how did you guys find this forum & what do you get from here?

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Found it through Google. I was looking for forums like this since I don't have any kind of social life at all in real life and only have 3 online friends who I talked to every 2 or 3 weeks, and this forum seemed fairly active and friendly so I joined.
I found it through Yahoo some years back (I refuse to use Google). It was nice to find the forum but I do hate that the people here have the forum searchable via internet search engines. It's ok for them to find the forum but allowing them to spider their way through everyone posts, usernames, and pictures makes this place a not-so-safe place to post things.
Yup. I'm pretty sure that most of my online gaming friends and in person friends have figured out that I visit this place. I should have used a different username than what I always use. At least they pretend not to know.

I joined after the second time I withdrew from university. I'd gone full NEET mode and was extremely lonely. A few people here have been my greatest source of support for a long time now. Not sure where I'd be without them. A lot worse off than now that's for sure.
I joined in the same way as the guy in post #7. It's amazing just how often I agree with him.

I'm not sure what I actually get from this place. It's comfortable, I guess. I've made a couple of decent friends and that's all I really wanted when I originally joined.
I was active on a similar forum for several years, but it had been going downhill for a long time, and eventually I just had enough of its ******** and left. Several months later though, I kinda felt the urge to vent, ask advice and so on again, and an online friend said that they'd heard of this site but never joined. I gave it a go.

I haven't really been active long enough or interacted with any users enough to figure out exactly what I gain or want to gain from here. Just a place to vent and ask and give advice for now.
I think I found this forum after Googling some question about attraction and loneliness. It was around the time I'd just been turned down by that girl that was the source of a lot of my angry posts, and I wanted to figure out why I never seemed to get anywhere with women in my entire life. It was also around the same time that my activity on that other forum I was on, was winding down. So I made an account, created a thread and here I am.

There's been some things (and people) on the forum that have caused me as much anger as my childhood bullies.

But there's also been people that I've met here who give me just as much good feelings as my offline friends.

Overall I like being able to talk to people who relate to what I'm talking about, who are more approachable than people who have had an easy time socializing and fitting in all their lives, and having the space to open up about things here without worrying about making a bad impression, because we all have our own stories, we know that socializing and dating and life in general is hard. So that's been a good thing.
I was stumbling around online looking to connect with people. This was the only site that welcomed me without needing a photo or any real personal information.

I get to slow motion interact with others sometimes. But, mostly it's a place for me to post things that makes me laugh.
Photo IDs weren't needed then?
Ooooh, I'm an old lurker.
It gives me a place to put my head for a bit.
I suppose I get out of forums what people get out of the utility of a journal mixed with the option for interacting with others.
In the late 90s was really when I first got introduced to forums. Although, they certainly aren't in abundance like that anymore.
I miss the variety of the old internet days sometimes, back before MySpace ever existed. Forums were considerably more commonplace back then.
Okay, I'll admit though, I definitely don't miss 32K and 56K dial up connections. 😂😅
I apologize for going off track here, but I do sort of miss them.

Sorry, back on topic.

Kids today don't know about that sound. 😂
I mean, at least the download speeds are better than they used to be.
I definitely don't miss waiting nearly a whole day just to watch a five minute video.
I can't remember how I found this forum. But I know what I get from here. I get the chance to be myself and express my thoughts in a safe and friendly environment. I love it.

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