even though I never convert to it). I show him everyday that he didn't have to be afraid of falling in love again. That I know how much it hurts being alone and I will always be there for me, through thin and thick.
He made me believe he was talking with his parents about us, since my age was going to be a shock for them.Only to find out three months later his family was arranging his marriage with another girl. He told me he would go for it, cause he never choose good partners and he left that decision to his parents. I had to see him everyday, flirting with other girls in front of me, texting this girl and saying out loud how she was the one and how he didn't need more time to know her cause once you know, you know. He went a weekend to see her parents and arranged the wedding. Her parents didn't agree and the wedding was cancel. Now he came back ashamed and trying to be nice to me and talk to me. And I just think to myself, how low can he gets? That just shows his disrespect towards me. Did he honestly think I will be back after he left to pursue another one. Screw you. Now I am so disgusted every time I have to see him.
But I have to thank him for being my wake up call and seeing my mistake for the past two other relationships. I loved them more than me, and put them before me. So I decide to take a break from dating and getting the stupid concepts of love I had since I was little. I'm taking the time to date and love myself and to see who I really am. Because I know once I am the person who loves herself the most, romantic love will just be an option not a necessity.
1.What about you?
2.Have you ever found the one?
3.If so, how did it happen?
4.If not, when was your wake up call and what makes you think is not for you?
5.How many couples do you know that actually love themselves?
6.Do you still secretly want to find it?
7.Did your concept of love change through the years?What is it now?