From what I've heard about ghosts sometimes I think I'd have even more fun being dead then being alive.
Read a couple chapters of this. \/ There are ghosts everywhere. Take some acid or mushrooms and you might actually see them. (30 years among the dead)
Inter-Relationship of the Two Worlds ................................................................................ 2
Psychical Research............................................................................................................ 12
Subconscious Mind and Auto-Suggestion Hypotheses Untenable ................................... 18
Earth Sphere Conditions and the Magnetic Aura.............................................................. 48
Tormenting Spirits & Marriage Disturbances ................................................................... 73
Spirits and Crime............................................................................................................... 93
Spirits and Suicide........................................................................................................... 108
Spirits and Narcotics, Inebriety, Amnesia....................................................................... 128
Psychic Invalidism.......................................................................................................... 157
Orphans ........................................................................................................................... 175
Materialism and Indifference .......................................................................................... 190
Selfishness....................................................................................................................... 214
Orthodoxy........................................................................................................................ 244
Christian Science............................................................................................................. 277
Theosophy ....................................................................................................................... 301
Philosophy....................................................................................................................... 323
Conclusion....................................................................................................................... 350
The reality of an invisible world surrounding the physical world is for many difficult to
comprehend, since the mind sphere is often limited to the visible and tangible; however,
it requires but little thought to realize the constant change of matter as it occurs in three
forms, solid, liquid and gaseous, in its range back and forth between the visible and
invisible. Visible nature is but the invisible, the Real, made manifest through a combination of its
elements; science informs us that fully ninety-five per cent of vegetation is derived out of
the air, or atmosphere. Is not mankind living at the bottom of an invisible ocean, the
atmosphere, which is even more important to physical existence than any of the visible
physical substances, since life can continue but a few moments out of it?
Nitrogen gas, constituting the greater bulk of the atmosphere, enters vitally into
vegetable and animal growth and existence. Hydrogen and oxygen gases are constantly
changing from a state of invisible vapor to visible and solid form. Carbon offers another
example of similar transformation. Sounds, odors, the thermic law of heat and cold. and
multitudes of other phenomena, ranging from the infinitesimal electron to the energy
which moves the planets and suns, are all intangible, invisible factors.
All activities, whether chemical, vital or mental, operate invisibly, as observed in
chemical affinity, in energy, in plant life, in animal life, in intelligence and mentalization.
So in every department of our manifest physical nature it is evident that all elements have
their root and permanence in the invisible. The invisible is the source of the visible.
Thus when we realize that the objective is only a combination of invisible substances
and forces, the existence of an unseen world is readily comprehensible. Considering the
wonderful advancement of science into the field of nature's finer forces, it is
inconceivable that any thinking mind can fail to recognize the rationale of the
independent existence of the human spirit apart for the physical body. No subject has
been better authenticated through the ages and in all literature than that of spirit existence
and a future life.
Fiske, the historian, says: “Among all races of men, as far as can now be determined,
ancestor worship” (contact with the spirits of the departed) “was the earliest form of
worship . . . prevailing in Africa, Asia, China, Japan, among the Aryans of Europe and
the American Indian tribes.”
Allen, in his “History of Civilization” writes: “Rude tribes the world over are found to
have ideas of a human soul, a spirit world, and generally a belief in immortality. Savages
consider the next life simply a continuation of this; they also recognize an other self
which has mysterious powers. Death is the abandoning of the body by this mysterious
other self, which is conceived of as still existing in the near neighborhood. The loves
and hates of this world are transferred to the spirit world.”
Confucius said: “Bemoan not the departed with excessive grief. The dead are devoted
and faithful friends; they are ever associated with us.”
The writers of classic times – Socrates, Herodotus, Sophocles, Euripides, Plato,
Aristotle, Horace, Virgil, Plutarch, Josephus, Maximus of Tyre - repeatedly refer to spirit
existence as a well known fact. Cicero wrote: “Is not almost all heaven filled with the
human? Those very gods themselves had their original here below, and ascended from
hence into heaven.”
Those who have progressed to the higher spirit world ever endeavor to enlighten these
earthbound spirits, but the latter, due to preconceptions concerning the hereafter, labor
under the delusion that the departed are “dead,” or are “ghosts,” and often refuse to
recognize their friends or to realize their own condition.
Many are in a state of heavy sleep, others are lost or confused; troubled minds may be
haunted by fear of the strange darkness, those conscience stricken suffer in anguish or
remorse for their, earth conduct; some, impelled by selfish or evil inclinations, seek an
outlet for their tendencies, remaining in this condition until these destructive desires are
outgrown, when the soul cries out for understanding and light, and progressed spirits are
able to reach them and aid them.
Lacking physical bodies through which to carry out earthly propensities many
discarnate intelligences are attracted to the magnetic light which emanates from mortals,
and, consciously or unconsciously, attach themselves to these magnetic auras, finding an
avenue of expression through influencing, obsessing or possessing human beings. Such
obtruding spirits influence susceptible sensitives with their thoughts, impart their own
emotions to them, weaken their will power and often control their actions, producing
great distress, mental confusion and suffering.
The influence of these discarnate entities is the cause of many of the inexplicable and
obscure events of earth life and of a large part of the world's misery. Purity of life and
motive, or high intellectuality, do not necessarily offer protection from obsession;
recognition and knowledge of these problems are the only safeguards.
The physical conditions permitting this impingement are varied; such encroachment is
often due to a natural and predisposed susceptibility, a depleted nervous system, or
sudden shock. Physical derangements are conducive to obsession, for when the vital
forces are lowered less resistance is offered and intruding spirits are allowed easy access,
although often neither mortal nor spirit is conscious of the presence of the other.
This encroachment alters the characteristics of the sensitive, resulting in a seemingly
changed personality, sometimes simulating multiple or dissociated personalities, and
frequently causes apparent insanity, varying in degree from a simple mental aberration to,
and including, all types of dementia, hysteria, epilepsy, melancholia, shell shock,
kleptomania, idiocy, religious and suicidal mania, as well as amnesia, psychic invalidism,
dipsomania, immorality, functional bestiality, atrocities, and other forms of criminality.
Humanity is surrounded by the thought influence of millions of discarnate beings, who
have not yet arrived at a full realization of life's higher purposes. A recognition of this
fact accounts for a great portion of unbidden thoughts, emotions, strange forebodings,
gloomy moods, irritabilities, unreasonable impulses, irrational outbursts of temper,
uncontrollable infatuations and countless other mental vagaries.