How can I get women to approach me?

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okay..this had been the pattern I've notice when women asked me out.
I swear to freaken god, I'd never want anything to do with women again. :p
Bascailly I was sort of dating 3-4 other women or partying with them all the time
and that cuased some insanity in my life.

I had just gotten arrested the night before becuase I had gotten in a bar fight over a freaken chick.
The next day, I swear to myself "NO MORE WOMEN"...:p
So, a couple of hours later to went to a rec center instead of the damn bar..lmao My wife asked me out.
I like that...I thought she was a very kind, sweet, beautiful woman. I'm kind of proud that the woman I fell in love with
and married, I didn't meet in a

When Jenni askeD me out or to have dinner with her...I was on my way out the door from my office.
Usually I wouldn't pick up the phone after 5 pm. For some reason I did that day.
I havn't spoken to Jenni in over 3 months.
I had been separated from my ex-gf for over 6 months...Bascailly I thought women were retarded at that time.
Bascailly...I could live without them. I had been living alone and was single. And I was really enjoying my life
at that time.

Onetime I was sitting outside of a art and craft center just minding my own bussiness...
A women came up to me and gave me her phone number

Onetime I was carry stuff for a woman...just being polite becuase the boxes were heavy.
She gave me her phone number after we spoke a little bit....

Obviously women don't hit on me or ask me out everyday.
But when women approched me usually at the piont in time or mind set was...
I could careless if I had a GF or NOT. I just went about my own bussiness.
I was actaully enjoying my life doing what I wanted to do and women weren't my dominate attention.
I was happy with who I was. I didn't have alot of enternal contraversies.
I was easy going. I had male friends and female friends.
I was also living an active life style ..meaning I was always doing something and enjoying my life.
I seldom set around and wonder what the hell was wrong with me or life in general.
I went out partying or hung out with my friends whether they were male or female and I luagh and joked
around a lot. I didn't take life too seriously or wasn't uptight about whatever the ****.
I didn't make a total scene or drawed too much attention to myself...bascailly i didn't really gave a rats
ass what anyone thought about me...I was too bussied enjoying myself to even worried about that.
So in so many ways I wasn't faking my self confidence. It was a natural part of me without me
having to think about it.

I alway kept myself clean or had good highgenes. I was polite and repected women.
Sometimes I have casual converstations with women and never thought too much
about if she wanted go out with me or not...My mind set wasn't in that mode.

This is why when women approch me or actaully ask me's always unexpected.
Becuase I didn't expect her to ask me out. Bascailly the women that asked me out
cuaght me on the fly when I was bussied just living and enjoying my life.... far as dating or me approching women or asking them out.
I had an opportunity to experinces that between long term relationships.
I however had to work through a lot of issues or had to get pass/over my GF.
It took over 6 months for me to get through that.
Bascailly my sponsor got sick and tired of me whining to him about how life sucks becuase all i did
was went to work and came home. He bascailly made me date or ask me to start asking women out.

I thought it was retarded and I had to face a lot of fears becuase it had been a while since I was single.
I asked a couple of women out at first...I got totally rejected. Then I'd call my sponsor and wined about it.
He encouraged me to keep on asking women out. So for around a month I'd ask women out that I didn't even know
with no results. I did it anyway inspite of what I felt. It was like home work or a project to
I got used to getting rejected. It didn't bother me after a while. Approching women became easier and easier.
I bascailly had an Oh freaken well attitude and it wasn't the end of the world if a woman said no to me.
They were bacailly strangers i didn't know to begin with....

One time I was attending a convention at a big dance. Thousands of people in attendance. I had serval women
approched me and made small talk. That was cool...
Anyway, during the dance there was a beautiful babe..No one was asking her to dance or spoke to her...
Bascailly she was stundingly beautiful. My sponsee was also asking me how in the hell can he get a girl.
I had to put money where my mouth is...and showed him.
I bascailly went and asked that beautiful woman to dance and she said yes...I got her number and all that good stuff.

So a couple of weeks later i finally managed to get dates...However I got stood up a couple of times.
The first time I got stood up ...I called my sponsor and wined..lmao
The second still ****** with me...however I decided to attend the concert by myself.
I also knew I was capiable of being with a totally hawt babe becuase my ex-wife is a very beautiful woman...
I also knew I was capiable of asking a totally hawt babe out becuase I did it at the dance.

So i kept on trying...I lost counted of how many women I asked out.

Oneday I was having a casual conversation with a couple twice as old as i was.
Then they introduce me to thier duaghter...She was tatally hawt.
I just started talking to her and asked her to have dinner and movie with me. She said yes. We went out that same night.
Her parents gave me a hug that same night before we went on our date..I've had never spoken to the couple beforethat night.
She and I are friends today. She hugs me everytime she sees me in public or passing.

A month later...some of the women i asked out started calling me...
Bascailly I started dating 4-5 women at the sametime.
Eventaully I had to stop doing that and only date one woman, which I form and build a long term relationship with.

What i'm saying was a process in itself. I went from having anxieties of asking women out, to getting rejected,
to getting stood up, to asking the prettiest girl in the room out, to dating multiple women..

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