Here I go again ✈️ Alone and Lonley

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I agree with ace that he has a very good income so he can be ultra fussy, why should he share his wealth with just anyone, or some lazy or stupid person who relies on him to provide for them instead of doing it themselves?
Why are you assuming everyone who makes less than someone else is a gold digger out to use them for their money?
Do you know what is sad! 😥😥😥😥none of this is about money or success, who cares, this is about my lonely life.
Do you know what is sad! 😥😥😥😥none of this is about money or success, who cares, this is about my lonely life.
That's the thing though, if you cut people out that aren't as rich or successful as you, you leave out a lot of good people who could potentially be your best friend or perfect match.
Wow... I got my degree in Human Services to work for non-profits and help people and it took a lot of work and dedication and volunteering... but, I'm not rich. LOLOL
Not going to say I disagree with you guys about hard work in business, but I do disagree about "luck" in life in general. May not be luck, may call it fate or happen-stance. All my boys played soccer and were goooooooodddd.... but I remember my middle one coming to me at some point asking if I thought he could go professional. So, I told him the truth as I saw it: You can work your ass off, I can send you to every clinic I can afford, you can play travel league, but it will all come down to IF a scout sees you. Now, could we have made that happen? This was before "social media" and online was SO prevalent. I'm just saying, positive outlook and hardwork and dedication aren't always ALL that it takes.

Just like calories in = calories out doesn't work for people with thyroid issues or Hashimoto's.

I am low-key over here chuckling at ya'lls outlook on life. I was a mid-level income raised military brat. Now, I'm prior military and make my living helping others.... but, apparently, because I don't have as good of a lifestyle as someone else, I haven't "bothered"?!? LOLOL

I know you guys don't MEAN it like that but maybe don't lump EVERYone who doesn't have your wealth or success in one big turd pile of "haven't worked hard" their whole life.
I worked 14 hour days building pallets to prepare for deployments during the Gulf War. I made about $15/hr with two small boys at daycare I was paying for while trying to make sure we didn't starve....
For the love of God, if anyone thanks me for my service while I'm on this rant, I will surely block them... LOLOL

I'm asking you guys nicely to think about how your phrasing things while you're "wondering" why you don't have many friends.....

Love each other....
HumanKind.... be both
Thank you for your service 😂😂😂 I'm dead
You said you can't sight see and are confined to the hotel. Are you confined to your room? Does the hotels have pools or bars or whatever?
No not the room just the hotel, there are just so many Steam Rooms and Jacuzzi you can do, bars are for certain countries, in Saudi Arabia you technically drink in your hotel but still illegal so I don't, I don't trust the authorities or give them an excuse to arrest me, you can be used as a political porn. in others countries there are bars obviously but that can be another issue 😂😂 previously I have just laid down when the alarm went of 😂 thank fully I get driven around, I don't know where I'm going
Why are you assuming everyone who makes less than someone else is a gold digger out to use them for their money?
Why do you assume I don't know what I am talking about and have not experienced this first hand many times? Why do you assume I mean everyone? Ive got some very good friends who are not like that and are poor. Like you know me, my past and my life far better than me? Unrealistic and arrogant. Ive met loads of them who were clearly after the money. You are not in that position and have never been in that situation so it is ridiculous for you to say you know about it.

ANYWAY what is the point of falling in love with someone you have very little, if anything, in common with? If you work much harder than them that is a huge gap straight away. And if it is not your money they are after what is it? If it is your smile etc they can go to a poor unemployed person for that, why must it come with money attached to it?

Why are you lonely? You find fault with others as if you are perfect yet here you are using the same forum and you don't have the excuse of being too busy flying back and forth all over the World with business meetings or working till 11 pm seven days a week for years. What is your reason?

I am now putting YOU on ignore as I have better things to do with my time than explain myself as if I am being interrogated by the gestapo. Get a life. And stop being an introverted snob who finds fault with anyone who is not like them.
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No not the room just the hotel, there are just so many Steam Rooms and Jacuzzi you can do, bars are for certain countries, in Saudi Arabia you technically drink in your hotel but still illegal so I don't, I don't trust the authorities or give them an excuse to arrest me, you can be used as a political porn. in others countries there are bars obviously but that can be another issue 😂😂 previously I have just laid down when the alarm went of 😂 thank fully I get driven around, I don't know where I'm going
Ace - most of the people here will never understand your situation or mine, it is wasting your time to explain it. You don't need to justify your past or your choices. Apparently you can find ways to go from rags to riches and end up employing loads of people, with a phd degree, but someone who has never accomplished any of that has a far better idea of you and your life and what you should do than you have.
Do you know what is sad! 😥😥😥😥none of this is about money or success, who cares, this is about my lonely life.
And people who don't understand your situation. I understand that if you spend most of your waking hours working, and/or travelling to and from work, it is much more difficult. How can they understand that if they spend most of their time on social media and have never had the responsibilities you have? Your situation is part or all of why you are lonely.
No not the room just the hotel, there are just so many Steam Rooms and Jacuzzi you can do, bars are for certain countries, in Saudi Arabia you technically drink in your hotel but still illegal so I don't, I don't trust the authorities or give them an excuse to arrest me, you can be used as a political porn. in others countries there are bars obviously but that can be another issue 😂😂 previously I have just laid down when the alarm went of 😂 thank fully I get driven around, I don't know where I'm going
I'm not saying you have to drink. What I'm saying is that there are bound to be people in the hotels that you could get to know. You can literally find friends anywhere, you just have to talk to people. Hell, even the person driving you around could turn into your best friend.
But yeah, I'm just an "introverted snob" so what do I know. Except I'm not introverted or a snob because I talk to anyone and everyone wherever I go. People are people to me, regardless of what kind of background they have.
At the same time, I never felt like much was possible for me because I never felt particularly good at anything either.
You gave me some good insights on another thread.
So you are absolutely good at something. I am sure many other things as well.

@sparkyn98 and others gave some good ones on that same thread as well.
Thanks all!

I'm in a souless marriage
Sorry to hear that. When I read these types of things it makes me realize that being single ain't so terrible.

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