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Nice Nin

Nov 3, 2011
Reaction score
Hi everyone,

I'm new to the site, and from what I can see so far, what a great site it is.

I'm a 38 year old woman from Dublin, although I live in London most of the time now. I came to the realisation only recently that so many of the things I've done in life have been because of loneliness, but I haven't been aware of that.

I was born to very overprotective parents, and I have one sibling, a really nasty person who hasn't spoken to me since 2005. I have six first cousins, three of whom want nothing to do with me because of a family dispute in another quarter; the other three are a lot younger and live completely their own lives.

I've never had a proper partner, and lost my virginity at age 36 to an acquaintance whom I had to blatantly ask. I have always found it difficult to make friends and started going to counselling after being constantly excluded from everything in university. The handful of "friends" I did make would always answer "no" when I asked them to do things. For years now I eat out, holiday and go to concerts alone.

I can't even do that much now; I worked for myself for many years but my business folded in the recession and I've been on benefits for almost three years. I am terrified of the future. No one cares whether I live or die - genuinely.

I think people with poor family structures from the beginning will always find things much harder than others, no matter how much you take the initiative in your own life. I hate my relatives for hating me, an innocent and kind person. I've given serious consideration recently to changing my name by deed poll, to finally draw a mental line under situations and structures that at this stage cannot change, and forge out a completely new identity.

It's weird because I care about things so much less now, on a practical, realistic level (as opposed to a depressed one), and I have learned not to bother extending myself to others. It is somewhat comforting to know I'm not alone in this - but none of us deserve this in the first instance.

Much love

Hey Nin ... Welcome to the forum... great to have you here! :D
Hi, Nin, and welcome. Im sure you can find a bit of support here. There are so many wonderful people on this forum.
Thank you very much for your kind words. I look forward to being an active member here, particularly as Christmas is a very difficult time.


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