How clumsy are you?

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So, I'm known to be a major klutz and I always seem to injure myself weekly. I have no idea how I do these things. They just happen!

This week:
1. I managed to somehow smash my hand in the door at the doctor's office. My finger started bleeding and everything. Good thing I was already at the dr :p

2. I was opening something with scissors and when I was done, somehow managed to cut my finger with the scissors. The one right next to the one I smashed in the door.

3. Today I was flossing and a cut my gum with the floss. Now it's hurty and swollen.

Anyone else super clumsy?
i am consistantly clumsy haha.

^^^^^^ Sean, I trip on sidewalks too! also curbs, and completely flat surfaces for that matter. haha. good times. :)
ouch sound painful tehdreamer and sean

well im very clumsy actually
i got bruises to prove it cos it seem that i always bumping myself into things.
when i was really young, i was at my second cousin house, she had this weird cat and i didnt like cats that much apart from my nans. anyway, we were on the sofa as my mum was drinking tea then the cat moved and it made me jump that i knocked into mum and she spilled hot tea over me. i remembered everyone saying i am so clumsy!
I occasionally run in to furniture. By occasionally I mean at least once a day. And if it's less than 6 feet tall, I'm guaranteed to hit my head on it.

I'm also not allowed to play with power tools. And I drop things quite frequently. And last week, I shocked the piss out of myself because I tried to unbend a prong on a power plug without unplugging it first :(

I hope it's comforting to you all that I work in emergency services and will soon be allowed to stick people with needles.
You sound just like me. I'm so ungraceful, this week I actually tripped and fell in public on an uneven sidewalk :( I've always got bruises, at the moment my right leg is covered in them from my stumble, from knocking against an exposed nail while moving furniture, and from kneeing the coffee table.
I'm a total klutz...I think my shadow has evil tendencies and trips me though... :D
I am sort of clumsy. I would never attempt to dance, or something mortifying like that.
When I was a little kid and every time I went to pee and lifted the seat up, it fell down, on my head. It was old-style heavier wooden seat.
I am also extremely clumsy.... I too trip on side walks.. curbs... etc... I also walk into walls, push doors when it says pull.. those kinds of things... oh yeah... i drop everything too.

I'm Smmmmoooth! :p

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