Have you ever...

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An owl definitely.

Have you ever yelled something ridiculous in public (to show off to friends, for a dare etc)?
I don't think so, I'm really shy.

Have you ever drove all night for no reason?
Yes, drove all night, but it was for a very specific reason.

Have you ever been drunk for 24 hours straight ?
No, I haven't. Perhaps, I should have. Dancing is a great way to meet a potential mate.

Have you ever wanted, more than anything else, to not wake up again ?
No - each day is a new and different day. Besides - I'd miss my dogs.

Have you ever had to wear the same socks two days in row because you forgot to pack a fresh pair on an overnight trip?
I have not. I'm a little psycho about checking and rechecking that sort of stuff.

Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to float in space like an astronaut?
Unfortunately, no. But, I have been stranded outside in freezing rain, for hours, lost in the wilderness.

Have you ever been penny-wise pound-foolish ?
Hell, yes ! I love trains. Was on one just 2 weeks ago.

Have you ever had a pleasant co-passenger on an airplane ?
Money exists, love doesn't exist. So, I guess money is more important because love is just a myth in my experience.

Have you ever been able to resurrect a friendship after many years of not talking ?
Don't know, never tried. If I am done, I'm done. No going back.

Have you ever ignored a knock on the door, even though you know that THEY know you're home?
Never ignored a knock, although maybe I should have on certain occasions ;)  I'm just courteous that way.

Have you ever fantasized about being a "hero" (gender-neutral), by sacrificing your own life to save others ? (Think liquor store holdup or bank robbery)
^Courteous...or a sucker? Let's be real, here.

Sweet Jesus, no. I would never have the intestinal fortitude for heroism. I humbly admire and respect those that can.

Have you ever lost a piece of jewelry?
Yes. My wedding ring disappeared after moving house. 

Have you ever performed CPR in a real situation?

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