Here's a thought for ya boys

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Lol.... the Oedipus Complex, yes i really don't see that as a truth in my life......But when observing others it seems that it can be true..personaly no

Nice Guy's
In General=Have a higher sense of morality, and a higher sense of others. What is gained via this is the ability to manipulate others in both good and bad ways, and a form of shyness of rejection due to seeing it much more clearly then those who live in the majority stream and date cause there lonely.
Ver 1.(A.K.A.=Kind Guys)=those who care what others think about them, those who have friends and random aquentinces come to them for advice or just to talk to them so they can vent there problems(mind you in doing so no matter who you are this will impact you in some little way(aka see so much sadness/discomfort/loneliness/etc...)that it takes you closer to it). The guy who has the misfortune of meeting madam cute and nice and then basicly become big brother to help them through there dating problems
Ver 2.(The Bad Man Ver)=Uses higher sense of self and others to manipulate others for his or her own good. And in doing so becomes and A@@.

I Ver 1. just to make that clear......

And not to say girls don't make a move but they don't make a move with the nice guys usually. Nice girls help the nice guys,,cause all in all they are more shy if they a Ver 1. Nice guy.
Fogot Ver 1. also has slight shyness to extreme shyness.
Drake said:
can't sleep again :p up thinking about what I always think about...women. so I get to looking through posts, and I've come to the realization that the majority of guys on hear are the same. we're caring, willing to listen, just want to be loved and return that love, want to make a girl feel specieal...right? bottom line, we're nice guys, most of you more so than me. well what's that saying? nice guys finish last lol. why are so many good guys sitting on a forum begging for love and affection from women? because we're too nice, that's my opinion. look at all the ******** out there with gorgeous girl friends who get treated like **** then come cry to people like cant tell me you dont know what I'm talking about, I'm sure you see it everywhere just like I do. it's because they dont think of us as anything but a friend, cause again..we're TOO nice. am I going to change? no lol, I'm a softy, and it makes me feel good about myself to act that way but it's obviously not working for a lot of us now is it? well I realized this kinda sounded, stupid, and like rambling, but I'm going to post it anyway cause I dont really care right now. hopefully this thread will get some good responses and get you thinking about how you're living, you can turn into an ******* and have all the women you want ;)

You are lame, actually not nice and **** ain't funny.:club:
I did not give out my MSN to you for you to give it out to random people.
Drake said:
can't sleep again :p up thinking about what I always think about...women. so I get to looking through posts, and I've come to the realization that the majority of guys on hear are the same. we're caring, willing to listen, just want to be loved and return that love, want to make a girl feel specieal...right? bottom line, we're nice guys, most of you more so than me. well what's that saying? nice guys finish last lol. why are so many good guys sitting on a forum begging for love and affection from women? because we're too nice, that's my opinion. look at all the ******** out there with gorgeous girl friends who get treated like **** then come cry to people like cant tell me you dont know what I'm talking about, I'm sure you see it everywhere just like I do. it's because they dont think of us as anything but a friend, cause again..we're TOO nice. am I going to change? no lol, I'm a softy, and it makes me feel good about myself to act that way but it's obviously not working for a lot of us now is it? well I realized this kinda sounded, stupid, and like rambling, but I'm going to post it anyway cause I dont really care right now. hopefully this thread will get some good responses and get you thinking about how you're living, you can turn into an ******* and have all the women you want ;)

So you're saying nice guys are only good for emotional support,
mmmm...I mean tampons.[youtube]tLRmE5NzlCI[/youtube]
I don't know if anyone ever thought of how we sometimes may be tricked by the azzholes. I thought my guy was really great when we met, but after a couple of years, I saw his true colors. He even told me later on that he pretended to be something he wasn't just to get me. How can you see that coming? You think, 'hey, here's a nice guy and he really cares and makes me happy.' Then, he turns into monster from the deep.
Irishdoll said:
I don't know if anyone ever thought of how we sometimes may be tricked by the azzholes. I thought my guy was really great when we met, but after a couple of years, I saw his true colors. He even told me later on that he pretended to be something he wasn't just to get me. How can you see that coming? You think, 'hey, here's a nice guy and he really cares and makes me happy.' Then, he turns into monster from the deep.

Yeah and all us real nice guys take the hits from it. :(
Irishdoll, having fallen foul of a psychopath in the past i know exactely where your coming from
We have no chance, just study the signs, learn from what happened and unfortunately put up more higher, stronger emotional barriers for protection, I find cynicism a wonderful tool in my armoury lol

I'm a fortress these days, those that do penetrate (*behave) have a long haul before i relax and let my emotions go

which really really doesn't help the nice guys get close, catch22 or summat like that
I disagree silence kid, haha indifference just kills everything in your life including yourself. Trust me on that. Well, basically, its not true that girls in general like bad guys, its just that girls like confident guys which of cause most bad guys are. On the other hand, good guys being good guys, sometimes lack self esteem and confidence. I still think we should not treat our partner like crap, I mean if you do, why love her in the first place?
Just wanted to elaborate on what Rebel001 said about women choosing men who are like their fathers and vice versa. Since Drake's (and all nice guys :|) argument is that women prefer bad boys, wouldn't this mean that all fathers are ********? My logic is that since we tend to go for mates modeled after our parents, that would mean that girls who go for ******** had ******** for fathers. Therefore, women aren't simply choosing to be with ********, there just aren't simply any "good guys" out there. Good guy is essentially just a meaningless phrase guys without girlfriends use to protect their egos. Once these guys find mates, and have children, and their daughters eventually end up dating ********, they will realize that she only chose an ******* because they were merely going after what they've always known. give it up "good guys" you don't really exist.
sidenote: I always end up with ******** (and not the beer guzzling wife-beating kind, but just the insensitive indifferent kind, which is almost all guys) because my dad is an *******. it's like the case against god, if I don't have physical proof that he exists, then I must conclude that he doesn't. case closed.
noname said:
Just wanted to elaborate on what Rebel001 said about women choosing men who are like their fathers and vice versa. Since Drake's (and all nice guys :|) argument is that women prefer bad boys, wouldn't this mean that all fathers are ********? My logic is that since we tend to go for mates modeled after our parents, that would mean that girls who go for ******** had ******** for fathers. Therefore, women aren't simply choosing to be with ********, there just aren't simply any "good guys" out there. Good guy is essentially just a meaningless phrase guys without girlfriends use to protect their egos. Once these guys find mates, and have children, and their daughters eventually end up dating ********, they will realize that she only chose an ******* because they were merely going after what they've always known. give it up "good guys" you don't really exist.
sidenote: I always end up with ******** (and not the beer guzzling wife-beating kind, but just the insensitive indifferent kind, which is almost all guys) because my dad is an *******. it's like the case against god, if I don't have physical proof that he exists, then I must conclude that he doesn't. case closed. you're getting in dysfunctional or growing up in a
dysfunctional home.

It's bascailly like animals or bird has instinks.
Animals will migrate or bird will fly south during winter.
Some animals will migrate back to thier place of birth or home.

The only differnent in humans is...humans don't fly home for
the winter. Humans bring home to
It other can take a girl out of the hood but
you can't take the hood out of the

There's help avaliable for men and women that's been
in abusive relationships or had been abused as children.

Please seek out and reach out for help.
Do rereach on this matter.
Yes...there's a damn elephant in the living room.

There is healing, there is breaking the cycle of abuse.
Millions of men and women have had go on to live a happier/healthier
Lonesome Crow said:
It other can take a girl out of the hood but
you can't take the hood out of the

Ummm, are you calling me ghetto??:S

Btw, didn't mean to sound so angry in my last post calling men ********, but you know some of you are:p And apologies to my father. He's not an *******, just doesn't understand proper human interaction. Is it his fault, still undecided.

The fact of the matter is, there is a little good and a little bad in everyone. Yes there are sets of personality traits associated with the good guy and bad boy, but in general, I think every man has his good and bad sides. The reason why I say good guys don't really exist is because in my experience with men (friends included), I've never encountered one that's completely all around good the way self-described good guys put it. You meet a "shy" guy but behind your back he's chatting with 10 other girls online (don't get any ideas Lonesome Crow, this hasn't happened to me) Or you find a guy that's always opening doors for you and paying for dinner, but then he expects certain sexual acts in return (this either, just examples) There's just always something. But guys will be guys, it's just a matter of finding someone with a little more good than bad.
No, I'm not calling you ghetto. It was just an analogy.
I lived a couple of years of my life in the slums of a thrid world contry as a child, I'm not ashame.

I remember reading as similar quote ....
There's a little bit of bad in the best of us and there's a little bit if good in the worst of us.
I'm not really into eastern religion but that's what the yin and yan symbol also represent.

mmmm ideas ???
Don't worry...I rather do juggling in person than cyber space anytime.
Well, I usually open doors for women and bring them flowers....that' just good manners.
Sometimes women will take me out to dinner and we'll have sex after too.
How a woman wants me to please her is of private matters. I don't kiss and tell.
I don't belive all women are the same, as all men are not the same.

Being ACOA, I had my fair share of being abused, mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritaully.
No...I didn't grow up in a trailer park. I lived on the rich side of town. My father was a successful bussinessman.
Nope..nothing like Ozzy and Harriate. It was more like walking on eggshells all the time.
Looking good on the outside and all ****** up on the inside.

As a teenager or a youngman, I thought I grow out of that dyfunctional.
I look like any typical guy and did the things any typical young man would do.

The problem came up and bit me in the ass.
I didn't know or relized how much all that dysfunctional effected me.
(in more ways than I could ever imagined)
Heck, I didn't even know the term " dysfunctional " .

Pretty strange that my ex-gf is an alcoholic..though.
Also my ex-wife could drink like a fish and can be one mean bitch.
After all..... I wanted to run away from home as a kid to get away from it....wierd.

I spent most of my adult life trying to understand it.
There's help avaliable...if I reach out.

I still love my father very much.

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