Hello from the UK

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Welcome here, I am not here as much as I would like, I sometimes feel the rapport I have with some people on this forum is more real than the ones I actually have face to face. Am also from UK, but from a city, oddly I feel less lonely when I get out to the coast/country and there is nobody around for miles!
I think sometimes when you're in a busy city or town environment it can make you feel more isolated and alone than in a more rural one from being apart form the people around you. In the countryside you don't see many people so you think about it less.
Hey and welcome. You had mentioned you play some video games what types of games are you into?
Various really, I suppose mainly action/adventure, and role playing games but also other types. Some of my favourite games are The Last of Us, Red Dead Redemption, Deus Ex; Human Revolution, Spec ops: The Line, Shadow of the Colossus, Papers Please, the Zelda series, Ratchet and Clank ..and so on. Quite a lot really :) what about you?
Yeah those are my favorites too RPG and adventure games. Im actually that crazy dude that collects them, dont laugh at my insanity but i actually got over 4000 games lol. Got a little database and crap i call the dorkabase so i can remmeber what i got. I mainly play on PC though i wish last of us and red dead would come to PC both of those look amazing. Speaking of zelda i been playing this old series lately called Ys its kinda like zelda you mgiht like it, check it out if youve never heard of it. But im gonna warn you the bosses will make you want to pull your hair out and throw your controller through the window lol.
Heh 'Dorkabase' - I like it. I'm not a collector but I do hold onto pretty much everything I've ever bought so I've still got my gameboy and its games. I remember when Oblivion came out for the PC and I was going to become more of a PC Gamer at that point and got a beefy PC (at the time) to play it. But then there was a push for online gaming which I wasn't as keen on so I went back to consoles. I don't think there's anyway The Last of Us will come to PC unfortunately but in a way I'm surprised Red Dead Redemption hasn't as the GTA games are released on PC.

I've heard of Ys - but I'm only aware of its name so I'll look it up. Hopefully I wouldn't rage at the bosses, I've played the Souls games and the angriest I've been was playing Dark Souls 2 when I was having weird controller input issues where the d-pad would occassionally flash a bunch and sometimes randomly change things. I was fighting a boss when this caused my character to decide to put her shield away causing my death. I calmly quit the game, put my controller down, and unplugged my playstation before launching into a tirade of swearing ;P
Katerina said:
Heh 'Dorkabase' - I like it. I'm not a collector but I do hold onto pretty much everything I've ever bought so I've still got my gameboy and its games. I remember when Oblivion came out for the PC and I was going to become more of a PC Gamer at that point and got a beefy PC (at the time) to play it. But then there was a push for online gaming which I wasn't as keen on so I went back to consoles. I don't think there's anyway The Last of Us will come to PC unfortunately but in a way I'm surprised Red Dead Redemption hasn't as the GTA games are released on PC.

I've heard of Ys - but I'm only aware of its name so I'll look it up. Hopefully I wouldn't rage at the bosses, I've played the Souls games and the angriest I've been was playing Dark Souls 2 when I was having weird controller input issues where the d-pad would occassionally flash a bunch and sometimes randomly change things. I was fighting a boss when this caused my character to decide to put her shield away causing my death. I calmly quit the game, put my controller down, and unplugged my playstation before launching into a tirade of swearing ;P

Lol you sound like me, i try to be calm but sometimes those games can really piss you off. If you do play Ys id just skip the 1 and 2 chronicles thing unless you really wanna play something old school, theres not even an attack button you just go around bumping into enemies its really weird but its "kinda" fun once you get used to it.But the oath in felghana one the one im on now it has an attack button and its not too bad its actually pretty fun, but its really cartoony graphics. I heard alot of people really liked darksouls, i got it but i still have as of yet to play it, so many games so little time. I realized at some point im going to be dead before i play them all, oh well lol. Maybe i can find a ressurection shrine. Because yeah thats not creepy at all a zombie living in your house playing video games........
I've just been looking up Ys - seems there are quite a few of them and I was wondering if there's any backstory someone would need to know first? I get the impression that it wouldn't matter that much I don't know for sure.

Dark Souls is interesting, often challenging and can be a little stressful at times too (eg invasions). I'm planning on going back to the the first game so I can play through the DLC but it's quite a trek to get to that point in the game. What games are you playing at the moment?
Theres actually a backstory but it wont really win any awards or anything. They actually made an anime but its like eightys style and i dont know if you even like anime, its like 11 episodes i think, i actually watched it the other day because "yes im that bored" lol .It was actually a pretty decent story but kinda cheesy at times. Then the second book as its called was a little better a little darker and different art style.

Heres the anime if you do decide to watch it.


The games themselves though theyre all self contained so other than a few basic references in them you wouldnt miss much,if u skipped the first two but i would play them in order if you decide to. As far as games right now im trying to play through all the Ys series like i said and then im not really sure, like i said ive got so many i cant really decide. Thats the worst thing about having a lot of games is its overwhelming of what to play next

If you want a summary this guy wrote most of it up and its pretty accurate, but just dont read the rest past 1 and 2nd parts .

Thanks for the links. I've never really watched anime, closest I've gotten was Grave of the Fireflies movie which was really good mind.

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