How do i forger her?

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Oct 27, 2012
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My relationship with one girl was over 2 months ago, and i can't forget her i still miss her and always thinking on her. I'v tryed to forget her but i can't. Yesterday i was on a party and she was there and we were together for 30 mins or more, she was drunk a little and i was carying for her and i told her that she miss me a lot and she looked me with sad face and she kissed me in my cheek. Soo i can't forget her and i want to forget her, so what should i do ?
You may never forget her completely (we all remember the one that broke our heart), but over time the pain will become less. The best thing to do right now is find something to occupy your time (a hobby would be a good start), and keep an eye out for someone new (but don't force it, don't settle just so you are with someone). If you start to think about her, remember her faults as well - and think to yourself "I don't want the next girl to be ________".
I'm teen and in my school im bored and there's no way chanse to not to thing of her. i spend 7 hours in my school which those 7 hours are boring. I don't know what should i do but it's so hard
theraab said:
You may never forget her completely (we all remember the one that broke our heart), but over time the pain will become less. The best thing to do right now is find something to occupy your time (a hobby would be a good start), and keep an eye out for someone new (but don't force it, don't settle just so you are with someone). If you start to think about her, remember her faults as well - and think to yourself "I don't want the next girl to be ________".
You cannot forget her!

Knowing and remembering what you had before makes you a better person for today.. You learn and you have to go through hard stuff to do this :x

Trying to forget will probably only prolong the difficult feelings for longer. Embrace how you feel and try not to be afraid to show it on the surface.

Head up : )
Reminds me of that chicago song hard habbit to break. Im not going to ******** you, your not going to forget her right away. She's going to be stuck in your head for a long time. You can only numb it a little each day by taking up a hobby or even go on a long walk away from everyone like a forest and listen to alot of music. Best way you can do this if you can't think of her just pretend too.
Focus on something else. You said that school is boring - does that mean that you've aced every subject? If not, then try to do that. You're not as perfect as you think you are.
The school is not boring but the friends i have there are boring, i hate them and i dont want to talk with them. Those kids making my life hard, their mind thinks just for fighting and some others things that i hate it. But the best way to forget her is to find another girl that i will not love her or wait for time healer.
IgnoredOne said:
Focus on something else. You said that school is boring - does that mean that you've aced every subject? If not, then try to do that. You're not as perfect as you think you are.

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