LeaningIntoTheMuse said:
Vanilla, not that I'm disagreeing with you, but there have been numerous studies on this that prove my point.
And in the animal kingdom, it is true. We are animals.
There's too many variables in the way humans react for those studies to ring true for everyone. Not saying that it's not the case at all, but it's not true for everyone. There's good, predictable people as well as bad, predictable people. Then there are good, unpredictable people, and bad, unpredictable.
For example (and this isn't to argue with you, I'm just simply putting my thoughts out there), a husband/boyfriend comes home from work and beats his wife/girlfriend. It's predictable, because she expects it nearly every night. Is it good? No, certainly not.
Say you have a girlfriend, who on a whim tells you to get dressed, you two are going out. And she takes you to the place that you've always wanted to go, but just never have. Or she takes you to your favorite place - a restaurant, Disney World, Niagra Falls... Was it predictable? No. Surely when you woke up that morning, you didn't expect to be in a place you love. Was it bad? I wouldn't think so.
It's not always so cut/paste/dry, and I personally think studies are quite irrelevant to dictate behaviors. Just because the majorities of them find that one particular way is the most common path, doesn't mean it is always the only path.
Edit: Run, haha! That's kind of cute.