Hi, I'm Hush

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New member
Jul 12, 2010
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I'm not sure what I am doing here, guess I'll find out.

I am lonely. Sometimes I hate it, sometimes I need it but I don't understand it.

I find people exhaust me, I'm in a World full of cheats and liars, money makers and fiends. I don't relate to this World, I'm really not a fan. I left home (runaway I guess) at 16 and never spoke to my family again.

I used to have God, but I was young and naive. Now I have, as I do with everything, studied, investigated and dissected every aspect of God, the Human ID and life I have found nothing worth having.

I used to be pretty angry at the World, but that has been replaced with disappointment.

Now, I go to work, keep myself to myself, come home and play my guitar, write, read and find any form of escape.

I can't form relationships with people because I don't get them and they don't get me. I see suffering on a daily basis, all around the World and - at the risk of being contrived, feel their pain. What hurts me more is humanity and their inability to resolve it.

I don't want to 'sort myself out first'. I am the sane one, it's the rest of the World that's crazy.

So I am looking for other people like me, other people who get where I am coming from.

I am lonely but it is self imposed. I'm not a weirdo, I'm not a goth, I am a good looking guy with a big heart. I'm not stupid or self centered (although slightly arrogant) and have a good head on my shoulders. I don't want to kill myself and never have those kind of thoughts.

I want to find an island and lvie there with other people who, I dunno, 'get me'. But after so long, I am pretty convinced I am on my own.

This is a last attempt to find other people. Through the internet of all places.

Anyway, that's me. I am a mess from an outside point of view. I am alone from an inside point of view.

I hope this doesn't come across as being too much of a douche. Considering I spend so much time writing, I'm really not good at this kind of stuff.

Thanks for reading.

Welcome to the site.
Hush said:
I used to have God, but I was young and naive. Now I have, as I do with everything, studied, investigated and dissected every aspect of God, the Human ID and life I have found nothing worth having.

I find it hard to believe that you've analyzed EVERYTHING about God, the human condition, life, etc... No one human (or group, really) has the ability to do so, IMHO. These concepts are larger than that, perhaps unable to be understood or analyzed.

But welcome to the site. :) I hope you enjoy it here.
Hush said:
I am lonely. Sometimes I hate it, sometimes I need it but I don't understand it.

Now, I go to work, keep myself to myself, come home and play my guitar, write, read and find any form of escape.

Hi -
Welcome to feeling like a human... and you pretty much describe my days too, except I come home and play the violin :)
Nice to meet you, I'm new here too!


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