Have you ever...

Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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No but fallen in a frozen creek ... more of a how fast can you get out if the water

Have you ever fallen and jumped up quick hoping nobody seen you ?
God, no - that would be horrifying!

Have you ever gotten a popcorn kernel stuck on the roof of your mouth?
I don't eat too much popcorn... but I think I have.

Have you ever forgotten what year it is?
Danielle said:

Have you ever gone skinny dipping?

Wow that's amazing. When I clicked the link for this thread I was going to ask the question Have you ever gone skinny dipping.
What are the chances of that happening again I wonder. 

Oh and yes I have  :D

Have you ever been caught in a rip current?

Have you ever been stuck in an elevator with a 6'4 claustrophobic guy dressed as Santa?
yes, many! :)

Have you ever skydived and got disappointed because your only hope to feel adrenaline now is to go on a space trip (however that would happen)?
Most likely. Have you ever failed miserably with something everyone seems to think is as easy as breathing? (If so, do not despair, you are not alone :p )
Depends on the 'something', I guess. Hard to say.

Have you ever participated in a Mischief Night?
Nope. Been to very few weddings as even a guest.

Have you ever thrown water on a neighbor's barking dog to silence it ?
No - but I joked about cooking a neighbours dog that barked about 24/7 XD

Have you ever been to a LARP? Roleplays can get a pass too, me guesses.
I don't know what that is, so I am going to say no.

Have you ever said let someone cut in front of you in a store line?

Have you ever planted a tree,nurtured it and received fruits from it?

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