Gardening is a big thing for me. I discovered it about 4 or 5 year's ago, rebelling against a very Rock n Roll lifestyle. Frolicking with Mother Nature, is immeasurably pleasurable.Potting, planting, nurturing, and watching them grow. If only people were so easy.
Within a less obstructive week, I can lose hours just pottering. I step outside with the intent of maybe a single simple task, then suddenly hours have passed, and I might have several dozen various cuttings.
My tiny house is surrounded with pots, as I don't have a formal garden. Every inch around the house, every windowsill, is filled with plants.
I have absolutely loved learning about them, often through trial and error. Plus the experiments of mixing colours and textures, and predicting seasonal blooms. I even love the occasioned work maintaining it all.
Bizarrely, prior to my discovery, never in my wildest dreams did I think that I would succumb to gardening. And yet, here I am, taking Mother Nature up the back alley and beyond.
Blooming marvellous!